That's OK. I realize that for you to accept the punchline would be an admission you are unwilling to make.
You already told me? What are your qualifications for 'telling' anyone anything on the subject? Other than repeatedly voice a totally unfounded opinion, what have you done?
Mock if you wish. However, Dr. Jerome Lejeune, the geneticist who was honored for discovering the gene that causes Down's Syndrome and is regarded as the father of modern genetics, is not to be dismissed lighly.
outsteps the boundaries of science to assume that 52 genes automatically creates an new human being.
I don't know whether it's your reading or your math, but when 23 male chromosomes and 23 female chromosomes unite it makes a total of 46 chromosomes that unite to conceive a new human life which has characteristics of both parents.
All it does is create a unique identity. However, this does NOT prove that the "child" is in fact living, just the fact the fertilization caused two sets of genes to fuze together for the possiblity of child-rearing.
Tell me the qualifications you possess that would make one accept this statement of yours. Since you speak with such authority, perhaps you can tell us the point at which human life does begin. Bear in mind that 'preemies', weighing less than a can of Coke at birth, are now attending school.
Also, I find it quite hilarious that you seem to be a realtivist when it comes to abortion/capital punishment and you push for setting moral standards. For example, it's ok for an invidividual to be killed because of a crime, but the child that was "killed" didn't have a chance to defend itself so that killing is WRONG!
I find it sad that you are unable to remember two things I have repeated, ad nauseum, in this forum.
First, I never discuss abortion on any basis except that it kills a living human being and there is no scientific or medical reason that justifies the fifty million abortions since Roe v. Wade.
Second, I believe that life without parole is the better alternative.
You seem to have great difficulty in coming up with anything of a factual nature. I know the reason. It's simply because there are no facts that support your emotional position.
The only person confused is yourself. Why do you avoid the topic? Because you don't have an answer to the question.
One argument most pro-lifers ignore is the concept of a miscarriage. A miscarriage, also known as spontaneous abortion, doesn't even involve women's choice. They didn't try to "abort" the baby, it happened with a miscarriage. Should that person be punished?
That anyone could make this statement defies belief. Do you not understand the difference between a deliberate act which is intended to result in the death of an unborn child and the tragic and unintended natural or accidental death of an unborn child?