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Kerry, Edwards Blast Bush (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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Two Democrats who might seek the White House again in 2008 criticized
President Bush for his response to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, assailing the suspension of wage laws while urging a concerted effort to aid the poor.

Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts and former Sen.
John Edwards spoke separately Monday on the government's handling of the catastrophe and on the broader issue of poverty in the United States.

In a blistering critique, Kerry said former
Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Michael Brown was to Hurricane Katrina "what Paul Bremer is to peace in Iraq; what George Tenet is to 'slam dunk intelligence'; ... what
George Bush is to 'Mission Accomplished' and 'Wanted Dead or Alive.' ... The bottom line is simple: The 'we'll do whatever it takes' administration doesn't have what it takes to get the job done."

I sure as hell hope Kerry doesn't try to run in '08.

In an interview after his speech, Kerry said: "What the president has done with FEMA has degraded it, politicized its responsibilities. It's irresponsible."

"If the Great Depression brought forth Hoovervilles, these trailer towns may someday be known as Bushvilles," Edwards told an audience at the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank in Washington.

The former North Carolina senator criticized Bush for suspending the 1931 Davis-Bacon Act that sets wages for workers on federal contracts. Democrats contend the waiver will allow lower pay.

"When the only shot many people have is a good job rebuilding New Orleans, the president intervened to suspend prevailing wage laws so his contractor friends can cut wages for a hard day's work," Edwards said.

Are these two really planning on running again in '08? :doh
Oh those terrible people! Attacking a political opponent! Omg. . . who in the world does that! What planet are they from?

I wish you would stop posting this bullshit. Why don't you keep tabs on all the **** that Bush does also? So at least its fair.
FinnMacCool said:
Oh those terrible people! Attacking a political opponent! Omg. . . who in the world does that! What planet are they from?

I wish you would stop posting this bullshit. Why don't you keep tabs on all the **** that Bush does also? So at least its fair.
I post about Bush too. They can criticize all they want aslong as Kerry doesn't try to run for president again. :lol: They should maybe pick someone who actually wants to win.
FinnMacCool said:
Oh those terrible people! Attacking a political opponent! Omg. . . who in the world does that! What planet are they from?

I wish you would stop posting this bullshit. Why don't you keep tabs on all the **** that Bush does also? So at least its fair.

If there was any substance to what they were saying then it might have some bearing. As it is it's just like the campaign they ran, lots of baseless critisism but nothing constructive to say. People see through that garbage but I guess they just haven't learned.
mwi said:
“This is the Katrina administration,” read prepared remarks posted on 2004 Democratic presidential nominee’s website, www.johnkerry.com. “Katrina is a symbol of all this administration does and doesn't do,” read Kerry’s script, portions of which were included in an e-mail to supporters that ended with a fundraising appeal."


OUTRAGEOUS that he would use the suffering of others to try and raise money. When will the Democrats ever learn?
scottyz said:
They can criticize all they want aslong as Kerry doesn't try to run for president again.
Gore didn't try it again. I doubt Kerry will either. If so, he won't get the nomination.
If the left want to win the next election they better find someone better to run... if he is to run at all.

I personally cant stand Kerry, but I WOULD vote democrat.
Federal troops aren't the only ones looking for bodies on the Gulf Coast. On Sept. 9, Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions called his old law professor Harold Apolinsky, co-author of Sessions' legislation repealing the federal estate tax, which was encountering sudden resistance on the Hill. Sessions had an idea to revitalize their cause, which he left on Apolinsky's voice mail: "[Arizona Sen.] Jon Kyl and I were talking about the estate tax. If we knew anybody that owned a business that lost life in the storm, that would be something we could push back with."

Your response to this was:

Stinger said:
Isn't this exactly what the leglislation is geared for. A business owner who perhaps perished in the storm and now his estate will be taxed at 60% leaving his family with less than they otherwise would have recieved perhaps having to sell what assets are left. Why shouldn't it be pointed out?

Kerry asked for campaign donations in an e-mail (criticizing this administration's handling of Katrina) to supporters and your response was:

Stinger said:
OUTRAGEOUS that he would use the suffering of others to try and raise money. When will the Democrats ever learn?

You are too funny....ROTFLMFAO :lol:
What's that?

Sounds like the irrational shrieking of loser Democrats left behind repeatedly by the voters.

As usual, Kerry has his finger pointing in all the wrong directions and his head lodged firmly into his own rectum.

Louisiana Democrats screwed the pooch on Katrina just like they do anywhere people are stupid enough to trust them with power-like California, where the Governor wrecked the economy so bad the Governator had to be brought in. On the other hand, when problems arise in states where Republicans are in charge-like NY city on 9/11 with Guiliani and Pataki-the response is masterful.
aquapub said:
On the other hand, when problems arise in states where Republicans are in charge-like NY city on 9/11 with Guiliani and Pataki-the response is masterful.
Are you really foolish enough to think the WTC's destruction and Katrina are in any way comparable disasters?
Batman said:
Gore didn't try it again. I doubt Kerry will either. If so, he won't get the nomination.

Agreed. I like John Kerry, but I doubt he will pass the primaries.
Batman said:
Gore didn't try it again. I doubt Kerry will either. If so, he won't get the nomination.
I don't think Kerry even tried the first time. :rofl When he should have been out campaigning in the last days of the election he instead was windsurfing :doh .
scottyz said:
I don't think Kerry even tried the first time. :rofl When he should have been out campaigning in the last days of the election he instead was windsurfing :doh .

O man, when the Twin towers were attacked, Bush was reading a book to grade-schoolers.:rofl
Stinger said:
If there was any substance to what they were saying then it might have some bearing. As it is it's just like the campaign they ran, lots of baseless critisism but nothing constructive to say. People see through that garbage but I guess they just haven't learned.

Dems don't have to learn or do anything! Bush all by himself is making sure that people will NOT vote for a Republican President for some time to come!:2wave: :2party:
taxpayer said:
Dems don't have to learn or do anything! Bush all by himself is making sure that people will NOT vote for a Republican President for some time to come!:2wave: :2party:
I like this post...

It reminds me of when Michal Moore spoke of "Payback Tuesday" in 2002, when he said that this country was going to make the Republicans pay for stealing the 2000 election by voting Democrat in the midterm elections...

Anybody remember how THAT turned out?:cool:
cnredd said:
I like this post...

It reminds me of when Michal Moore spoke of "Payback Tuesday" in 2002, when he said that this country was going to make the Republicans pay for stealing the 2000 election by voting Democrat in the midterm elections...

Anybody remember how THAT turned out?:cool:

Nobody ever acused the slight majority of Americans of being the smartest people on earth. When you have Karl Rove spin your rhetoric into basically saying that if you don't vote for me you hate God and support terrorist your average un-informed suburbonite will vote for anyone they put on tv waving a flag.
Wyldinstinct said:
Nobody ever acused the slight majority of Americans of being the smartest people on earth. When you have Karl Rove spin your rhetoric into basically saying that if you don't vote for me you hate God and support terrorist your average un-informed suburbonite will vote for anyone they put on tv waving a flag.
Ahhhh...so that's it....If the people don't vote for whom ever you want, then they are stupid...

I assume that if the 3% went the other way in the last election they would've immediately become "the smartest people on earth"?

That's the logic I ask you to resume...Keep telling the people how dumb they are and maybe one day the'll wake up and agree with you. One day even YOU might wake up and realize the dogpoop isn't on everyone else's shoes...

From a personal standpoint, I didn't get the "I hate God & I support terrorism" thing when I voted...does that make me too dumb to understand that they thought I was too dumb?:roll:

I see the rhetoric...and it's not Rove's...
cnredd said:
Ahhhh...so that's it....If the people don't vote for whom ever you want, then they are stupid...

I assume that if the 3% went the other way in the last election they would've immediately become "the smartest people on earth"?

That's the logic I ask you to resume...Keep telling the people how dumb they are and maybe one day the'll wake up and agree with you. One day even YOU might wake up and realize the dogpoop isn't on everyone else's shoes...
They don't certainly don't have to agree with me on everything. But I wish they would have taken a harder look at what the first 4 years of this administration gave us and made what imo would have been a better choice. Sure, I read the paper, and watch the news. I check out these forums and try to get different information from different sources on the internet. I do my best to remain objective until I can form a solid opinion. No, I haven't walked a mile in Bush's shoes, but I can damn sure interpret what I see going on around me due to his actions and compare that to what I saw in previous administrations. As far as people go, the particulars of my occupation require me to talk to about 30 different random people across the country everyday. That's a little over 6000 people a year on my 4 day work week. I feel like I have reasonably sensative finger on the pulse of America. Unfortunatly, I've found that the majority of everyday joe-citizens are close-minded, un-prepared, and un-informed. The worst part about it is, they don't seem to care. These are the people that get hyped up for 1 week a year, catch an ABC news special, and go vote. Real issues don't seem to matter anymore. Whoever has the best sales pitch wins. Sure, I loved Clinton. I'm glad he was our president. But he just happened to have a better sales pitch than daddy Bush and Dole. The people on this forum are great. Whether I agree with them or not, I appreciate someone who's taken the time to research an opinion and try to prove it. I appreciate people that try to inform themselves and speak passionately about what they feel is right. That's why I'm here. If the more people in America took the time like we do to try to debate and understand issues, America would be a better place and would be better governed. We wouldn't be the smartest people on earth....or would we?

cnredd said:
From a personal standpoint, I didn't get the "I hate God & I support terrorism" thing when I voted
Sense imo Bush didn't have much substance to speak about, he spoke alot about defending America, seeking out our enemies (you're doing a great job Brownie, now that you have some free time, maybe you could go find Osama), and being motivated by God. He (Rove) made it seem (to me) that Kerry was against all these things, thereby implying that Kerry won't defend America, seek out our enemies or listen to God (aw shucks). [/QUOTE]

cnredd said:
...does that make me too dumb to understand that they thought I was too dumb?:roll:

Well. Although I don't know you well enough to personally asses your intelligence, I think you formed an opinion and voted. I'm sure you have different values than I do. Maybe you like they way Bush makes you feel and what he does for you. But, opinions are like... you know the rest.

cnredd said:
I see the rhetoric...and it's not Rove's...

Wish i did have rhetoric like Roves, maybe I could balance out all the lives he's ruined.
Originally posted by Wyldinstinct
you could go find Osama

HAHA, that's funny, I believe he said something like this, "I don't care were Osama is"-- What a jackass. Why would he say such a thing? And you can't say he's not interested in revenge? Some say he dethroned Saddam simply because he tried to kill daddy.
He said something like "well we don't where he is and frankly I'm not too concerned."

THis is the part of the thread where a conservative will come in and tell me how I'm taking that quote out of context and he really does care even though he said he didn't.

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