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Judge upholds Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex trafficking conviction (1 Viewer)


Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2014
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Political Leaning
Well, the efforts for Ghislaine Maxwell to have to trial declared a mistrial fail. I am glad that such a predator does not go free

I disagree with the judge on this one.
I don't think the outcome will be different but that personal didn't disclose something fairly important that creates a bigger bias.
Well, the efforts for Ghislaine Maxwell to have to trial declared a mistrial fail. I am glad that such a predator does not go free

I'm pretty shocked. Overturning a jury verdict is rare, but if one ever deserved to be overturned, this was it. What she did was despicable, but she deserved a fair trail. The judge's reasoning is a little odd too (that the juror's answers were a mistake)- because as the appeal pointed out (1) that's pretty unbelievable, and (2) the criteria doesn't require the answer to be intentionally false.

This is going to be appealed, and I wouldn't be surprised if it were overturned.
I disagree with the judge on this one.
I don't think the outcome will be different but that personal didn't disclose something fairly important that creates a bigger bias.
The juror told the media his recounting of his personal experience (along with another juror) helped sway the jury. You don't get more clear bias than that.

I think the judge's actions in jury selection were part of the problem. The defense wanted to question the jurors - and were refused (the judge did it). They also wanted each juror to be individually asked that question, because they were concerned a person could answer it incorrectly (intentionally or by speeding through the questionnaire) and the judge refused. They pointed out that had the judge followed either request, the juror could not say he simply 'missed a question'. Of course, this might have just mad him mad.

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