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Karl "Blood and Guts" Rove, American Hero! (1 Viewer)


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Nov 17, 2004
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I was there, now I'm here
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God bless Karl Rove for tellin' it like it is. Liberals ARE a bunch of whiney terrorist-coddlers. That's why I was so inspired after that dark day in September when Mr. Rove enlisted in the Marines and went to Iraq and personally brought the fight to the terrorists who attacked us. He didn't just talk tough, he put his money---and his life---where his mouth is. Unlike those cowardly liberals and their faked war wounds, Mr. Rove is a true American hero!
argexpat said:
Liberals ARE a bunch of whiney terrorist-coddlers.
What's your evidence to support that claim?
argexpat said:
God bless Karl Rove for tellin' it like it is. Liberals ARE a bunch of whiney terrorist-coddlers. That's why I was so inspired after that dark day in September when Mr. Rove enlisted in the Marines and went to Iraq and personally brought the fight to the terrorists who attacked us. He didn't just talk tough, he put his money---and his life---where his mouth is. Unlike those cowardly liberals and their faked war wounds, Mr. Rove is a true American hero!

He's a little old for the service. That's why he enlisted all the younger members of his family...oh, wait. Well at he least made efforts in policy changes so the people serving were given the best possible combat gear...umm. Ok, Ok he did at least make sure we were paying for this war so we're not just passing it off on future generations...I give up.
argexpat said:
That's why I was so inspired after that dark day in September when Mr. Rove enlisted in the Marines and went to Iraq and personally brought the fight to the terrorists who attacked us. He didn't just talk tough, he put his money---and his life---where his mouth is.
Wait, what? When did Karl Rove enlist in the marines? When did Karl Rove go to Iraq? When did he fight terrorists?
argexpat said:
God bless Karl Rove for tellin' it like it is. Liberals ARE a bunch of whiney terrorist-coddlers. That's why I was so inspired after that dark day in September when Mr. Rove enlisted in the Marines and went to Iraq and personally brought the fight to the terrorists who attacked us. He didn't just talk tough, he put his money---and his life---where his mouth is. Unlike those cowardly liberals and their faked war wounds, Mr. Rove is a true American hero!
Yes, if we all enlist to go fight the terrorists we are Karl Ro...wait a minute, ain't he a little old for the marines?

Oh, and I was all for attacking UBL in Afghanistan, but when the war on terror started to branch out to attack people who weren't terrorists, that was the final (and only) straw for me to stop supporting the actions.
A better question is not to ask whether or not he has been over in Iraq and fighting terrorist....but has he EVER been in the armed forces at all.....what does he know about fighting anything, except a bad case of hemorroids and a hairline that is as thinning faster day by day. He doesn't even have the courage of his convictions to run for public office....boy let me tell you all that is defiantly a portrait of a great American.

A man that has donated his life to splitting the American public shameful,
and if the republicans see this man as some sort of source of light, or a some twisted guiding figure...well then those people are sad excuses for patriots.

Rove has greatly misjudged the American Political system and its purposes, I would expect nothing less then the comments that he had made the other night from a person that is throughly unAmerican. But have faith, for this type of McCarthyism never lasts long.

It was comments like the one the other night that has made the Bush administration spend so much political capital and get virtually NOTHING done this last administration.

History forgets people like Rove because he doesn't have the guts, drive, patriotism, nor understanding to be great....he only leeches off others that allow him to do what he does.

quite frankly I have spent to much time on Rove
I think it's fair to say that even if you dislike Rove, he IS good at what he does. If it weren't for him, I doubt Bush would be in office.
:2funny: :july_4th: This is the funniest thing you lefties have done to date. lol
shuamort said:
What's your evidence to support that claim?

Squawker said:
:2funny: :july_4th: This is the funniest thing you lefties have done to date. lol
What the hell did we do?
shuamort said:
A photoshopped picture? That's really a sad excuse for a debate.

Go read this article and come back and tell us what you've learned:
Reagan's Osama Connection
How he turned a jihadist into a terrorist kingpin.

I'm glad you brought up Reagan, the greatest American who ever lived! The image of him taking a jack hammer to the Great Wall of China, yelling, "Mr. Putin, if you don't tear down this wall, I will!" still gives me goose bumps. I've never been more proud to be an American!
argexpat said:
I'm glad you brought up Reagan, the greatest American who ever lived! The image of him taking a jack hammer to the Munich Wall, yelling, "Mr. Putin, if you don't tear down this wall, I will!" still gives me goose bumps. I've never been more proud to be an American!
Must have been Nancy Reagan's psychic partners that made him say Putin and not Gorbachev. :rofl

The actual quote is:“If you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here, to this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” —Speech at the Berlin Wall, June 12, 1987
Oh, I get it --- argexpat is an unemployed stand up comic. :2rofll:

Almost as funny as Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton getting their panties in a wad over what Carl Rove said. :mrgreen: You have to hand it to him, the man is a political genius. Anytime you can P*ss Lib's off is a good day. lol I don't remember -- did they get mad about what Durbin or Dean said? :think:
ACtually, on that note, Dean's performance last night on the Daily show was awesome. I actually enjoyed listening to him talk. "Love thy neighbor as yourself and you can't pick your neighbor."-that is what he said the motto for Dems is. REally suggest you take a look, I can give you a link if you want.
Actually, I would like the link. When Dean isn't playing to the media, he isn't so bad to listen to.
I had to go directly to the daily show to get it but that was funny. I was disappointed he didn't do the Rush Limbaugh rant or the hate Republican rant. I really like those. I howled when he said he said Democrats would get Corruption out of government. Funny stuff. :rofl
Have to admit though Squawker that it was kinda interesting, even if you didn't enjoy it.
You know what's really funny about what Rove said? It's that he used the word "liberal" & all the democrats went nuts. Even Hilary, who is trying to claim to be a moderate, is all up in arms about Rove telling it like it is on liberals.
Politics is always interesting ShamMol. I enjoy being in the middle of history in the making. :lol:
Arthur Fonzarelli said:
You know what's really funny about what Rove said? It's that he used the word "liberal" & all the democrats went nuts. Even Hilary, who is trying to claim to be a moderate, is all up in arms about Rove telling it like it is on liberals.
She was up in arms because he basically called all the Democrats that and that was unnacceptable. You want to talk about Dean attacking all the members of the Republican party and call it horrendous, but when Rove does it, it is a-ok.

And Squawker-yeah, it is quite fun to sometimes just sit back and watch it all come in.
Would any of you happen to read Ann Coulter by any chance?

Of course, I would also recommend Al Franken.
loverofpeace said:
Would any of you happen to read Ann Coulter by any chance?

Of course, I would also recommend Al Franken.

I would recommend both as well. Then you should do an honest fact check and see what you come up with.

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