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Just like Kim Davis defied the law in Kentucky democrat elections officials defy Iowa law (1 Viewer)


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Aug 3, 2018
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We live in a day when elected officials seem to think they can obey laws they like and disobey laws they don't like, and the public and the legislature be damned.

Iowa democrats are not happy with Iowa laws protecting voting from fraud, so they challenge the law in court and break the law without waiting for a decision.

Iowa Secretary of State will mail ballot request forms ahead of November election

Before approving the secretary of state's request, Republicans on the Legislative Council voted down Democratic proposals to extend the early voting period from 29 days to 40 days and to allow county auditors to mail absentee ballot request forms with each voter's information already filled in.

Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver, R-Ankeny, said county auditors who send out pre-filled ballot request forms would be undermining the state's voter ID law. Linn and Johnson counties have announced plans to do so.

"With this order, it is clear any auditor who sends out a pre-populated form with the voter ID PIN is ignoring the law. Auditors and voters should be on notice that this action shows clear disregard for the law and could easily lead to election fraud," Whitver said.

Rep. Sharon Steckman, D-Mason City, said officials should be trying to make it easier for people to request their ballots.

"County auditors are elected to make sure their constituents can vote without confusion. They are only sending information to the person that it belongs to," she said.

More:Two groups sue over new absentee-ballot restriction facing Iowa county auditors
Pate plans to mail blank request forms to voters. County auditors' ability to process those requests and send ballots to voters will be complicated by another law passed this year that prevents them from using the state's voter registration database to fill in any missing information on submitted request forms. That information could include a missing name, address, driver's license number or voter PIN.

On Tuesday, the League of United Latin American Citizens and Majority Forward, a Democratic-aligned nonprofit, sued Pate over the law, which requires the county auditor's office to contact the voter by telephone, email or physical mail rather than filling in the blanks using the database.

State lawmakers passed the laws for the protection of Iowa voting against fraud. Democrats do not like those protections and have announced they will not abide by the law when they send out pre-filled forms to all registered voters on the books, whether still eligible to vote or not.
Challenging a law in court is not the same thing as breaking the law, what the **** are you talking about?
We live in a day when elected officials seem to think they can obey laws they like and disobey laws they don't like, and the public and the legislature be damned.

Iowa democrats are not happy with Iowa laws protecting voting from fraud, so they challenge the law in court and break the law without waiting for a decision.

Iowa Secretary of State will mail ballot request forms ahead of November election

Before approving the secretary of state's request, Republicans on the Legislative Council voted down Democratic proposals to extend the early voting period from 29 days to 40 days and to allow county auditors to mail absentee ballot request forms with each voter's information already filled in.

Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver, R-Ankeny, said county auditors who send out pre-filled ballot request forms would be undermining the state's voter ID law. Linn and Johnson counties have announced plans to do so.

"With this order, it is clear any auditor who sends out a pre-populated form with the voter ID PIN is ignoring the law. Auditors and voters should be on notice that this action shows clear disregard for the law and could easily lead to election fraud," Whitver said.

Rep. Sharon Steckman, D-Mason City, said officials should be trying to make it easier for people to request their ballots.

"County auditors are elected to make sure their constituents can vote without confusion. They are only sending information to the person that it belongs to," she said.

More:Two groups sue over new absentee-ballot restriction facing Iowa county auditors
Pate plans to mail blank request forms to voters. County auditors' ability to process those requests and send ballots to voters will be complicated by another law passed this year that prevents them from using the state's voter registration database to fill in any missing information on submitted request forms. That information could include a missing name, address, driver's license number or voter PIN.

On Tuesday, the League of United Latin American Citizens and Majority Forward, a Democratic-aligned nonprofit, sued Pate over the law, which requires the county auditor's office to contact the voter by telephone, email or physical mail rather than filling in the blanks using the database.

State lawmakers passed the laws for the protection of Iowa voting against fraud. Democrats do not like those protections and have announced they will not abide by the law when they send out pre-filled forms to all registered voters on the books, whether still eligible to vote or not.

How is mailing the requests to voters a violation of the law? They are doing the same thing in Ohio and we have a republican state administration, so do you want to whine about Mike Dewine and Frank LaRose too?

Ohio set to send all voters absentee ballot applications before presidential election - Reuters
Challenging a law in court is not the same thing as breaking the law, what the **** are you talking about?

Here is the quote. Whitver said any counties which send out pre-filled ballots are violating the law. Linn and Johnson county democrats announced their plans to defy the law. The democrats are suing in court to be allowed to defy the law. Trump and republicans are suing in court to force the democrats to abide by the law.

Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver, R-Ankeny, said county auditors who send out pre-filled ballot request forms would be undermining the state's voter ID law. Linn and Johnson counties have announced plans to do so.
How is mailing the requests to voters a violation of the law? They are doing the same thing in Ohio and we have a republican state administration, so do you want to whine about Mike Dewine and Frank LaRose too?

Ohio set to send all voters absentee ballot applications before presidential election - Reuters

If you read the record you will see that the Iowa legislature passed voter protection laws prohibiting elections officials from sending out pre-filled ballots, and democrats have announced their intention of violating those laws.
Here is the quote. Whitver said any counties which send out pre-filled ballots are violating the law. Linn and Johnson county democrats announced their plans to defy the law. The democrats are suing in court to be allowed to defy the law. Trump and republicans are suing in court to force the democrats to abide by the law.

Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver, R-Ankeny, said county auditors who send out pre-filled ballot request forms would be undermining the state's voter ID law. Linn and Johnson counties have announced plans to do so.

How does sending registered voters a voter request form violate the voter ID law?

If you read the record you will see that the Iowa legislature passed voter protection laws prohibiting elections officials from sending out pre-filled ballots, and democrats have announced their intention of violating those laws.

What does these previously filled out forms look like, if you claim that they are a violation of the law? Obviously they need to be signed. That signature is a legal authorization of acceptance. If they forge that signature it is a felony.

The republicans don't seem to have a problem with this idea, if you had bothered to read,

Before Iowa's June 2 primary, Pate, a Republican, mailed absentee ballot request forms to the state's roughly 2 million registered voters. His actions were credited with contributing to Iowa's record turnout in that election, when more than 531,000 Iowans cast ballots in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Nearly 80% of Iowans who voted in the primary did so by mail.

But last month, the Republican-controlled Iowa Legislature passed a law preventing him from doing the same thing in November without first getting approval from the Legislative Council.

When the council, a 24-member body of legislative leaders that is controlled by Republicans, met Friday, it voted unanimously to grant Pate's request.

Go find something else to rage about, because this is a non-starter.
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Here is the quote. Whitver said any counties which send out pre-filled ballots are violating the law. Linn and Johnson county democrats announced their plans to defy the law. The democrats are suing in court to be allowed to defy the law. Trump and republicans are suing in court to force the democrats to abide by the law.

Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver, R-Ankeny, said county auditors who send out pre-filled ballot request forms would be undermining the state's voter ID law. Linn and Johnson counties have announced plans to do so.

Jack's opinion is his opinion.
Iowa Republicans have gone full-on nullification confederates.
The law says that a ballot must be "completed by the voter." It does not say "every single entry on the form must physically be written by the voter." Such an interpretation is absolutely ludicrous.
We live in a day when elected officials seem to think they can obey laws they like and disobey laws they don't like, and the public and the legislature be damned.

Iowa democrats are not happy with Iowa laws protecting voting from fraud, so they challenge the law in court and break the law without waiting for a decision.

Iowa Secretary of State will mail ballot request forms ahead of November election

Before approving the secretary of state's request, Republicans on the Legislative Council voted down Democratic proposals to extend the early voting period from 29 days to 40 days and to allow county auditors to mail absentee ballot request forms with each voter's information already filled in.

Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver, R-Ankeny, said county auditors who send out pre-filled ballot request forms would be undermining the state's voter ID law. Linn and Johnson counties have announced plans to do so.

"With this order, it is clear any auditor who sends out a pre-populated form with the voter ID PIN is ignoring the law. Auditors and voters should be on notice that this action shows clear disregard for the law and could easily lead to election fraud," Whitver said.

Rep. Sharon Steckman, D-Mason City, said officials should be trying to make it easier for people to request their ballots.

"County auditors are elected to make sure their constituents can vote without confusion. They are only sending information to the person that it belongs to," she said.

More:Two groups sue over new absentee-ballot restriction facing Iowa county auditors
Pate plans to mail blank request forms to voters. County auditors' ability to process those requests and send ballots to voters will be complicated by another law passed this year that prevents them from using the state's voter registration database to fill in any missing information on submitted request forms. That information could include a missing name, address, driver's license number or voter PIN.

On Tuesday, the League of United Latin American Citizens and Majority Forward, a Democratic-aligned nonprofit, sued Pate over the law, which requires the county auditor's office to contact the voter by telephone, email or physical mail rather than filling in the blanks using the database.

State lawmakers passed the laws for the protection of Iowa voting against fraud. Democrats do not like those protections and have announced they will not abide by the law when they send out pre-filled forms to all registered voters on the books, whether still eligible to vote or not.

well that's an easy way to get dead people to vote in iowa... or for votes to be stolen.
We live in a day when elected officials seem to think they can obey laws they like and disobey laws they don't like, and the public and the legislature be damned.

Iowa democrats are not happy with Iowa laws protecting voting from fraud, so they challenge the law in court and break the law without waiting for a decision.

Iowa Secretary of State will mail ballot request forms ahead of November election

Before approving the secretary of state's request, Republicans on the Legislative Council voted down Democratic proposals to extend the early voting period from 29 days to 40 days and to allow county auditors to mail absentee ballot request forms with each voter's information already filled in.

Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver, R-Ankeny, said county auditors who send out pre-filled ballot request forms would be undermining the state's voter ID law. Linn and Johnson counties have announced plans to do so.

"With this order, it is clear any auditor who sends out a pre-populated form with the voter ID PIN is ignoring the law. Auditors and voters should be on notice that this action shows clear disregard for the law and could easily lead to election fraud," Whitver said.

Rep. Sharon Steckman, D-Mason City, said officials should be trying to make it easier for people to request their ballots.

"County auditors are elected to make sure their constituents can vote without confusion. They are only sending information to the person that it belongs to," she said.

More:Two groups sue over new absentee-ballot restriction facing Iowa county auditors
Pate plans to mail blank request forms to voters. County auditors' ability to process those requests and send ballots to voters will be complicated by another law passed this year that prevents them from using the state's voter registration database to fill in any missing information on submitted request forms. That information could include a missing name, address, driver's license number or voter PIN.

On Tuesday, the League of United Latin American Citizens and Majority Forward, a Democratic-aligned nonprofit, sued Pate over the law, which requires the county auditor's office to contact the voter by telephone, email or physical mail rather than filling in the blanks using the database.

State lawmakers passed the laws for the protection of Iowa voting against fraud. Democrats do not like those protections and have announced they will not abide by the law when they send out pre-filled forms to all registered voters on the books, whether still eligible to vote or not.

Yawn. Another story about republicans making it harder to vote and democrats making it easier. For once Trump spoke the (exaggerated) truth, saying if that you have universal mail-in ballots, “you’ll never see a republican elected again.”
How does sending registered voters a voter request form violate the voter ID law?

It is not sending out ballot request forms which is being challenged by Trump and state republicans. It is sending out pre-filled ballots to every registered voter whether that voter is still eligible to vote or not. That is against the law but democrats have said they intend to do that anyway. Should those democrats who violate the law be sent to jail like Kim Davis was?

What does these previously filled out forms look like, if you claim that they are a violation of the law? Obviously they need to be signed. That signature is a legal authorization of acceptance. If they forge that signature it is a felony.

There are private individual voter information and codes which state law forbids being pre-printed on forms being sent out. Democrats have publicly said they have no intention of obeying the state elections laws in the matter, which should alarm every honest American in the country.

The republicans don't seem to have a problem with this idea, if you had bothered to read,

Go find something else to rage about, because this is a non-starter.

Think about it. Democrats refuse to comply with election laws requiring voter registries to be purged of ineligible voters before an election. If democrats refuse to prevent ballots being mailed to ineligible voters before the election, how easy will it be for elections officials to purge those ineligible ballots after the election? The democrat plan does not make sense. The only conclusion that can be drawn is that democrats don't care if ineligible voters vote, or possibly want ineligible voters to vote. Or else they want to tie up the certification of the election results for months after the election while state officials purge the bad ballots that should never have been sent out in the first place.
It is not sending out ballot request forms which is being challenged by Trump and state republicans. It is sending out pre-filled ballots to every registered voter whether that voter is still eligible to vote or not. That is against the law but democrats have said they intend to do that anyway. Should those democrats who violate the law be sent to jail like Kim Davis was?

There are private individual voter information and codes which state law forbids being pre-printed on forms being sent out. Democrats have publicly said they have no intention of obeying the state elections laws in the matter, which should alarm every honest American in the country.

Think about it. Democrats refuse to comply with election laws requiring voter registries to be purged of ineligible voters before an election. If democrats refuse to prevent ballots being mailed to ineligible voters before the election, how easy will it be for elections officials to purge those ineligible ballots after the election? The democrat plan does not make sense. The only conclusion that can be drawn is that democrats don't care if ineligible voters vote, or possibly want ineligible voters to vote. Or else they want to tie up the certification of the election results for months after the election while state officials purge the bad ballots that should never have been sent out in the first place.

The republicans don't seem to have a problem with this idea, if you had bothered to read,

Before Iowa's June 2 primary, Pate, a Republican, mailed absentee ballot request forms to the state's roughly 2 million registered voters. His actions were credited with contributing to Iowa's record turnout in that election, when more than 531,000 Iowans cast ballots in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Nearly 80% of Iowans who voted in the primary did so by mail.

But last month, the Republican-controlled Iowa Legislature passed a law preventing him from doing the same thing in November without first getting approval from the Legislative Council.

When the council, a 24-member body of legislative leaders that is controlled by Republicans, met Friday, it voted unanimously to grant Pate's request.

You look silly when you fail to read your own liked articles.
The law says that a ballot must be "completed by the voter." It does not say "every single entry on the form must physically be written by the voter." Such an interpretation is absolutely ludicrous.

Iowa lawmakers had a specific reason for making it illegal to pre-fill out ballots. Here is what was quoted from the source:

Pate plans to mail blank request forms to voters. County auditors' ability to process those requests and send ballots to voters will be complicated by another law passed this year that prevents them from using the state's voter registration database to fill in any missing information on submitted request forms. That information could include a missing name, address, driver's license number or voter PIN.

For security reasons which are important to Iowan voters, the law states that it is illegal for elections officials to send out ballots prefilled with sensitive voter information, such as:

Name, address, driver's license number, or voter PIN. These things are not to be prefilled on ballots for the purpose of protecting the security of the election results. There is no reason for any elections official to violate those elections laws. None.
Yawn. Another story about republicans making it harder to vote and democrats making it easier. For once Trump spoke the (exaggerated) truth, saying if that you have universal mail-in ballots, “you’ll never see a republican elected again.”

Democrats who violate elections laws in order to make it easier for democrats to vote are criminal. Criminal violators of state or federal laws should be jailed, just like Kim Davis was.
The republicans don't seem to have a problem with this idea, if you had bothered to read,

You look silly when you fail to read your own liked articles.

If elections officials send out pre-filled ballots in opposition to elections laws should they be jailed just like Kim Davis was?
We live in a day when elected officials seem to think they can obey laws they like and disobey laws they don't like, and the public and the legislature be damned.

Iowa democrats are not happy with Iowa laws protecting voting from fraud, so they challenge the law in court and break the law without waiting for a decision.

Iowa Secretary of State will mail ballot request forms ahead of November election

Before approving the secretary of state's request, Republicans on the Legislative Council voted down Democratic proposals to extend the early voting period from 29 days to 40 days and to allow county auditors to mail absentee ballot request forms with each voter's information already filled in.

Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver, R-Ankeny, said county auditors who send out pre-filled ballot request forms would be undermining the state's voter ID law. Linn and Johnson counties have announced plans to do so.

"With this order, it is clear any auditor who sends out a pre-populated form with the voter ID PIN is ignoring the law. Auditors and voters should be on notice that this action shows clear disregard for the law and could easily lead to election fraud," Whitver said.

Rep. Sharon Steckman, D-Mason City, said officials should be trying to make it easier for people to request their ballots.

"County auditors are elected to make sure their constituents can vote without confusion. They are only sending information to the person that it belongs to," she said.

More:Two groups sue over new absentee-ballot restriction facing Iowa county auditors
Pate plans to mail blank request forms to voters. County auditors' ability to process those requests and send ballots to voters will be complicated by another law passed this year that prevents them from using the state's voter registration database to fill in any missing information on submitted request forms. That information could include a missing name, address, driver's license number or voter PIN.

On Tuesday, the League of United Latin American Citizens and Majority Forward, a Democratic-aligned nonprofit, sued Pate over the law, which requires the county auditor's office to contact the voter by telephone, email or physical mail rather than filling in the blanks using the database.

State lawmakers passed the laws for the protection of Iowa voting against fraud. Democrats do not like those protections and have announced they will not abide by the law when they send out pre-filled forms to all registered voters on the books, whether still eligible to vote or not.

Thread title mentions "Kentucky".

I must have missed that part. Where does Kentucky come into this?
Thread title mentions "Kentucky".

I must have missed that part. Where does Kentucky come into this?

Kim Davis the hypocritical clerk who opposed LGBT marriage equal as was decided by Obergefell. v Hodges was from Kentucky. I'm not sure how that applies to the current situation so maybe Marke could explain, if you wear a MAGA hat and ask him politely.
Democrats who violate elections laws in order to make it easier for democrats to vote are criminal. Criminal violators of state or federal laws should be jailed, just like Kim Davis was.

As long as they share the same cell with republicans who weakened the black vote “with surgical precision” as one court put it, and are condemned by you for eliminating polling places, shortening voting times, etc. Electoral fraud and voter suppression are two sides of the same ugly anti-democratic coin.
Thread title mentions "Kentucky".

I must have missed that part. Where does Kentucky come into this?

Kim Davis was jailed in Kentucky for breaking the law. I was wondering if government officials who break the law in Iowa also go to jail.
As long as they share the same cell with republicans who weakened the black vote “with surgical precision” as one court put it, and are condemned by you for eliminating polling places, shortening voting times, etc. Electoral fraud and voter suppression are two sides of the same ugly anti-democratic coin.

If lawmakers pass laws which democrats don't like does that mean the lawmakers are wrong and the democrats are right? Is that why democrats support open borders, because they believe American immigration laws are invalid unless approved by democrats?
There are private individual voter information and codes which state law forbids being pre-printed on forms being sent out.

This is not actually correct. That's actually just an opinion of one of the lawmakers, based on a ridiculous interpretation of the phrase "completed by."
Kim Davis was jailed in Kentucky for breaking the law. I was wondering if government officials who break the law in Iowa also go to jail.

The law she broke was contempt of court... Has there been a court order in this case?

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