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Katrina Victims sue FEMA (1 Viewer)


Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
New England
Political Leaning

I wonder if Micheal Brown will be personally sued. Forget Fema go for Mike and whats name his x boss. Is that another Mike:rofl
I wonder if FEMA will hire Brown again and bring him in as legal council. That Brown is a real renaissance man.
No, Katrina Victims sue us. After all we contributed on a Federal and State level they turn around and sue us. Nice going. Did you ever think it was strange that Brown and FEMA was perfectly capable in other hurricanes and disasters?
Just another sterling example on how "victimhood" is the ultimate freeloader aspiration for many of our community.

These people had the survivor instincts of lemmings and now they want a free ride for their stupidity.:roll:
GySgt said:
Just another sterling example on how "victimhood" is the ultimate freeloader aspiration for many of our community.

These people had the survivor instincts of lemmings and now they want a free ride for their stupidity.:roll:

[Sarcastic Moderator mode]

Please refrain from personally insulting lemmings...

[/Sarcastic Moderator mode]
cnredd said:
[Sarcastic Moderator mode]

Please refrain from personally insulting lemmings...

[/Sarcastic Moderator mode]

You remember that 'Lemmings' game? That was a great game.
GySgt said:
You remember that 'Lemmings' game? That was a great game.

Old school. Follow the herd and jump off cliffs. I think there was a couple of remakes of that game.
That would be a joke. He probably be a witness. :spin:
akyron said:
Old school. Follow the herd and jump off cliffs. I think there was a couple of remakes of that game.
I think it was the 3D remakes that killed it.

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