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Justice Dept. watchdog to review handling of Roger Stone sentencing recommendation (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 6, 2019
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The Justice Department’s internal watchdog has begun reviewing the controversial handling of the sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone, a longtime friend of President Trump who was convicted of lying to the House Intelligence Committee during its investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, a Justice Department spokeswoman said Monday.

It was not immediately clear what sparked the Justice Department inspector general’s inquiry. Stone’s treatment has long drawn criticism from legal observers and lawmakers who said Attorney General William P. Barr seemed to be inappropriately affording favorable treatment to a friend of the president.

Earlier this year — when Stone was still awaiting his sentence — Barr personally intervened to overrule the sentencing recommendation career prosecutors had offered to the court, prompting all four of them to withdraw from the case. Two have since publicly criticized the move as being politically motivated, with one testifying under oath before Congress about it.

Superb. Barr's intervention to help Trump by interfering in Stone's sentencing sure stunk to high heaven. I'm glad the IG is looking into this.
That IG will be fired very, very shortly.
That IG will be fired very, very shortly.

Beat me to it, IGs are an endangered bunch lately!

Wonder what the delay was.....

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