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Kennedy = Caesar . . . . . thoughts? (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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We can't stop here this is bat country!
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Very Conservative
It's my contention that JFK is the Caesar of our generation and of the American Empire"

That's not an apology either, I'm just tracing the death of the American Dream.

I'm just saying step out of the box for a bit and think about it isn't crazy?
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Look, here's all I'm saying I step out of the box on the immigrant stance, I step out of the box on the socialist stance, I even step out of the box on the patriot act stance, humor me for a sec history majors and step out of the box on the JFK as Caesar stance, think about the American Empire. which doesn't exist (SHOW ME WHERE THE EMPIRE IS!) . . . . . But still think about it.
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That's an interesting thought. If we had had an Octavian and a Pompey waiting in the wings, who knows how it might have gone down? (Teddy Kennedy would make an excellent Nero.)
Diogenes said:
That's an interesting thought. If we had had an Octavian and a Pompey waiting in the wings, who knows how it might have gone down? (Teddy Kennedy would make an excellent Nero.)

Teddy Kennedy would make an excellent Michelin Man...
cnredd said:
Teddy Kennedy would make an excellent Michelin Man...

Nah, the Michelin Man is supposed to represent being in control of your car.

But, we can cross that bridge when we come to it... :2rofll:
MrFungus420 said:
Nah, the Michelin Man is supposed to represent being in control of your car.

But, we can cross that bridge when we come to it... :2rofll:

I've used this before...but what the heck....

What does Ted Kennedy & Baywatch have in common?

They both pretend to save people from drowning.:2wave:
LOL, not bad, but I still like mine better... So there... :tongue4:
Diogenes said:
That's an interesting thought. If we had had an Octavian and a Pompey waiting in the wings, who knows how it might have gone down? (Teddy Kennedy would make an excellent Nero.)

Yes but consider this what if Robert Kennedy had not been assasinated?
cnredd said:
I've used this before...but what the heck....

What does Ted Kennedy & Baywatch have in common?

They both pretend to save people from drowning.:2wave:

Aren't you confusing Ted Kennedy with George Bush? Kennedy might have pretended but George is actually doing it.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Yes but consider this what if Robert Kennedy had not been assasinated?
Excellent point. Maybe Harry Harrison could write one of his alternate history fantasies around that very idea. It would probably make pretty grim reading though - Bobby was such a ruthlessly murderous s.o.b. as Attorney General that the restrictions against CIA assassinations and other misbehavior are intended to prevent his excesses from ever happening again.
Old and wise said:
Aren't you confusing Ted Kennedy with George Bush? Kennedy might have pretended but George is actually doing it.

awwww....couldn't go 10 seconds without a "Bush bash", eh?

I can see you now..every post seen..."How can I attack Bush"?

It just pulses in your veins, doesn't it? Blood starts pumpin'...your eyes turn red...It a reflex you just can't control....
Diogenes said:
Excellent point. Maybe Harry Harrison could write one of his alternate history fantasies around that very idea. It would probably make pretty grim reading though - Bobby was such a ruthlessly murderous s.o.b. as Attorney General that the restrictions against CIA assassinations and other misbehavior are intended to prevent his excesses from ever happening again.

I was thinking the same thing about the alternate history book, is Harrison the one who wrote the one about: "What if the South had won?' I've read a plot summary on it and it sounds interesting maybe you know the title cuz I want to download it.

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