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Kansas City pizza restaurant manages to break 2 laws at the same time, fires manager (1 Viewer)


No Russian ever called me deplorable
DP Veteran
Jan 20, 2014
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Very Conservative
Manager who fired teens for discussing pay let go at Legends pizza shop | fox4kc.com

Basically they hire a boy and a girl both teenagers at the same time who have the same experience level, boy gets offered 8 and a quarter an hour, and girl gets offered 8 flat. violation # 1, girl finds out and asks manager why, now this is where the manager could've rubbed both brain cells together and adjusted the wage, too bad he wasn't that smart, then again if he were he probably wouldn't be managing pizza studio, he fires both boy and girl for discussing wages , which is illegal under the national Labour relations act violation #2.

Idiot manager gets fired when the couple contacts an employment law attorney. And the media hears it.

Does anyone here manage personnel? Can they answer why it is a manager would rather violate to federal laws instead of simply paying the lady an extra quarter? Why do they feel entitled to violate federal law, and take advantage of working stiff?
Re: Kansas City pizza restaurant manages to break 2 laws at the same time, fires mana

Two reasons, idiocy or they did it thinking that it would not be reported.
Re: Kansas City pizza restaurant manages to break 2 laws at the same time, fires mana

Manager who fired teens for discussing pay let go at Legends pizza shop | fox4kc.com

Basically they hire a boy and a girl both teenagers at the same time who have the same experience level, boy gets offered 8 and a quarter an hour, and girl gets offered 8 flat. violation # 1, girl finds out and asks manager why, now this is where the manager could've rubbed both brain cells together and adjusted the wage, too bad he wasn't that smart, then again if he were he probably wouldn't be managing pizza studio, he fires both boy and girl for discussing wages , which is illegal under the national Labour relations act violation #2.

Idiot manager gets fired when the couple contacts an employment law attorney. And the media hears it.

Does anyone here manage personnel? Can they answer why it is a manager would rather violate to federal laws instead of simply paying the lady an extra quarter? Why do they feel entitled to violate federal law, and take advantage of working stiff?

For one thing, the idiot should never have had that level of discretion. Those people need to have it all laid out for them- $8.25 on hiring, $.50 in three months, $1.00 after a year, like that. That's what rules are for- when you're in charge of people and don't trust their judgement.
Which leads to the other thing- the company might not be paying it's managers enough to attract people with good judgement. They might want to consider hiring the girl back. She might have management potential.

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