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Just Too Damn Good (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Likely not a true basement thread but.....there are a few members here who would just slaughter me in a true debate, mostly because I think they Up me on the IQ scale. Who gives you the shakes when the evil eye falls on you:

Gandhi>Bush-definately smarter than me
jallman-knows his sh!t...usually
Scarecrow Akhbar-just freakin' Evil
Navy Pride-actually...Im just afraid hes come over here and Kick my A$$
tecoyah said:
Likely not a true basement thread but.....there are a few members here who would just slaughter me in a true debate, mostly because I think they Up me on the IQ scale. Who gives you the shakes when the evil eye falls on you:

Gandhi>Bush-definately smarter than me
jallman-knows his sh!t...usually
Scarecrow Akhbar-just freakin' Evil
Navy Pride-actually...Im just afraid hes come over here and Kick my A$$

I'm sorry, excuse me. You appear to have made a mistake cause I'm not on the list. I prefer to be the one that runs people down until they run off screaming into the night. See "SC to colleges" thread. :mrgreen:

Human! This is not the place to give your little kodos. Take your *** kissing elsewere.
Ivan The Terrible said:

Human! This is not the place to give your little kodos. Take your *** kissing elsewere.

You may note little Ivan, you are not on my list, as I find the ability to slather insult far from intimidating in debate...in fact I dont remember ever seeing you in a debate. Watching you sling ignorant insults might be somewhat entertaining at times, but definately has no effect on your standing in anything approaching intellectual discussion.

Here...I will rephrase this in a way you are more likely to understand.

P!SS Off!!
Kelzie said:
I'm sorry, excuse me. You appear to have made a mistake cause I'm not on the list. I prefer to be the one that runs people down until they run off screaming into the night. See "SC to colleges" thread. :mrgreen:

We agree far too much Kelzie....the only thing I fear from you is a fatal attraction.
tecoyah said:
Likely not a true basement thread but.....there are a few members here who would just slaughter me in a true debate, mostly because I think they Up me on the IQ scale. Who gives you the shakes when the evil eye falls on you:
You .....
Everyone else makes me either laugh or just shake my head as I walk away...
tecoyah said:
We agree far too much Kelzie....the only thing I fear from you is a fatal attraction.

:lol: Fair enough. I will accept your opinion in light of the fact that both of us are so intelligent that we think the same things.
Tech no yah,

You may note little Ivan, you are not on my list,

Do you really think I, The God of WAR, give a slhit about your, a mer man, silly little list? You admit that this is not the place for your post yet you post it here anyways. You beg to be attacked.

in fact I do not remember ever seeing you in a debate

Funny I do not remember you in my debates ether. Maybe that is because you have not seen them. Do not be foolish. Unless I look for you I will not find you. Same goes for you human.

Watching you sling ignorant insults might be somewhat entertaining at times, but definately has no effect on your standing in anything approaching intellectual discussion.

Show me some intellect and than we may discuses it peeon.

P!SS Off!!

What is "P! ss off!!"? I suggest you speak using real words human if you want to be understood.
Ivan The Terrible said:
Show me some intellect and than we may discuses it peeon.

Well, as English is obviously not your first choice in communication, I will give you a little help.

"Show me some intellect and than (then) we may discuses (Discuss) it(,) peeon (peon).

I mean come on Ivan....I've seen you do much better, what seems to be the problem. Then again, after looking at your post history....I suppose I should accept this as your best.

Obviously....you are somewhat impaired
Tech no yah,

"Show me some intellect and than (then) we may discuses (Discuss) it(,) peeon (peon).

I see you mange to correct all of my errors! Well done good and faithful servant!

Oh wait I think you forgot something:

"Watching you sling ignorant insults might be somewhat entertaining at times, but definately(definitely) has no effect on your standing in anything approaching intellectual discussion."

Wait... I did not make that error after all. Behold! Downcast your face in shame! For you are unworthy to be my spell checker.
Ivan The Terrible said:
Tech no yah,

I see you mange to correct all of my errors! Well done good and faithful servant!

Oh wait I think you forgot something:

"Watching you sling ignorant insults might be somewhat entertaining at times, but definately(definitely) has no effect on your standing in anything approaching intellectual discussion."

Wait... I did not make that error after all. Behold! Downcast your face in shame! For you are unworthy to be my spell checker.

Damn...caught me in one....guess I should find the spell check function somewhere, then again...I've never really needed it...heh
tecoyah said:
Likely not a true basement thread but.....there are a few members here who would just slaughter me in a true debate, mostly because I think they Up me on the IQ scale. Who gives you the shakes when the evil eye falls on you:

Gandhi>Bush-definately smarter than me
jallman-knows his sh!t...usually
Scarecrow Akhbar-just freakin' Evil
Navy Pride-actually...Im just afraid hes come over here and Kick my A$$

You don't have to worry about me my friend, I am a lover not a fighter.......;)

Damn...caught me in one....guess I should find the spell check function somewhere, then again...I've never really needed it...heh

Now that you have humbled yourself before Your Master you are forgiven. For now...
'K underlings, it is time to settle down and do my bidding, weeding out the liars who polute boards here.
tecoyah said:
Likely not a true basement thread but.....there are a few members here who would just slaughter me in a true debate, mostly because I think they Up me on the IQ scale. Who gives you the shakes when the evil eye falls on you:

Gandhi>Bush-definately smarter than me
jallman-knows his sh!t...usually
Scarecrow Akhbar-just freakin' Evil
Navy Pride-actually...Im just afraid hes come over here and Kick my A$$

Tecoyah, you're not giving yourself enough credit. I'm sure you're more than capable of keeping your head above water. I know this isn't on topic, but I kinda miss that God-Is-Holy whippersnapper. I remember he once asserted that demons cause illness :lol: .

'K underlings, it is time to settle down and do my bidding, weeding out the liars who polute boards here.

Who the hell are you?

You may call me "Boss."

What is this? Do you really expect I, The God of War, to call you, a mer man, "Boss"? Do not be foolish. You are new here and should know your place commoner.
Ivan The Terrible said:
What is this? Do you really expect I, The God of War, to call you, a mer man, "Boss"? Do not be foolish. You are new here and should know your place commoner.

Uhh, not to rain on your royal parade, but steen's been here alot longer than you, so you should know your place as a commoner.:lol:
Ivan The Terrible said:
What is this? Do you really expect I, The God of War, to call you, a mer man, "Boss"? Do not be foolish. You are new here and should know your place commoner.
You are far from the God of War....

Most would agree that you are the God of Being Laughed At and Not Laughed With...:shrug:
Ivan The Terrible said:

Who the hell are you?

I'm a person of noncomformist personality that loves pointing out hypocracy when I see it.

You are far from the God of War....

Most would agree that you are the God of Being Laughed At and Not Laughed With...

What is this? I see you are drawn to Your Master now. Sticking your nose into things that have nothing to do with you... So are you willing to establish peace?

I'm a person of noncomformist personality that loves pointing out hypocracy when I see it.

Very well human... How do you fell about Cnredd!?
Ivan The Terrible said:

What is this? I see you are drawn to Your Master now. Sticking your nose into things that have nothing to do with you... So are you willing to establish peace?

Are you willing to actually contribute to this forum or just continue to be a imbecile with all of this "Master" bullshit?...

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