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Karzai's concern on detainee abuse (1 Viewer)


British, Irish and everything in-between.
DP Veteran
Jan 28, 2005
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Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland
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Karzai calls for prisoner hand over of terrorist suspects. Is Afganistan starting to drift away from the U.S.? They are certainly talking back, ah democracy is great. As Bush said, "A dictorship would be a hell alot easier."

ITN said:
Last Modified: 21 May 2005
Source: ITN

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has demanded custody of all prisoners and control over US military operations in the country.

He said he was shocked by a US army report on abuse of detainees in Afghanistan.

The abuse described in the report, including details of the deaths of two inmates at an Afghan detention centre, happened in 2002 and emerged from a nearly 2,000-page file of US army investigators, according to the New York Times newspaper.

Karzai said: "It has shocked me thoroughly and we condemn it. We want the US government to take very, very strong action, to take away people like that."

Karzai, a staunch ally in the US-led war against terrorism will meet President George W. Bush for talks in the America next week.

He wants to forge a broad long-term partnership with his most important ally but he said he would also reiterate a request for the return of Afghan prisoners and control over US military operations.

The United States commands a foreign force in Afghanistan of about 18,300, most of them American, fighting Taliban insurgents and hunting militant leaders, including Osama bin Laden.

Many Afghans have criticised US troops for what are seen as heavy-handed tactics, such as breaking into people's homes in the middle of the night in their search for militants.

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