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Just In (1 Viewer)


May 11, 2013
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Political Leaning
The commanding General of the United States Air Force has just said that due to 'Sequestration" they will be unable to transport President Barack Obama and his retinue back to the US.

"Since March 2013, when sequestration went into effect, the USAF has been asked to absorb some $12 billion in cuts, as well as deal with an additional $1.2 billion is expense overruns related to overseas operations."
"We have had to make a great many cuts across the board. No 4th of July celebrations at USAF bases will occur this year. The flyover by the Thunderbirds at this year's USAF Academy graduation was cancelled."
"Operating costs for the fleet of presidential aircraft, including AF I and AF II have skyrocketed, due to extensive travelling by the first family."
"Accordingly, there is no money in the budget at present for fuel for the return flight home."
"Therefore, we have issued orders for the crew of Air Force One to STAND DOWN and remain in place."

This is of course a satirical post. However we all know how the Progressive Left will take it. Here comes the flak.
Just in? Who do you think you are? Walter Cronkite?

Oh wait....yeah....the regurgitation of 20 threads per day......why did I have to ask.
Just in? Who do you think you are? Walter Cronkite?

Oh wait....yeah....the regurgitation of 20 threads per day......why did I have to ask.

Gee, I didn't know anyone was counting. How many times a day do you criticize other for their conservative posts? I thought a little levity might be good for the soul. Hmm..., I wonder if Obama insists upon using his bio-fuel at $60.00/gal to fly those planes for his jaunts?

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