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Just let us be realistic (1 Viewer)



I think it's time for European and US politicians to put off rose-colored glasses and start to be a little bit more realistic. Don't they see that legalization of a terrorist organization and gaining power by it is a strait way to chaos and spread of terrorist threat? In Lebanon, the situation with Hizballa is not much different from that in Central Asia where Khizb-ut-Takhrir, a creation of British secret services, is spoiling for authority and diverges from its principle of peaceful struggle and takes up arms. Of course, Karimov's orders to keep down revolt by means of power were somewhat cruel but thus he prevented even greater breakup. Khizb-ut-Takhrir activists operate in many hot spots including Iraq. Provided they come into power in Uzbekistan, it enables them to create an Uzbek-type Taliban that will most likely try to repeat 9/11 - at least against American military bases in the countries of Central Asia.
JimmyR said:
Provided they come into power in Uzbekistan, it enables them to create an Uzbek-type Taliban that will most likely try to repeat 9/11 - at least against American military bases in the countries of Central Asia.

Directly against US military bases? Not too bright but at least they won't be around for long with those tactics.
teacher said:
Directly against US military bases? Not too bright but at least they won't be around for long with those tactics.
Yeah, exactly, terrorists use the tatics at their disposal because it keeps them alive. People in the military yell "Cowards! Come face in fair fight!" But they know they won't win that. Give them credit where credit is due, that is the smartest tatic they have realized.

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