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Kamala Harris mocked for 'terrifying' explanation of Ukraine crisis: 'A real inability to talk normally' (1 Viewer)


Destroyer of Propaganda
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Oct 13, 2016
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Seattle, WA
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Kamala Harris mocked for 'terrifying' explanation of Ukraine crisis: 'A real inability to talk normally'
Asked at one point to explain the crisis overseas in "layman's terms" for concerned listeners, Harris responded slowly, "Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine, so basically that’s wrong."

Critics pounced on Harris for her elementary explanation of a war that has already claimed thousands of casualties, with some questioning her understanding of the conflict and others mocking her curious choice of words.

Can you imagine the howling if Trump had said this?
Kammy was laughing up in the air before the SOTU. I said, "Kammy?" And she straightened up.

I like how she holds on to her checkbook, too,... not.

I bet she thinks she's going to be President in 2028, but her astrological chart is so gankly -14 that she could never get elected, and I'm not going to run Ted Cruz -10 so she has a chance with the defender's New Moon in 2028.
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Kammy was laughing up in the air before the SOTU. I said, "Kammy?" And she straightened up.

I like how she holds on to her checkbook, too,... not.

I bet she thinks she's going to be President in 2008, but her astrological chart is so gankly -14 that she could never get elected, and I'm not going to run Ted Cruz -10 so she has a chance with the defender's New Moon in 2028.
If she thinks she’ll be president in 2008 then she needs to invest in a history book.
If she thinks she’ll be president in 2008 then she needs to invest in a history book.
Oops,... Thank you, I was able to correct it.

No, I mean Kammy's that out of it.

Oh, well, as long as it makes Joe happy.

I bet I'll have to stick around to make sure she's not the nominee. Pete's a -6, he could beat Cruz's -10, it'd be the sure thing in 2028, if 2024 is Democrat.
Oops,... Thank you, I was able to correct it.

No, I mean Kammy's that out of it.

Oh, well, as long as it makes Joe happy.

I bet I'll have to stick around to make sure she's not the nominee. Pete's a -6, he could beat Cruz's -10, it'd be the sure thing in 2028.
No worries we all make a flub now and again.

I do agree her best shot would be in 28 or later. She needs to have a few years removed from her VP role and work on being likable in her time away in hopes of having a continued political career
Person. Woman. Man. TV. Camera.

The woman depicted in your avatar just responded like a Xanax zombie.

She's one heartbeat away, and Joe Brandon doesn't look like a man with too many more heartbeats left.
The woman depicted in your avatar just responded like a Xanax zombie.

She's one heartbeat away, and Joe Brandon doesn't look like a man with too many more heartbeats left.

I'm sure you think that was an intelligent post. :)
No worries we all make a flub now and again.

I do agree her best shot would be in 28 or later. She needs to have a few years removed from her VP role and work on being likable in her time away in hopes of having a continued political career
Kamala has no shot ever, I won't run a -14 and you better not either. And I won't run Cruz -10.

Not only is the election hard, but those are just the traits that make you popular or unpopular so unless she had something, which she doesn't except for Joe, she won't be able to please the people, she'll always be tongue tied and twisted , laughing at her astrology, that you should mind it, but when the rubber meets the road it's what you've got to start with.

A powerful sorcerer like myself could bend her chart and perhaps upset the model, but Kamala doesn't have that kind of power.

Maybe everytime she looks at me, I'm laughing.
The the first question in my mind was who is her audience?

There are people who need it that dumbed down for them to understand it.

What I would really like to know is why hasn't she held a press conference since being given the task of negotiating peace with Russia. Why hasn't she explained why they are invading and what deal we offered to broker peace.
The woman depicted in your avatar just responded like a Xanax zombie.

She's one heartbeat away, and Joe Brandon doesn't look like a man with too many more heartbeats left.
She just realized she has to dumb it down so right wingers understand.
She just realized she has to dumb it down so right wingers understand.

At least you realize her response was dumb, as in unintelligent.

That you pretend her audience is made up of conservatives is a weak deflection.

Face it, Biden picked a dummy for VP. Also very real is the valid concern that she could be POTUS if Biden became incapacitated.
It sounds like she is speaking in a manner which indicates that either she is extremely unintelligent (not likely), or she thinks the people she is speaking to are extremely unintelligent/ignorant and she has to dumb everything down for them in an insultingly patronizing manner (more likely).

I don't know which is worse.
She just realized she has to dumb it down so right wingers understand.

Was that the audience/interviewer she was speaking to in this call, pocket aces? A right-wing interviewer? Because I do not think the woman is stupid by any means. It sounded like she was talking to an audience as though they were children, like she was being invited to a sixth grade classroom to discuss current events with the students.
"Basically that's wrong." Maybe not the most eloquent explanation, but at least she got to the correct conclusion. I appreciate that she didn't call Putin a genius. Because that's where the bar is.
Kamala has no shot ever, I won't run a -14 and you better not either. And I won't run Cruz -10.

Not only is the election hard, but those are just the traits that make you popular or unpopular so unless she had something, which she doesn't except for Joe, she won't be able to please the people, she'll always be tongue tied and twisted , laughing at her astrology, that you should mind it, but when the rubber meets the road it's what you've got to start with.

A powerful sorcerer like myself could bend her chart and perhaps upset the model, but Kamala doesn't have that kind of power.

Maybe everytime she looks at me, I'm laughing.
Bro what did I tell you about posting and LSD? Time and place, Exquisitor, time and place!
No worries we all make a flub now and again.

She make a flub every time she opens that insipid mouth on her empty bobbing head. Did you see her a few months back plugging in an electric car and then commenting on how it doesn't smell like glass?

I swear to God, I have know junkies who sniff paint and glue with more brain cells than Kameela Harris.

I do agree her best shot would be in 28 or later. She needs to have a few years removed from her VP role and work on being likable in her time away in hopes of having a continued political career

She has ZERO future political career. She isn't qualified to be a tour guide at Lego Land.

Well...grading her on a completely 'Harris curve', that was at least a c- minus for her compared to her history...and that definitely better than could have been hoped for. At least she didnt mindlessly cackle for several minutes.
At least you realize her response was dumb, as in unintelligent.

That you pretend her audience is made up of conservatives is a weak deflection.

Face it, Biden picked a dummy for VP. Also very real is the valid concern that she could be POTUS if Biden became incapacitated.
And she still would be better than any anti American loser you would pick.

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