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Kerry quote on Terrorists in NYTIMES (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
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Libertarian - Right
‘’We have to get back to the place we were, where terrorists are not the focus of our lives, but they’re a nuisance,'’ Kerry said. ‘’As a former law-enforcement person, I know we’re never going to end prostitution. We’re never going to end illegal gambling. But we’re going to reduce it, organized crime, to a level where it isn’t on the rise. It isn’t threatening people’s lives every day, and fundamentally, it’s something that you continue to fight, but it’s not threatening the fabric of your life."

OMG, Kerry just wants to SLOW down the terrorists?
We need to kick their ass out of existance!

He is truely a sick man
Slowing down is a good a stop to ending as killing people who wern't even terrorist in the first place. (ahem IRAQ)
vauge said:
‘’We have to get back to the place we were, where terrorists are not the focus of our lives, but they’re a nuisance,'’ Kerry said. ‘’As a former law-enforcement person, I know we’re never going to end prostitution. We’re never going to end illegal gambling. But we’re going to reduce it, organized crime, to a level where it isn’t on the rise. It isn’t threatening people’s lives every day, and fundamentally, it’s something that you continue to fight, but it’s not threatening the fabric of your life."

OMG, Kerry just wants to SLOW down the terrorists?
We need to kick their ass out of existance!

He is truely a sick man
...and you're truly deluded if you don't see the truth in what he said. Stomping the terrorists out of existence was the strategy employed by Britain in northern Ireland and has been the strategy of Isreal. I got news for ya man. It doesn't work real well. Blowing up cities just makes more terrorists.
Wow OK now you misinterpretted that. He concedes that terrorism will always be a problem, but he wants to CONTAIN it as only a nusiance and not a big problem.

Here is the non-partisan report on those words and their relation to GWB's idea on that same concept


Go there.
vauge said:
‘’We have to get back to the place we were, where terrorists are not the focus of our lives, but they’re a nuisance,'’ Kerry said. ‘’As a former law-enforcement person, I know we’re never going to end prostitution. We’re never going to end illegal gambling. But we’re going to reduce it, organized crime, to a level where it isn’t on the rise. It isn’t threatening people’s lives every day, and fundamentally, it’s something that you continue to fight, but it’s not threatening the fabric of your life."

OMG, Kerry just wants to SLOW down the terrorists?
We need to kick their ass out of existance!

He is truely a sick man

Well, I don't know how it is in your neck of the woods, but where I am it looks pretty much as if the terrorists have already won and without doing anything at all. We have been taken over by a security corporation, and as far as the eye can see there are Jersey Barriers, metal detectors and gendarmarie of all varieties. You feel like a criminal just walking down the street and a visit to an art museum is like a visit to the CIA. If every terrorist on the face of the earth were to vanish, this newly hatched vested interest would remain and persist indefinitely. The Park Service has just decided that they want to fence off the Jefferson Memorial and close every parking space anywhere near it, making it almost impossible to reach. The Capitol Police have a big hole in the front plaza where they are constructing a tourist corral , aka "Tourist Center", and of course you can't park anywhere near there, either. The White House is now located at 1600 H St., since 1600 Pennsylvania Ave no longer exists.

The whole big obnoxious effort, you realize, does provide some slight protection in a relatively small area and for a relatively small number of "indispensible" people. Where I live I see the occasional police cruiser. A suicide bomber could pick his spot and time.

Ya know what, though? This doesn't worry me a bit. I'd rather take the infinitesimal risk than put up with living in a police state.

We've just had this tragedy with the CL2 released as a result of a train crash. Nine people dead and maybe more badly injured. However, people are coping; the wreakage is being cleaned up; and life will go on. Calm prevails. Imagine the furor and hysteria if that had been caused by a terrorist attack.

What Kerry is saying is get this thing in perpective, folks. Do a little cost benefit analysis. Is buying a little illusory safety worth your freedom?
"Wow OK now you misinterpretted that. He concedes that terrorism will always be a problem, but he wants to CONTAIN it as only a nusiance and not a big problem."

What exactly is a NUSIANCE terrorists attacking embassies in other countries and not attacking New York. There is no such thing as a nusiance when it comes to terrorism. Any terrorism is bad.

"Stomping the terrorists out of existence was the strategy employed by Britain in northern Ireland and has been the strategy of Isreal. I got news for ya man. It doesn't work real well. Blowing up cities just makes more terrorists."

What does stop terrorism? Not being so hard on 'em? Yea, let's just give them a break and calm down. The only way to stop terrorism is to play to win. We got to go all out. As for blowing up cities... yes, there has been mistakes in the Iraq war and innocent people have died. But its not like we just say, "hey, lets drop a bomb on this city and blow everyone up." More terrorists are going to die than be made. You'll see, in a year's time, terrorism might become a nusiance. HAHAHA.
**SIGH** you just argue to hear yourself argue. A nusiance of terrorism would be thwarted attacks that inconvinence people but do no harm. Think before you spittle out some nonsensical arguments just because I'm not a Republican.
"**SIGH** you just argue to hear yourself argue. A nusiance of terrorism would be thwarted attacks that inconvinence people but do no harm. Think before you spittle out some nonsensical arguments just because I'm not a Republican."

I don't think that is what Kerry meant by nusiance. He went on to saying that he wanted to lower the level of terrorism just like the level of organized crime. Organized crime still happens right? Just like the nusiance of terrorism would mean that terrorists attacks still occur but aren't as bad. All organized crime and prostitution cannot be stopped, just like Kerry was showing that he is not strong enough to stop terrorism. Terrorism is the most serious issue today and treating it just like any other crime won't stop it.

You should just admit that Kerry was wrong for saying that. It probaly cost him some votes, and it should have. He really didn't come off as a strong leader with that quote, and that's what he needed to do the most.

I'm willing to admit that Bush shouldn't of said that we can't win the war on terror, it was a stupid thing to say. I, however, know what he meant by it. He was just saying that the terrorist were not willing to give up. That quote probally hurt him some also.

And for your info...Yes I do get into arguments just to hear myself argue. I'm man enough to at least admit that. I also get into arguments to get my point of view across to other people. I don't, however, argue just because the other person is not a republican. I am really sorry if I hurt your feelings, but get over it. :rolleyes:
pwo said:
I don't think that is what Kerry meant by nusiance. He went on to saying that he wanted to lower the level of terrorism just like the level of organized crime. Organized crime still happens right? Just like the nusiance of terrorism would mean that terrorists attacks still occur but aren't as bad. All organized crime and prostitution cannot be stopped, just like Kerry was showing that he is not strong enough to stop terrorism. Terrorism is the most serious issue today and treating it just like any other crime won't stop it.

So, are you saying that because there is still organized crime, any president is "not strong enough" because that occurs? I'd say a nuisance would be an attempted terrorists attacked thwarted by the FBI, causing someone's flight to Chicago late an hour. That's an nusiance. To put it in the words of the comedian I can't remember...

You can't fight a war on terrorism, that would be like fighting a war on jealousy.
I wasn't comparing terrorism to organized crime, Kerry was. Terrorism may be hard to stop but that doesn't mean that we should give up on it, like Kerry suggests. He compared it to prostitution. Can we stop prostitution? No, but it doesn't effect as many people. Its just a nusiance. It seems as if Kerry suggested that he didn't want to(or couldn't) stop terrorism. Just slow it down so it doesn't kill as many people.
See you read that and immediately jump to conclusions because you bought into the propoganda of the republican party that Kerry would be a "weak" president. You go fight in Nam and tell me if your weak or not. (And the Swift Boat Vets are a big pill of dog shit so please do not reference them).

He isn't "comparing" them to organized crime and prostitution. Let me put it in more simple context. Lets say the color blue burns people's eyes out. You can remove as much of the color blue as possible, but there will always be blue. So what do you do? Get rid of as much blue as you can in order to prevent it from being a problem.

The same concept. There's always going to be terrorism. The only way you can get rid of terrorism is if you blow up the whole world. Good luck with that one.

Stop always looking for the negatives, President Bush pretty much said the same thing.
Ok, it is obvious that I'm not going to convince you that Kerry made a stupid statement. (off subject: how did i reference the swift boat guys? I don't care about them. How Kerry acted in the early 70's has nothing to do with the present. Just like Kerry fighting in Vietnam doesn't automatically make him the best candidate for president.) You are wrong he was "comparing" terroism to prostitution and organized crime. He was saying that he wanted to deal with terrorism like he dealt with organized crime. READ THE QUOTE. Also, you know very well that if the color blue burned out people's eyes we would not just accept it. We would do everything in our power to solve the problem. Such is terrorism. I know that solving terrorism is hard, but we cant accept it as a nusiance. We have to do everything in our power to stop it. Be optimistic, because getting your eyes burned out sucks.
LOL Rhad.

Personally I think its naiive to think we can stop terrorism for good. First of all, you can't STOP a concept. That doesn't make any sense. LETS STOP HAPPINESS EVERYONE! Happiness is ruining our town! Bwharharhar! Not going to happen. Both he and the president conceded that fact and BOTH wanted to bring it down to a "nusiance." Clearly your anti-Kerry bias stands in the way of seeing this.
Concept: a general notion or idea.
Webster's Dictionary

Terrorism is not a concept. The hatred that causes terrorism is and if people want to hate then you can't stop them from hating you. You can, however, stop terrorist from killing. No one said it would be easy but it is possible. Bush DOES NOT want to bring it to a nusiance, he wants to stomp it out. Ya know, Kerry could have meant a lot of things by what he said. But everyone read that quote and thought the same thing that I did: Kerry does not know how to deal with terrorism. Heyjoeo, I bet you thought the same thing for half a second, then thought "No not Kerry, not the guy I'm voting for, no, he must of meant something else by it. I know, by nusiance he meant inconvenience. Your liberal bias has not allowed you to except what most people have. It was a stupid thing for Kerry to say. I am willing to say that Bush souldn't have said we can't win the war on terror. You, my friend, are the one who is blinded. :naughty
Terrorism will never end as long as there is diversity on the world. Some radicals will use violence in hatred against those who defy their beliefs. Even Bush stated that the war on terror is unwinnable.
Yes of course my liberal bias. Yet I linked up there earlier to a nonbiased source up there that completely agrees with me.
BAGA! (That's japenese for idiot :p)
hey heyjoeo, will you do me a huge favor and go back and read the link that you are referring to. The article was saying that an RNC Ad was misquoting Kerry by saying he said he though terrorism was only a nusiance "right now". Giving the impression that Kerry doesn't think that terrorism is an important issue. The ad didn't however say what Kerry meant by nusiance. So please explain how they agreed with you. In my eyes they were just talking about the RNC ad.

By the way, your Japanesse is very impressive. If you know anymore cool words let me know. I am going to start saying Baga. Wow, I guess you learn something new everyday.

"Terrorism will never end as long as there is diversity on the world. Some radicals will use violence in hatred against those who defy their beliefs. Even Bush stated that the war on terror is unwinnable."

Yes, some extremist will use violence right, but we can stop the level of violence by killing as many of their leaders as possible, stoping them from getting dangerous weapons, and destroying the networks from which they communicate. Notice that I use the word "extremist" because that is just what terrorist are. There are many people in the world that don't like Americans, but not anywhere close enough to the point of wanting to kill us. In places like Iraq it is important to keep a good image while taking out the terrorist leaders. Over time, this will cause the number of terrorist to dramatically drop. Someday, they might become extinct.
As good as we are at war we will still hurt inccocent people. Children will be orphans and live on the streets because the U.S. killed his parents with a napalm bomb. Who is he going to hate? Terrorism provides a good channel for his want for revenge so we will be creating people who already dislike us into a people who have a reason to hate us. If terrorism was hard before to defend then this escalation will provide doubly hard for us now.
To add to what liberal1 said.

Going to war with Iraq is not a good step in defeating terrorism. If you want to to take something down you must destroy it's infustructure. To take down a country you destroy it's economic base. Its farms, its power plants, its factories. But since terrorism has none of these things you must destroy the only infustructure avalaible. The terrorist organisations, such as Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda was not dealt much of a blow when we invaded Iraq. In fact we helped Al Qaeda more than we hindered it. By creating that hate against Americans we gave them more people that would join their cause. We should have tried to strike into the heart of Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden. We dragged Saddam out of his spider hole but Osama is still out there somewhere. Bush used 9-11 to take controle of Iraq. What he should have been doing was puting all of his resorces into finding Osama.
Don't say we havn't hurt Al queda. We have killed most of there leaders, destroyed all of there training camps, and kept Osama on the run. Terrorism may not have farms, power plants, or factories. They do, however, have communication, training, and finance. We have done a good job hurting these resources. I am a strong believer that we have killed more terrorists than we have created. Hey, you know what is not a good idea? Using all of our resources to find Osama. Yeah, let's send all of those troops to the afghan/pakistan border to look for Osama, they would be like sitting ducks in the tough terrain. We a definatly better off with a few specialists than thousands of troops. I mean, come on!!!

To liberal1:
As for the kids whose parents were killed. Hopefully they will have family to look after them and tell them about how America saved them from a dictator and how many years later they will be able to vote and have a free mind. I do believe that good will come out of this, over time.

P.S. What's up with the napalm bombs. Do we still acually use those. That's so vietnam.
Have we done such a great job? Terrorism is formed wherever there is hate, terror, and bloodshed. Go find an atlas.
I suspect that most Iraqis just want to live in peace, and aren't all that enchanted with the idea of freedom.
"I suspect that most Iraqis just want to live in peace, and aren't all that enchanted with the idea of freedom."
Kenneth T. Cornelius

They sure as hell weren't living in peace under Saddam.​

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