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Just A few Examples of "Man Made Miracles" (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 3, 2007
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Last night watching "The Universe" the subject was how will man survive whaen the Sun dies and I'll throw out some ideas that are a stones throw in our future. One was an artifical sun. A second was placing a meteor in an orbit aound the Sun and Earth that would pass by every 10,000 years coming close to the Earth and pulling it back from the Sun to prevent us from burning up as the Sun expands when it begins it's final phases of existance.

Another one was more directed at energy sources and one idea was creating a man made black hole..don't ask me how it supplies energy. Some guy is working on a process where by with only a single glass of water we could supply eough energy to run a city of one million people for one day. It has something to do with hydrogen and lasers. Laser energy isgoing to solve perhaps all our energy needs in the future.

They also talked about how they plan to create an atmosphere on Mars by creating ozone layers to keep the oxygen atmosphere from escaping. This ozone layer will be created in part by releasing something in the planet as they dig holes to let it escape. I did not know Mars will survive the sun when it expands swallowing the first three planets Mercury, Venus and Earth.

A vehicle that would transport hundreds of thousands of people would be powered by miniblack holes pushing that vehicle at near speed of light velocity.

This stuff is way over my head but I can't help but watch what man will be doing in the future and we have five billion years before the Sun begins it's final phases. Think of what we will be able to do with technology by then!!
Great stuff indeed. Do you have links though?? Links would be smashing?
Well will kill ourselves off well before then.
I don't like to be the party pooper, but with our current investment in science and research (and no, producing the 1000's failed model of an electric car is not a scientific research) we ain't gonna go anywhere and we ain't gonna survive that long either.

Great stuff indeed. Do you have links though?? Links would be smashing?

Buy a book titled "The Future of Physics" by Michu Akako (Forgive the spelling.) He is the theoretical physicist (Asian with long hair)you see on TV. It is an incredible look in to the future and what science will be capable of achieving. It deals with what is being worked on now and 10, 20, 100, 1000, 2,000 years etc. in to the future. You will not believe what you are reading and you will want to live for a million more years to witness it all.
I don't like to be the party pooper, but with our current investment in science and research (and no, producing the 1000's failed model of an electric car is not a scientific research) we ain't gonna go anywhere and we ain't gonna survive that long either.


Sorry Bubba but you are talking grease monkeys with crescent wrenches where I am talking quantum physics.
Last night watching "The Universe" the subject was how will man survive whaen the Sun dies and I'll throw out some ideas that are a stones throw in our future. One was an artifical sun. A second was placing a meteor in an orbit aound the Sun and Earth that would pass by every 10,000 years coming close to the Earth and pulling it back from the Sun to prevent us from burning up as the Sun expands when it begins it's final phases of existance.

Another one was more directed at energy sources and one idea was creating a man made black hole..don't ask me how it supplies energy. Some guy is working on a process where by with only a single glass of water we could supply eough energy to run a city of one million people for one day. It has something to do with hydrogen and lasers. Laser energy isgoing to solve perhaps all our energy needs in the future.

They also talked about how they plan to create an atmosphere on Mars by creating ozone layers to keep the oxygen atmosphere from escaping. This ozone layer will be created in part by releasing something in the planet as they dig holes to let it escape. I did not know Mars will survive the sun when it expands swallowing the first three planets Mercury, Venus and Earth.

A vehicle that would transport hundreds of thousands of people would be powered by miniblack holes pushing that vehicle at near speed of light velocity.

This stuff is way over my head but I can't help but watch what man will be doing in the future and we have five billion years before the Sun begins it's final phases. Think of what we will be able to do with technology by then!!

I was under the impression that as the sun depletes its source of hydrogen, its mass will become unstable, and expand into a Red Giant, which will engulf the Earth as it expands in diameter. At that point, we would best be out of the solar system and onto a different sun supported system.
Buy a book titled "The Future of Physics" by Michu Akako (Forgive the spelling.) He is the theoretical physicist (Asian with long hair)you see on TV. It is an incredible look in to the future and what science will be capable of achieving. It deals with what is being worked on now and 10, 20, 100, 1000, 2,000 years etc. in to the future. You will not believe what you are reading and you will want to live for a million more years to witness it all.

I know him and I think I know what you were referring to know. In the meanwhile here's another man made miracle (Japanese researchers again). This cheap water and sugar solution makes tissue invisible!

Catchy name too: SeeDB

Sugar solution makes tissues see-through
I was under the impression that as the sun depletes its source of hydrogen, its mass will become unstable, and expand into a Red Giant, which will engulf the Earth as it expands in diameter. At that point, we would best be out of the solar system and onto a different sun supported system.

Not according to the show. After the hydrogen is depleted the Sun will expand and burn helium I believe they said for millions of years. That surprised me as well and the fact that Mars will survive this is in part the reason we are not kidding when we say we will live on Mars, not just go there. Imagine this kind of talk 100 years ago, we would have been put in sanisylums
interesting stuff
Not according to the show. After the hydrogen is depleted the Sun will expand and burn helium I believe they said for millions of years. That surprised me as well and the fact that Mars will survive this is in part the reason we are not kidding when we say we will live on Mars, not just go there. Imagine this kind of talk 100 years ago, we would have been put in sanisylums
It continues to fuse hydrogen into helium, just like it's doing now, but the reactions take place in a layer outside the core. The core itself is virtually inert during this period consisting mostly of helium but not hot enough to fuse into anything heavier. When the star expends into a red giant, the surface temperature drops, though I'm not sure it would drop enough to allow Mars to be habitable since it would be ~50M miles from the sun's surface. For comparison, Mercury is at 40M and Venus is at 65M miles, now.
It continues to fuse hydrogen into helium, just like it's doing now, but the reactions take place in a layer outside the core. The core itself is virtually inert during this period consisting mostly of helium but not hot enough to fuse into anything heavier. When the star expends into a red giant, the surface temperature drops, though I'm not sure it would drop enough to allow Mars to be habitable since it would be ~50M miles from the sun's surface. For comparison, Mercury is at 40M and Venus is at 65M miles, now.

All I write here is what was said on the show and Mars will survive and that is the sole reason to pursue it. But thinking past this it seems in four -five billion years man will have built some kind of gizmo to live on perhaps even further away than Mars. One primary goal of science is survival. Right now today there are forces trying to pursuade many nations to contribute to a plan on how to deal with meteors which if large enough, will destroy all life here. Some are under the very false impression we can launch a missle to blow one up. Should we do that we will get a shower from the fragments equally deadly. One proposal is to land a vehicle on one and activate boosters to redirect it's path toward earth. One thing is for sure we do not want to wait on doing something.
All I write here is what was said on the show and Mars will survive and that is the sole reason to pursue it. But thinking past this it seems in four -five billion years man will have built some kind of gizmo to live on perhaps even further away than Mars. One primary goal of science is survival. Right now today there are forces trying to pursuade many nations to contribute to a plan on how to deal with meteors which if large enough, will destroy all life here. Some are under the very false impression we can launch a missle to blow one up. Should we do that we will get a shower from the fragments equally deadly. One proposal is to land a vehicle on one and activate boosters to redirect it's path toward earth. One thing is for sure we do not want to wait on doing something.
I just watched it on YouTube and it does indeed say that. Looking at more articles there seems to be conflicting views on this. Hmmmm, I'll need to do some more research to figure this one out. Maybe it's a discovery lag of some kind, IDK ...

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