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Justice Dept. watchdog never probed judges' NSA concerns (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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Justice Dept. watchdog never probed judges' NSA concerns

The Justice Department's internal ethics watchdog says it never investigated repeated complaints by federal judges that the government had misled them about the NSA's secret surveillance of Americans' phone calls and Internet communications.

Two judges on the court that oversees the spying programs separately rebuked federal officials in top-secret court orders for misrepresenting how the NSA was harvesting and analyzing communication records.

It's all part of a pattern with this administration. They just don't go after lawbreakers who serve their purposes. No prosecution of the Black Panthers, no FBI investigation of the IRS, no Special Prosecutor, Holder has made it a policy of not prosecuting cases where white voters were denied their rights, no Select Panel, and now this.

This is the most evil and un-American administration since King George III.
Like I've said. The people could find out that olooser used the NSA to snoop on Romney's campaign and give it inside information to defeat him in the election and the leftists around here, his apologist for all things criminal, would simply give him applause.
Just more of the same, corruption/incompetence in the Obama administration.
Justice Dept. watchdog never probed judges' NSA concerns

It's all part of a pattern with this administration. They just don't go after lawbreakers who serve their purposes. No prosecution of the Black Panthers, no FBI investigation of the IRS, no Special Prosecutor, Holder has made it a policy of not prosecuting cases where white voters were denied their rights, no Select Panel, and now this.

This is the most evil and un-American administration since King George III.

You slipped a little there, your racism is showing.
You slipped a little there, your racism is showing.

LOL! Here's a clue for you: If you had to take Race and Gender Studies in college in order to understand why something is racist then it's not racist.

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