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Kerry Won! (but not really) (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 14, 2004
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Pacific Northwest US
Ah, and the spin goes on and on and on and..well you get the idea. The left has began (or maybe continued?) a ground swell of blogs and letter's to the editor's across the country all pointing to voter fraud This time it's in, you guessed it, Ohio. I've had e-mails from friend and foe alike trying to get me to see it their way. Kerry really won, No Bush, without question, won this time. Most of these e-mails, ok all of them, come with an attached article or whatever proving they're right. Well I don't know what happend and I sure wish we weren't headed for another four years of Bush policy. But everything I looked into says he won. Period. Hate to say it but every one of these "Kerry really won" claims I've looked into don't pan out. Here's an article that I think basically says the same in a nut shell:


I've said it before on here: wanting something to be true-won't make it true.
Say this was correct about Ohio. (WP down for maint right now, can't see full editorial)

Doesn't Bush have 296 EC?

Ohio is only worth 20.

Need 270.

Wouldn't that make Ohio irrelivant?
vauge said:
Say this was correct about Ohio. (WP down for maint right now, can't see full editorial)

Doesn't Bush have 296 EC?

Ohio is only worth 20.

Need 270.

Wouldn't that make Ohio irrelivant?
I think Ohio is relivant. As of right now the count is at 286 Bush 252 Kerry. http://www.usconstitution.net/ev_2004.html The 20 in Ohio would switch it. But the article I'm quoting is saying that basically all these theories suck. It says in part:

"Each of the claims is buoyed by enough statistics and analysis to sound plausible. In some instances, the theories are coming from respected sources -- college engineering professors fascinated by voting technology, Internet journalists, election reform activists. Ultimately, none of the most popular theories holds up to close scrutiny. And the people who most stand to benefit from the conspiracy theories -- the Kerry campaign and the Democratic National Committee -- are not biting."

So I think the left has got two chances to turn it around now- Slim and none and Slim's left town. But that's not stopping them from demanding a recount in Ohio. Hell even Nadar's now demanding a recount in several states. Does he think he's going to suddenly gain, say, 49.5% of the vote in some cases?

Not sure where I pulled 296 from... :eek:ops

But, that is a well written article in the WP. Dan Keating, that same (co author) sounds sooo familiar but I can't seem to find anything about him.

The dems are playing it safe buy not screaming to the public. Else they would have an even bigger mess on thier hands.
vauge said:

Not sure where I pulled 296 from... :eek:ops

But, that is a well written article in the WP. Dan Keating, that same (co author) sounds sooo familiar but I can't seem to find anything about him.

The dems are playing it safe buy not screaming to the public. Else they would have an even bigger mess on thier hands.
Yes, playing it safe by letting others do the dirty work. Don't you think? I mean hasn't that become the "American" way in politics of late? When Bush wants to ,say, bash McCain he doesn't do it out right he gets others to do it for him and then claims "I had nothing to do with that." Same thing with the Swift Boat Sleeze- Had nothing to do do with it. Now the Deb's are merely doing the same damn thing. "Hey see if you can get us just a few more votes in Ohio (and let's be completely honest, we sceam from the mountain tops about honesty and voter integrity- but we really don't care how you do it), but don't make it look like we're involved, in fact publicly we'll claim no responsiblity." "Can you do that?" "You can?" "Gee, thanks for your help, Sen. Kerry appreicates your support." I can hear the phone call/e-mail now.

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