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Juli Boeheim, Syracuse basketball coach Jim Boeheim's wife, robbed at gunpoint by 'kid' while in her car (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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"I think the thing that helped her was it was a kid. If it was an older man it probably would have (thoughts trailed off). Her main thought was, 'let's help this kid,'" Jim Boeheim said. "That's what she does, we do with our foundation. Try to help these kids. That was the first thing she said, 'I feel like I want to help this kid.' But that's the way she thinks,"
Gun nutters enable this kind of crime.

"I think the thing that helped her was it was a kid. If it was an older man it probably would have (thoughts trailed off). Her main thought was, 'let's help this kid,'" Jim Boeheim said. "That's what she does, we do with our foundation. Try to help these kids. That was the first thing she said, 'I feel like I want to help this kid.' But that's the way she thinks,"
We need to make guns illegal in this sport and apply a very stiff penalty for breaking the rule.
If no one harmed:
1st offense 25 to life.
2nd offense life wop.
If anyone harmed:
death or life wop.
The above penalties applied to ALL team members.
That was the first thing she said, 'I feel like I want to help this kid.'

We should all help those dear sweet perfectly innocent "kids."

He and his friends took off in a stolen car. No doubt the car's owner also wants to help those "kids."

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