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Karen Pence Is Working At A School That Bans Gay Employees (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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The school discriminates against LGBTQ people in its job application.

Karen Pence started at a job this week, teaching art at Immanuel Christian School in Northern Virginia. It’s not a school where very everyone is welcome. The 2018 employment application, posted online, makes candidates sign a pledge not to engage in homosexual activity or violate the “unique roles of male and female.”

“Moral misconduct which violates the bona fide occupational qualifications for employees includes, but is not limited to, such behaviors as the following: heterosexual activity outside of marriage (e.g., premarital sex, cohabitation, extramarital sex), homosexual or lesbian sexual activity, polygamy, transgender identity, any other violation of the unique roles of male and female, sexual harassment, use or viewing of pornographic material or websites,” says the application.

I think she can be excused because her husband talks to God.
Not surprising, she and her husband have a long standing tone of intolerance and bigotry. Working somewhere that has this sort of policy is damn near expected.
Hope her husband never applies. Not sure I've ever seen anybody deeper in the closet.


We are excited to announce the opening of our high school in fall 2019! We will launch our college-preparatory high school program with ninth and tenth grades and will complete the expansion in fall 2021 creating a comprehensive kindergarten through twelfth school. Currently, Immanuel Christian School is a kindergarten through eighth grade private Christian school in Fairfax County, Virginia, serving families throughout Northern Virginia, Washington, D.C. and Maryland. We offer challenging and engaging academics with a distinctively biblical worldview. As a National Blue Ribbon School, our academic success is recognized nationally; but we are also a place where students can thrive, knowing they are loved as they develop a thirst for learning. Experienced, nurturing teachers guide and motivate students through hands-on instruction collaborative learning, and relevant curriculum. Our mission is to partner with families to inspire students for purposeful lives of learning, godliness, and service, and we welcome the opportunity to partner with your family. We invite you to browse our website and stop in for a tour to discover the warmth of Immanuel Christian School.
K thru 12 Christian school. I'll bet they toilet train at gun point.

We are excited to announce the opening of our high school in fall 2019! We will launch our college-preparatory high school program with ninth and tenth grades and will complete the expansion in fall 2021 creating a comprehensive kindergarten through twelfth school. Currently, Immanuel Christian School is a kindergarten through eighth grade private Christian school in Fairfax County, Virginia, serving families throughout Northern Virginia, Washington, D.C. and Maryland. We offer challenging and engaging academics with a distinctively biblical worldview. As a National Blue Ribbon School, our academic success is recognized nationally; but we are also a place where students can thrive, knowing they are loved as they develop a thirst for learning. Experienced, nurturing teachers guide and motivate students through hands-on instruction collaborative learning, and relevant curriculum. Our mission is to partner with families to inspire students for purposeful lives of learning, godliness, and service, and we welcome the opportunity to partner with your family. We invite you to browse our website and stop in for a tour to discover the warmth of Immanuel Christian School.
K thru 12 Christian school. I'll bet they toilet train at gun point.

Warmth as long as you are not gay.

The school discriminates against LGBTQ people in its job application.

Karen Pence started at a job this week, teaching art at Immanuel Christian School in Northern Virginia. It’s not a school where very everyone is welcome. The 2018 employment application, posted online, makes candidates sign a pledge not to engage in homosexual activity or violate the “unique roles of male and female.”

“Moral misconduct which violates the bona fide occupational qualifications for employees includes, but is not limited to, such behaviors as the following: heterosexual activity outside of marriage (e.g., premarital sex, cohabitation, extramarital sex), homosexual or lesbian sexual activity, polygamy, transgender identity, any other violation of the unique roles of male and female, sexual harassment, use or viewing of pornographic material or websites,” says the application.

I think she can be excused because her husband talks to God.

Two words: First Amendment.

The school discriminates against LGBTQ people in its job application.

Karen Pence started at a job this week, teaching art at Immanuel Christian School in Northern Virginia. It’s not a school where very everyone is welcome. The 2018 employment application, posted online, makes candidates sign a pledge not to engage in homosexual activity or violate the “unique roles of male and female.”

“Moral misconduct which violates the bona fide occupational qualifications for employees includes, but is not limited to, such behaviors as the following: heterosexual activity outside of marriage (e.g., premarital sex, cohabitation, extramarital sex), homosexual or lesbian sexual activity, polygamy, transgender identity, any other violation of the unique roles of male and female, sexual harassment, use or viewing of pornographic material or websites,” says the application.

I think she can be excused because her husband talks to God.
Unless she is gay I'm not seeing a problem nor am I seeing anything noteworthy enough for this to he a news story

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Hmmm. Looks like something Mueller should investigate.
It may even justify a Democrat-run circus House Committee investigation. :roll:

The school discriminates against LGBTQ people in its job application.

Karen Pence started at a job this week, teaching art at Immanuel Christian School in Northern Virginia. It’s not a school where very everyone is welcome. The 2018 employment application, posted online, makes candidates sign a pledge not to engage in homosexual activity or violate the “unique roles of male and female.”

“Moral misconduct which violates the bona fide occupational qualifications for employees includes, but is not limited to, such behaviors as the following: heterosexual activity outside of marriage (e.g., premarital sex, cohabitation, extramarital sex), homosexual or lesbian sexual activity, polygamy, transgender identity, any other violation of the unique roles of male and female, sexual harassment, use or viewing of pornographic material or websites,” says the application.

I think she can be excused because her husband talks to God.


It's a Christian school...

Guess who also wouldn't be allowed to work there: atheist such as myself...
Two words: First Amendment.

Weird, I don't see anything in there about discriminating against an employee on the basis of their sexual preference.

The school discriminates against LGBTQ people in its job application.

Karen Pence started at a job this week, teaching art at Immanuel Christian School in Northern Virginia. It’s not a school where very everyone is welcome. The 2018 employment application, posted online, makes candidates sign a pledge not to engage in homosexual activity or violate the “unique roles of male and female.”

“Moral misconduct which violates the bona fide occupational qualifications for employees includes, but is not limited to, such behaviors as the following: heterosexual activity outside of marriage (e.g., premarital sex, cohabitation, extramarital sex), homosexual or lesbian sexual activity, polygamy, transgender identity, any other violation of the unique roles of male and female, sexual harassment, use or viewing of pornographic material or websites,” says the application.

I think she can be excused because her husband talks to God.

Of course she does...and she probably thinks you can pray the gay away....:roll:
I see no issue with this. The school is a private Christian school.

Does the OP also have an issue with Muslim schools. Seems that faith objects to people who are LGBTQ.

The school discriminates against LGBTQ people in its job application.

Karen Pence started at a job this week, teaching art at Immanuel Christian School in Northern Virginia. It’s not a school where very everyone is welcome. The 2018 employment application, posted online, makes candidates sign a pledge not to engage in homosexual activity or violate the “unique roles of male and female.”

“Moral misconduct which violates the bona fide occupational qualifications for employees includes, but is not limited to, such behaviors as the following: heterosexual activity outside of marriage (e.g., premarital sex, cohabitation, extramarital sex), homosexual or lesbian sexual activity, polygamy, transgender identity, any other violation of the unique roles of male and female, sexual harassment, use or viewing of pornographic material or websites,” says the application.

I think she can be excused because her husband talks to God.

Those restrictions are because being taboo makes all those things much more arousing for them. The deal with "Christians" is to act pious and lie about anything "ungodly" you do and if you are caught you just repent and ask forgiveness.
Hmmm. Looks like something Mueller should investigate.
It may even justify a Democrat-run circus House Committee investigation. :roll:

That will have to wait. First Cohen gets his turn at bat, in front of the entire country, fun times !!
I agree with other posters: Private schools should have the right to decide who attends them.

Just as a private social club has that right.

In our private lives, we all "discriminate" in one way or another.
Christian madrasas are disgusting and should be banned.
I see no issue with this. The school is a private Christian school.

Does the OP also have an issue with Muslim schools. Seems that faith objects to people who are LGBTQ.

Good question. Doubt you'll get a honest answer.

The school discriminates against LGBTQ people in its job application.

Karen Pence started at a job this week, teaching art at Immanuel Christian School in Northern Virginia. It’s not a school where very everyone is welcome. The 2018 employment application, posted online, makes candidates sign a pledge not to engage in homosexual activity or violate the “unique roles of male and female.”

“Moral misconduct which violates the bona fide occupational qualifications for employees includes, but is not limited to, such behaviors as the following: heterosexual activity outside of marriage (e.g., premarital sex, cohabitation, extramarital sex), homosexual or lesbian sexual activity, polygamy, transgender identity, any other violation of the unique roles of male and female, sexual harassment, use or viewing of pornographic material or websites,” says the application.

I think she can be excused because her husband talks to God.

It's good to see the atheists in the US have not yet succeeded in outlawing freedom of the Christian religion.
I see no issue with this. The school is a private Christian school.

Does the OP also have an issue with Muslim schools. Seems that faith objects to people who are LGBTQ.

I think the idea of the OP was that Mother got a job there, not the practice of the school itself.

The school discriminates against LGBTQ people in its job application.

Karen Pence started at a job this week, teaching art at Immanuel Christian School in Northern Virginia. It’s not a school where very everyone is welcome. The 2018 employment application, posted online, makes candidates sign a pledge not to engage in homosexual activity or violate the “unique roles of male and female.”

“Moral misconduct which violates the bona fide occupational qualifications for employees includes, but is not limited to, such behaviors as the following: heterosexual activity outside of marriage (e.g., premarital sex, cohabitation, extramarital sex), homosexual or lesbian sexual activity, polygamy, transgender identity, any other violation of the unique roles of male and female, sexual harassment, use or viewing of pornographic material or websites,” says the application.

I think she can be excused because her husband talks to God.

I think is shows people that they do not care about the US public, only about the evangelical extremist lot that voted him and his Orange boss into office.

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