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Kerry did worse at Yale than Bush! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 21, 2005
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New York, NY
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative

In 1999, The New Yorker published a transcript indicating that Bush had received a cumulative score of 77 for his first three years at Yale and a roughly similar average under a non-numerical rating system during his senior year.

Kerry, who graduated two years before Bush, got a cumulative 76 for his four years, according to a transcript that Kerry sent to the Navy when he was applying for officer training school. He received four D's in his freshman year out of 10 courses, but improved his average in later years.

The transcript shows that Kerry's freshman-year average was 71. He scored a 61 in geology, a 63 and 68 in two history classes, and a 69 in political science. His top score was a 79, in another political science course. Another of his strongest efforts, a 77, came in French class.

Under Yale's grading system in effect at the time, grades between 90 and 100 equaled an A, 80-89 a B, 70-79 a C, 60 to 69 a D, and anything below that was a failing grade. In addition to Kerry's four D's in his freshman year, he received one D in his sophomore year. He did not fail any courses.

''I always told my Dad that D stood for distinction," Kerry said yesterday in a written response to questions, noting that he has previously acknowledged that he spent a lot of time learning to fly instead of focusing on his studies.

Kerry's weak grades came despite years of education at some of the world's most elite prep schools, ranging from Fessenden School in Massachusetts to St. Paul's School in New Hampshire.

Kerry gradually improved his grades, averaging 81 in his senior year. His highest single grade was an 89, for a political science class in his senior year

Bush went to Yale from 1964 to 1968; his highest grades were 88s in anthropology, history, and philosophy, according to The New Yorker article. He received one D in his four years, a 69 in astronomy. Bush has said he was a C student.

Thank god we didn't elect someone DUMB to the presidency...if Bush was so bad, I shudder to think of what Kerry would have been like...
RightatNYU said:
Thank god we didn't elect someone DUMB to the presidency...if Bush was so bad, I shudder to think of what Kerry would have been like...
Can't they both be dumb? :lol:
No, no, no, RightAtNYU, George W. Bush is a moron. You can't believe all that. There must've been some Republican operative working at Yale during Bush's attendance to fix up those grades so he could look decent when he ran for President. How else would you explain his ability to receive an MBA from Harvard Business School, or be able to fly a fighter jet that is so intricate in mechanics and techonolgy that the only way Bush could learn all that is by flying a jet that was controlled by remote from the ground? Haven't you learned, RightAtNYU? George W. Bush is dumb.

And besides, Kerry is "nuanced" and "well-refined." So he's no dummy. And that same Republican operative probably fixed Kerry's grades to make him look bad.
RightatNYU said:
=) hehehehe.

I read that as well. I guess the people touting Kerry as an intellectual were
who cares, either way you would of voted in 2004 we would of been screwed. We should of had Nader as president
Shye said:
who cares, either way you would of voted in 2004 we would of been screwed. We should of had Nader as president

HAVE...not OF...

would "have" voted...not would "of" voted...
Shye said:
who cares, either way you would of voted in 2004 we would of been screwed. We should of had Nader as president

Now just go out and convince another 60 million people and you'll be all set.
It's just a mistake where people took hypocricy, a lack of integrity, the inability to listen, the lack of will to even attempt to represent half of the country,

So why do people think Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Edwards, John Kerry, etc. are smart? You haven't eliminated them with the above description. Speaking of hypocrisy pot, kettle is holding for you on line two. Something about you being black. Would you like me to take a message? ;)
Kevin Johnson said:
So why do people think Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Edwards, John Kerry, etc. are smart? You haven't eliminated them with the above description. Speaking of hypocrisy pot, kettle is holding for you on line two. Something about you being black. Would you like me to take a message? ;)

John Kerry was thought to be smart because he was able to hold his own in a debate. Ted Kennedy, well, he is a Kennedy and people basically automatically think he is smart (and actually so do I, but I hate Kerry). Clinton. Dude, taht guy is a freaking genius, don't bash on Clinton. The guy went to Georgetown and was in their school for foreign service, which I might add, is one of the most presitgious schools in the country that has churned out some great people. Would you like me to take a message? Oh, wait, did you know that Clinton, each time he met someone, wrote down their name and something about them and kept that in a box so that he could always know something about everyone? No, of course not.

EDIT-sorry, just saw your last post about wesley clark (who I don't even consider a Dem, but hey...) and clinton...sorry.
ShamMol said:

John Kerry was thought to be smart because he was able to hold his own in a debate. Ted Kennedy, well, he is a Kennedy and people basically automatically think he is smart (and actually so do I, but I hate Kerry). Clinton. Dude, taht guy is a freaking genius, don't bash on Clinton. The guy went to Georgetown and was in their school for foreign service, which I might add, is one of the most presitgious schools in the country that has churned out some great people. Would you like me to take a message? Oh, wait, did you know that Clinton, each time he met someone, wrote down their name and something about them and kept that in a box so that he could always know something about everyone? No, of course not.

EDIT-sorry, just saw your last post about wesley clark (who I don't even consider a Dem, but hey...) and clinton...sorry.

Yeah, Georgetown graduated such "brainiacs" as Patrick Ewing. So much for prestige.
Arthur Fonzarelli said:
Yeah, Georgetown graduated such "brainiacs" as Patrick Ewing. So much for prestige.
He is actually quite intelligent, don't know if you have ever talked to him. But as I am sure you know, every school usually awards scholarships or has students come there almost specifically for their ability in sports. However, it is obvious that you must not know this and probably couldn't get into Georgetown if you tried. I have, I got in.
galenrox said:

By the way, the Fonz stood for rock 'n roll, and rebellion, none of which represent republicans, why didn't you choose like, Ricky Nelson. I think that might represent your ethos a tad better. No offense.

Actually, no I did not get burned. He's going to go spend $150,000 on an education he could have gotten for a $1.50 in late charges from the public library.

young Fonz: in a gang, got into fights etc. anti-establishment (liberal values)

older Fonz: rented from a middle class family, ran a garage & became a high school auto shop teacher. joined the establishment (conservative values)

Sorry to disappoint...I am not a republican; nor a democrat. In the state of Ohio I am registered with no party affiliation. It wasn't until this past election that I voted for someone in one of the two major parties. Still, I almost voted for Michael Peroutka for president.
ShamMol said:
He is actually quite intelligent, don't know if you have ever talked to him. But as I am sure you know, every school usually awards scholarships or has students come there almost specifically for their ability in sports. However, it is obvious that you must not know this and probably couldn't get into Georgetown if you tried. I have, I got in.

Wow. So I guess liberals are now the pompous, arrogant, elite types in this country.
flip2 said:
Wow. So I guess liberals are now the pompous, arrogant, elite types in this country.
First question-how did you get that from my post?

He is actually quite intelligent, don't know if you have ever talked to him. But as I am sure you know, every school usually awards scholarships or has students come there almost specifically for their ability in sports. However, it is obvious that you must not know this and probably couldn't get into Georgetown if you tried. I have, I got in.
That's fact. It is one of the hardest universities in the country to get into and I did. It had nothing to do with being liberal or a pompous a-hole.

And second-do you like cheese?
ShamMol said:
However, it is obvious that you must not know this and probably couldn't get into Georgetown if you tried. I have, I got in.


Typical of liberals putting people down and then professing to be tolerant, open-minded, and for "the little guy."
ShamMol said:
First question-how did you get that from my post?

That's fact. It is one of the hardest universities in the country to get into and I did. It had nothing to do with being liberal or a pompous a-hole.

And second-do you like cheese?

I like cheese.

I don't know what that's referring to, but I just wanted to state for the record that I DO, in fact, like cheese.
ShamMol said:

John Kerry was thought to be smart because he was able to hold his own in a debate.
Not really, if you wanted to go on the criteria of polish and technique, then Kerry did win on that level, but, if you want to go on message and believability then president Bush clearly won, Kerry put out a lot of misleading "facts" and inflated figures which only would be accepted by the segment of society(48% minus those voters who follow multiple source news) and of those figures, many of them were created by either omission of the means to obtain them or just pulling out figures.
LaMidRighter said:
Not really, if you wanted to go on the criteria of polish and technique, then Kerry did win on that level, but, if you want to go on message and believability then president Bush clearly won, Kerry put out a lot of misleading "facts" and inflated figures which only would be accepted by the segment of society(48% minus those voters who follow multiple source news) and of those figures, many of them were created by either omission of the means to obtain them or just pulling out figures.

**** man, Kerry Forgot Poland
RightatNYU said:
I like cheese.

I don't know what that's referring to, but I just wanted to state for the record that I DO, in fact, like cheese.

I also like cheese.(Side note: 20 years in the senate and Kerrys got his name on what, 5 bills? Can ANYBODY ELSE name them?)
I watched the Chris Matthew's Sunday Show this morning, and the panel is right about democrats: they need to stop nominating candidates who "appear and act" smart, because nobody likes the egghead of the class. Bush beat two guys that seem to have always raised their hands eagerly at the front of the class.

Hillary, who graduated near the top of her class, certainly knows how to campaign as though she's just an "average jane" buddy-old-pal. That's being politically smart.
galenrox said:
You can't deny Clinton was a genius,

You can do so quite easily, give me any evidence he is a genius of even was. He was a coniving politician I'll give you that, one without any remorse for anything he ever did and willing to lie through his teeth to do it. But there is no evidence other than unsupported claims that he is a good reader that he has any high level of intelligence.

as was Wesley Clark,

While Clark might be given more credit for his rise through the military ranks I doubt he ranks as genius. His campaign was a bust because he had not real ideas that stuck.

But then we don't elect geniuses per se to be president, it's not a requirement.

Oh and the same applies to Hillary, the left trys to portray her as a very high intellectual but her record belies that. She has very little in the way of accomplishment. In fact I bet you'd have trouble stating her great achievements in her chosen field, the law.
galenrox said:
As far as whether or not we elect geniuses to be president, it's a sad day now that you think that being a genius is no longer a prerequisit to being president.

And as far as Bill Clinton and Wesley Clark, both of them were Rhode Scholars, which is the most prestigious scholarship in this country, where the winners go and study abroad at Oxford University, debatably the most prestigious university in the world, and I think only like 40 people in the country win that scholarship each year, so yes, they are geniuses.


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