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Justice Clarence Thomas hospitalized with infection, Supreme Court says (1 Viewer)

I wonder what flu like infection responds to antibiotics. Maybe to prevent pneumonia?
From the article:

"His symptoms are abating, he is resting comfortably, and he expects to be released from the hospital in a day or two," McCabe said. "Justice Thomas will participate in the consideration and discussion of any cases for which he is not present on the basis of the briefs, transcripts and audio of the oral arguments."
I wonder what flu like infection responds to antibiotics. Maybe to prevent pneumonia?
Yeah, secondary bacterial infections.
I wonder what flu like infection responds to antibiotics. Maybe to prevent pneumonia?
At his age he should have had anti-pneumonia vaccinations.

Lots of Thomas news lately.
All Americans are praying for his recovery.

If they are Democrats, they are praying for his recovery because they feel compassion for him regardless of his political leanings.

If they are Republicans, they are praying for his recovery because they don't want to see another vacancy open up in the US Supreme Court (because of the incapacity of a "conservative") which Mr. Biden will have the opportunity to fill.
All Americans are praying for his recovery.

If they are Democrats, they are praying for his recovery because they feel compassion for him regardless of his political leanings.

If they are Republicans, they are praying for his recovery because they don't want to see another vacancy open up in the US Supreme Court (because of the incapacity of a "conservative") which Mr. Biden will have the opportunity to fill.

I remember some of them cheering with glee back when Ginsburg died...and we all know why.
All Americans are praying for his recovery.

If they are Democrats, they are praying for his recovery because they feel compassion for him regardless of his political leanings.

If they are Republicans, they are praying for his recovery because they don't want to see another vacancy open up in the US Supreme Court (because of the incapacity of a "conservative") which Mr. Biden will have the opportunity to fill.
I don't pray.

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