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Kasich says conscience drove him to Biden (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
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Four years ago, Ohio Gov. John Kasich famously refused to attend the national convention of his own party in his own state in protest of Donald Trump’s coronation as the Republican presidential nominee.

This time around, the former two-term governor has found a convention and candidate he can embrace — the Democratic National Convention and Joe Biden.

Kasich, last man standing against Trump in the 2016 GOP primaries, said he is choosing conscience over partisanship in speaking virtually this week to support Biden’s bid to dump Trump on Nov. 3.

Kasich says conscience drove him to Biden - News - The Columbus Dispatch - Columbus, OH

Conscience, common sense whatever. Good thing he isn't staying on a sinking ship!
Kasich is dumber than Biden.
come on. if a person hasn't figured out that Donald Trump is a massive liar, crook and con man by now they're either touched in the head, so partisan that they can't be saved or some kind of Confederate/Q nut job.
come on. if a person hasn't figured out that Donald Trump is a massive liar, crook and con man by now they're either touched in the head, so partisan that they can't be saved or some kind of Confederate/Q nut job.

And Biden is a senile,dementia idiot, female sniffing pervert.
Yeah, but apparently smarter than most Trump Cultists it would seem.

Kasich said a ‘high-profile’ Republican would come out for Biden today. Any guesses?
Is that even possible?

No. Typical of anti-Trump cultists. He definitely fits the Trump hater part of the meme.

TrumpQins are desperate seeing Veterans getting ****ed over by the sabotage of the USPS, admitted by trump’s lackey ruining it and running it into the ground.
My guess is Rubio. Florida is wavering, and Rubio has hated Trump for years. His support for Trump is always based on how it will help or hurt him with his voters.

It’s always nice to know the state of any poster.

My congressman is Kinzinger, who feigns outrage like Romney, Collins and Sasse.

They’re all phonies who support windfall tax cuts in the trillions for those who don’t need it.

In Kentucky, KYnect = Obamacare; Republican voters love KYnect. McConnell and Rand Paul won’t speak against it. They all hate Obamacare.

That’s what’s happening with mail-in ballots and absentee ballots. They’re both the same.
Is that even possible?

No. Typical of anti-Trump cultists. He definitely fits the Trump hater part of the meme.

Disliking Trump and his band of Fascist Cronies is only logical. The Cultists are the ones who keep defending Trump's BS and hatred of American Democracy.
The problem with all this Trump hate is that he's actually been an effective President. You may not like what he's accomplished, but Franky Scarlet, I don't give a damn.
And Biden is a senile,dementia idiot, female sniffing pervert.

Every psychological weakness Joe Biden has obviously is much worse in every way for Donald Trump. Nobody who is educated about them can possibly not totally understand what that means.
The problem with all this Trump hate is that he's actually been an effective President. You may not like what he's accomplished, but Franky Scarlet, I don't give a damn.

Trump has been effective for funeral directors.
And Biden is a senile,dementia idiot, female sniffing pervert.

^ this guy fits the description of a hardcore partisan who can't be helped.

but he's loud and proud of it. i guess that's something.
Trump has been effective for funeral directors.

Lowest minority unemployment rate in history! Lowest, as in NEVER BETTER, EVER!.

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