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Kareem Hunt cut by the Chiefs (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
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Political Leaning

This girl crys assault and Hunt is punished. I just saw the videoon tmz. The video of the incident and the woman's interview with the police.

The young girl was told to leave by hunt's entourage because she was only 19 and she started using the n word.

This is a disgrace!
What a dumb move by kc. I can almost guarentee a team will pick him up.
What a dumb move by kc. I can almost guarentee a team will pick him up.

Not anytime soon the NFL “suspended” him then the Chiefs cut him.

This girl crys assault and Hunt is punished. I just saw the videoon tmz. The video of the incident and the woman's interview with the police.

The young girl was told to leave by hunt's entourage because she was only 19 and she started using the n word.

This is a disgrace!

UTOPIA demands everyone be without defect.
And some to more without defect than others.

Oh Sure, those who disturb the peace with their diseased ideas must have something seriously mentally wrong with them, it is just a matter of figuring out which label of "GARBAGE" to place before they are off loaded.

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I used to follow NFL closely till Kapernic ruined it. Now I basically glance at it to see who wins the Joe Theismann award.

This girl crys assault and Hunt is punished. I just saw the videoon tmz. The video of the incident and the woman's interview with the police.

The young girl was told to leave by hunt's entourage because she was only 19 and she started using the n word.

This is a disgrace!

Assault is assault even when it’s a black man pushing a white woman.
those are your words. Go join the Dolphins.

Someone ruined the NFL for you. You should sue. Mental anguish. But try to do that with proper grammar and spelling or someone might think you're not American let alone a fan.
Someone ruined the NFL for you. You should sue. Mental anguish. But try to do that with proper grammar and spelling or someone might think you're not American let alone a fan.
No one ruined the NFL for me. Those are your words once more. Some ingrate million dollar thugs wish to decry their low salaries, that’s fine by me.
Assault is assault even when it’s a black man pushing a white woman.

This young girl is a racist that apparently was wanting money from black men to get money to go home. She also was apparently assaulting Kareem's friends.

Possible mental issues.
This young girl is a racist that apparently was wanting money from black men to get money to go home. She also was apparently assaulting Kareem's friends.

Possible mental issues.

Probable law suit with that video evidence available.
No one ruined the NFL for me. Those are your words once more. Some ingrate million dollar thugs wish to decry their low salaries, that’s fine by me.

Nope, the following are your words (from post #7 above):

I used to follow NFL closely till Kapernic ruined it.
No one ruined the NFL for me. Those are your words once more. Some ingrate million dollar thugs wish to decry their low salaries, that’s fine by me.

Why are you so envious?

This girl crys assault and Hunt is punished. I just saw the videoon tmz. The video of the incident and the woman's interview with the police.

The young girl was told to leave by hunt's entourage because she was only 19 and she started using the n word.

This is a disgrace!

I called this the second I heard he was cut. The only guy defending him would be bucky.
Guess youre the dog since you seemed to hear the whistle

Dogs are better than people. I will take that as a compliment. Thank you!
I called this the second I heard he was cut. The only guy defending him would be bucky.

I’m not going to defend Hunt, but watching the video the altercation is minor at best and if the accuser was a man I’m not sure he would have gotten anything more than a fine.

The overreaction culture is out of hand these days
Dogs eat their own feces...

They can also lick their balls.

You take the good, you take the bad
and there you have, the facts of life.

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