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Karl Rove's 11th Hour Grand Jury Appearance (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning

Just saw it on FOX News, so dont have a link for it yet. Karl Rove is meeting the grand jury tomorrow under oath, under no guarantee that he can escape indictment in the Plame affair. There can only be 2 reasons for this.

1) He has asked the prosecutor to let him appear again to "clear up" bad testimony he may have previously given.

2) The prosecutor got the goods on him, and has called him back to give him one last chance to come clean.

We will know which one tomorrow.

Note: Got a link now - Not FOX News but MSNBC Here it is.
There is more. Am watching it now on MSNBC. Rove volunteered to testify tomorrow morning.. As it stands, Rove may be indicted as early as next week.
I did not even have to look to see who started this thread..........Don't you and your liberal buddies ever get tired of bashing President Bush and his administration.......Your hate is not healthy...........
Navy Pride said:
I did not even have to look to see who started this thread..........Don't you and your liberal buddies ever get tired of bashing President Bush and his administration.......Your hate is not healthy...........

Such desperation. So tell me how the article is wrong.
danarhea said:
Such desperation. So tell me how the article is wrong.

Like I already told you we stopped lynchings in this country about 75 years ago.....I know you want to string Rove up without a trial but that is not the way we do it here.....Even if there was and indictment, which there is not, a man is innocent until proven guilty by a jury of his peers.......

Glad to educate you on how are judicial system works.....:lol:
Navy Pride said:
Like I already told you we stopped lynchings in this country about 75 years ago.....I know you want to string Rove up without a trial but that is not the way we do it here.....Even if there was and indictment, which there is not, a man is innocent until proven guilty by a jury of his peers.......

Glad to educate you on how are judicial system works.....:lol:

Then you had better educate the newsmen at FOX News. It was they who broke the story. LMAO.
I think there is a good chance that Rove will be indicted. Life is getting interesting here in DC! This indictment will be the icing on the indictment cake. ;)
aps said:
I think there is a good chance that Rove will be indicted. Life is getting interesting here in DC! This indictment will be the icing on the indictment cake. ;)

This is also what FOX News said - That Rove is going to be indicted and his appearance is a last ditch desperation effort to throw himself on the mercy of the grand jury and head off the indictment, and that most likely, Rove is going to be flipped by them so he can escape serious prison time.

Of course, according to Navy Pride, FOX News is part of a vast left wing conspiracy of Bush haters. LMAO.
danarhea said:
This is also what FOX News said - That Rove is going to be indicted and his appearance is a last ditch desperation effort to throw himself on the mercy of the grand jury and head off the indictment, and that most likely, Rove is going to be flipped by them so he can escape serious prison time.

Of course, according to Navy Pride, FOX News is part of a vast left wing conspiracy of Bush haters. LMAO.

Am I a despicable human being for reveling in this? ;)
aps said:
Am I a despicable human being for reveling in this? ;)

Only if you supported Clinton's perjury.
danarhea said:
Then you had better educate the newsmen at FOX News. It was they who broke the story. LMAO.

You watch FOX news..........wow!!!! I don't think FOX convicted anyone though......
Navy Pride said:
I did not even have to look to see who started this thread..........Don't you and your liberal buddies ever get tired of bashing President Bush and his administration.......Your hate is not healthy...........

Somebody reports a piece of news and that's bashing?

I learn something new daily here....
Hey, guess what I just found out. There is a ignore poster button in this forum. Since I have not seen a single post of substance from a certain poster since I came to this board, but lots of flatuous name-calling posts by him, I am adding him. I am sure that at least half the members of this forum have done the same. I guess before too long, he is going to be talking to himself. What makes it worse is that I bet he will be answering himself too.

Give you 3 guesses as to who I am talking about. Nah, thats way too easy. Make it one guess. Damn that's also way too easy. OK, zero guesses because you dont need to guess, do you? LMAO.
Elektra said:
Somebody reports a piece of news and that's bashing?

I learn something new daily here....

It was kind of meant as and inside joke....But you have to consider who is posting it...... a man/woman being consumed by hate for this president and his administration..........
danarhea said:
Hey, guess what I just found out. There is a ignore poster button in this forum. Since I have not seen a single post of substance from a certain poster since I came to this board, but lots of flatuous name-calling posts by him, I am adding him. I am sure that at least half the members of this forum have done the same. I guess before too long, he is going to be talking to himself. What makes it worse is that I bet he will be answering himself too.

Give you 3 guesses as to who I am talking about. Nah, thats way too easy. Make it one guess. Damn that's also way too easy. OK, zero guesses because you dont need to guess, do you? LMAO.

Aww, poor baby, he is so picked on........If you can't stand the heat get our of the kitchen...bye bye my very liberal friend......:lol:
Navy Pride said:
Aww, poor baby, he is so picked on........If you can't stand the heat get our of the kitchen...bye bye my very liberal friend......:lol:

Will I eventually be the recipient of this behavior you're exhibiting towards Danarhea?

I am watching the Chris Matthews show that was shown last night. I think that Rove is in deep doo doo. It could not happen to a better guy. This jerk has made it his life to trash anyone who is running against his candidate. Let's see, Ann Richardson, John McCain, John Kerry, and the list goes on and on and on. How does someone have NO conscience like this?

I do believe in karma, and it's about freaking time that this pig got what he deserves. *crossing fingers that he gets indicted and is utterly humiliated*
Navy Pride said:
I did not even have to look to see who started this thread..........Don't you and your liberal buddies ever get tired of bashing President Bush and his administration.......Your hate is not healthy...........

Bashing Rove? Rove has been bashing people his entire political life! I wish the Democrats had someone as dirty as he is, cause then they'd be in power.

You don't think outing a CIA agent deserves an indictment? Or is just because it was such a big part of the war pitch that you'd rather forget what this is REALLY about. Retaliation for someone calling the Bush administration on a mis-truth.

So what exactly do you have to do be worth of legal proceedings? Stain a blue dress?

At least when Clinton lied it was about his personal life; it is not like he was lying as a basis for a pre-emptive war with another sovereign country.
aps said:
Will I eventually be the recipient of this behavior you're exhibiting towards Danarhea?

I am watching the Chris Matthews show that was shown last night. I think that Rove is in deep doo doo. It could not happen to a better guy. This jerk has made it his life to trash anyone who is running against his candidate. Let's see, Ann Richardson, John McCain, John Kerry, and the list goes on and on and on. How does someone have NO conscience like this?

I do believe in karma, and it's about freaking time that this pig got what he deserves. *crossing fingers that he gets indicted and is utterly humiliated*

No, not at all..I like debating with you and you do not pretend to be something your not........

Hate him or love him one has to admit Rove is a brillitant political tactician....As far as mccain goes I heard him speak last night and he is firmly in the presidents corner..........

All I am saying when it comes to Delay and Rove you liberals see blood in the water......Lets see if Rove is even indicted and if they Delay case even goes to court.......
python416 said:
Bashing Rove? Rove has been bashing people his entire political life! I wish the Democrats had someone as dirty as he is, cause then they'd be in power.

You don't think outing a CIA agent deserves an indictment? Or is just because it was such a big part of the war pitch that you'd rather forget what this is REALLY about. Retaliation for someone calling the Bush administration on a mis-truth.

So what exactly do you have to do be worth of legal proceedings? Stain a blue dress?

At least when Clinton lied it was about his personal life; it is not like he was lying as a basis for a pre-emptive war with another sovereign country.

Every party has those hacks.......You ever hear of James Carville or Paul Begala?

A CIA huh.what a joke........She has not been covert or undercover since 1997 and has been plugging her story in Vanity Fair Magazine...........

Clinton lied under oath to a federal judge...I don't care what the topic was.......He commited a felony.he perjured himself..........If you or I did that we would still be in jail...............
Clinton did indeed....Lie (or at the very least withhold the truth) while under Oath...he was a Dog. But, he was at least willing to go under oath....Others have not shown the Gonads, let alone the character to do even that. It will be interesting to see what Mr. Bush does if Rove is indicted, Considering statements made by the President about his stance on this situation.
tecoyah said:
Clinton did indeed....Lie (or at the very least withhold the truth) while under Oath...he was a Dog. But, he was at least willing to go under oath....Others have not shown the Gonads, let alone the character to do even that. It will be interesting to see what Mr. Bush does if Rove is indicted, Considering statements made by the President about his stance on this situation.

What the hell kind of spin is that? He lied.he perjured himself........

Indicted does not mean squat..In this country you are innocent until proven guilty or did you liberals forget that?
Navy Pride said:
I did not even have to look to see who started this thread..........Don't you and your liberal buddies ever get tired of bashing President Bush and his administration.......Your hate is not healthy...........

Is that it , like a big bag of bad wind ,you slip your way in and out of reality.
Navy Pride said:
What the hell kind of spin is that? He lied.he perjured himself........

Indicted does not mean squat..In this country you are innocent until proven guilty or did you liberals forget that?

Okayyyy....let us discuss a bit of "Spin" here.....as I do not enjoy ignorance projected upon me. I could be wrong, but I think my very first line was....and I quote," Indeed...Clinton did Lie". If you feel the need to label someone, that is of course your perogative, but do not be suprised at a reaction. Do Not Refer To Me As "You Liberals " Again. While I realize you obviously dispise a large chunk of the population in this counrty, I would very much prefer you use what little functioning matter your brain can spare from this hatred to consider the possability that all who make comments you disagree with are not Liberals. In fact it may very well be that some of these people are simply more intellectually adept than yourself, and thus form opinion that is not scripted on Fox before it slides into vocabulary.

Rant over.....but, if an indictment truly means Squat, please explain to me how it will destroy the carrer and reputation of the individual indicted. I can't believe I actually let you get me pissed.....Damn.
Navy Pride said:
Indicted does not mean squat..In this country you are innocent until proven guilty or did you liberals forget that?

Indictment: An accusation in writing found and issued by a grand jury, charging that a person named has done some act, or is guilty of some omission, which by law is a crime.

While it is not a conviction it is a serious issue for an administration who first entered the white house vowing to return integrity to the institution.

On the other hand, Rove still hasn't been indicted yet or am I not up on the latest news?
tecoyah said:
Okayyyy....let us discuss a bit of "Spin" here.....as I do not enjoy ignorance projected upon me. I could be wrong, but I think my very first line was....and I quote," Indeed...Clinton did Lie". If you feel the need to label someone, that is of course your perogative, but do not be suprised at a reaction. Do Not Refer To Me As "You Liberals " Again. While I realize you obviously dispise a large chunk of the population in this counrty, I would very much prefer you use what little functioning matter your brain can spare from this hatred to consider the possability that all who make comments you disagree with are not Liberals. In fact it may very well be that some of these people are simply more intellectually adept than yourself, and thus form opinion that is not scripted on Fox before it slides into vocabulary.

Rant over.....but, if an indictment truly means Squat, please explain to me how it will destroy the carrer and reputation of the individual indicted. I can't believe I actually let you get me pissed.....Damn.

Who's career has it destroyed.......Your just wishful thinking.........

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