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Kerry Tries Faith to win Undecided Voters (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Source: News Max

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. -- Democrat John Kerry on Sunday tried to persuade late-deciding voters that they can put their faith in his leadership by describing the values and beliefs that he says have guided him and would shape his presidency.

Kerry said the Bible - and the American dream - says society must take care of its most vulnerable members, but in many ways that test is not being met under the country's current leadership. And he responded to some leaders of the Catholic church who have criticized his support of abortion rights and stem cell research.

[font=arial, helvetica] "I love my Church. I respect the Bishops, but I respectfully disagree," said Kerry. "My task, as I see it ... is not to write every doctrine into law. That is not possible or right in a pluralistic society. But my faith does give me values to live by and to apply to the decisions that I make."
I will not argue the fact that he loves his church, but doesn't this show that he lacks the courage of his convictions?

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