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Jussie Smollett releases new song, 'Thank You God,' after he's released from jail: 'You got the wrong one' (1 Viewer)


Destroyer of Propaganda
DP Veteran
Oct 13, 2016
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Seattle, WA
Political Leaning
Jussie Smollett releases new song, 'Thank You God,' after he's released from jail: 'You got the wrong one'
The one-minute preview on social media starts with a clip that reads: "CHANNELING THESE THOUGHTS THE BEST WAY I KNOW HOW. LOVE YOU… - JUSSIE."

Smollett then sings: "It’s like they’re hell-bent on not solving the crime / Taking out the elements of race and trans and homophobia that’s straight taking lives / But turn around and act like I’m the one that killed the strides."

Elsewhere on the track, he says, "Some people searching for fame / Some people chasing that clout / Just remember this ... this ain’t that situation / You think I’m stupid enough to kill my reputation."

"Just simply to look like a victim / Like it's something fun / Y'all better look at someone else / You got the wrong one."


Dude's crazy.
Yup, that fool is not right in the head.
This narcissist.....
He has a few screws loose for sure
Followed by his next song: "I Believe I Can Lie"

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