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Judge Not Scripture Out Of Context... (1 Viewer)


"To obey is better than a sacrifice"
DP Veteran
May 28, 2017
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Down South
People misuse Matthew 7:1 by taking it out of context...

"Judge not," found in Matthew 7:1, may be the most misused phrase in Scripture. An increasing number of people, including Christians, use it to rebuke people who advocate God's moral principles, especially those principles that oppose popular culture.

But Matthew 7:1-4 doesn't teach against judgment; it teaches against hypocritical judgment. Pulling the words "judge not" out of context distorts the meaning and contradicts the rest of Scripture.

God tells us to judge:
1. Bad companions - 1 Corinthians 15:33
2. False teachers - Matthew 7:15-20
3. Sin and unrepentant sinners - Ephesians 5:1-13; Matthew 18:15

God also tells church leaders to judge sinning members (1 Corinthians 5; Matthew 18:15-17).

We must judge ourselves and our motives first (Matthew 7:1-4), but when we have done that, it is God's will that we judge sin and sinners. Not only does it benefit the church, it rescues and restores the sinner (James 5:19-20 ; Matthew 18:15).
In what context is it okay to murder children or own people as property?
People misuse Matthew 7:1 by taking it out of context...

"Judge not," found in Matthew 7:1, may be the most misused phrase in Scripture. An increasing number of people, including Christians, use it to rebuke people who advocate God's moral principles, especially those principles that oppose popular culture.

But Matthew 7:1-4 doesn't teach against judgment; it teaches against hypocritical judgment. Pulling the words "judge not" out of context distorts the meaning and contradicts the rest of Scripture.

God tells us to judge:
1. Bad companions - 1 Corinthians 15:33
2. False teachers - Matthew 7:15-20
3. Sin and unrepentant sinners - Ephesians 5:1-13; Matthew 18:15

God also tells church leaders to judge sinning members (1 Corinthians 5; Matthew 18:15-17).

We must judge ourselves and our motives first (Matthew 7:1-4), but when we have done that, it is God's will that we judge sin and sinners. Not only does it benefit the church, it rescues and restores the sinner (James 5:19-20 ; Matthew 18:15).

This is the Beliefs and Skepticism forum. I think you're looking for the Theology forum.
People misuse Matthew 7:1 by taking it out of context...

"Judge not," found in Matthew 7:1, may be the most misused phrase in Scripture. An increasing number of people, including Christians, use it to rebuke people who advocate God's moral principles, especially those principles that oppose popular culture.

But Matthew 7:1-4 doesn't teach against judgment; it teaches against hypocritical judgment. Pulling the words "judge not" out of context distorts the meaning and contradicts the rest of Scripture.

God tells us to judge:
1. Bad companions - 1 Corinthians 15:33
2. False teachers - Matthew 7:15-20
3. Sin and unrepentant sinners - Ephesians 5:1-13; Matthew 18:15

God also tells church leaders to judge sinning members (1 Corinthians 5; Matthew 18:15-17).

We must judge ourselves and our motives first (Matthew 7:1-4), but when we have done that, it is God's will that we judge sin and sinners. Not only does it benefit the church, it rescues and restores the sinner (James 5:19-20 ; Matthew 18:15).

One can't exercise discernment if one doesn't use judgment.
That's a fact.
In what context is it okay to murder children or own people as property?

In a context that's not taken properly.

In the context too, of not fully understanding, or the refusal to accept...................................................... the prerogative of The CREATOR.
We are at His mercy. While He is merciful, He can also be wrathful to those who keep rejecting Him.


How much do we know?
We're simply trying to make presumptions from what we can, with our very limited capacity to understand the mind of God.
.........and many on this forum haven't even tried to study or understand the Bible, let alone read it! :)
A lot of arguments given here have been quote-mined from atheist sites, and the funny part is that they couldn't even tell the ignorance in what they'd quote-mined.

What kind of evil did Caaninites practice? How long did God suffer them to reform?
What was being done to children in the Canaanite culture?
What happens to children raised in certain way?
What happens to orphaned children during those biblical times? Do they survive?
Would orphaned children not grow up hating and resenting the Israelites. Would there be a plot for a pay-back?

Everyone was tainted.....not only because of Adam and Eve. But because of their ways (culture).

He can do what He wants with His creation, that's the bottom line.
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This is the Beliefs and Skepticism forum. I think you're looking for the Theology forum.

I think she's presenting it as an issue to discuss.
Consider that, her "claim."
You want to give a.................................counter-claim?
In a context that's not taken properly.

In the context too, of not fully understanding, or the refusal to accept...................................................... the prerogative of The CREATOR.
We are at His mercy. While He is merciful, He can also be wrathful to those who keep rejecting Him.


How much do we know?
We're simply trying to make presumptions from what we can, with our very limited capacity to understand the mind of God.
.........and many on this forum haven't even tried to study or understand the Bible, let alone read it! :)
A lot of arguments given here have been quote-mined from atheist sites, and the funny part is that they couldn't even tell the ignorance in what they'd quote-mined.

What kind of evil did Caaninites practice? How long did God suffer them to reform?
What was being done to children in the Canaanite culture?
What happens to children raised in certain way?
What happens to orphaned children during those biblical times? Do they survive?
Would orphaned children not grow up hating and resenting the Israelites. Would there be a plot for a pay-back?

Everyone was tainted.....not only because of Adam and Eve. But because of their ways (culture).

He can do what He wants with His creation, that's the bottom line.

So it’s okay I murder children if they can’t be properly cared for because they are orphans (because you murdered their parents)? It’s okay to murder children because they might be resentful in the future? It’s okay to murder children because they are “tainted”?

Everyone, I present you the supposed “morality” of Christians.
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I just have a hard time taking anyone serious who complains about how people interpret The Bible and then they interpret The Bible for us.
In a context that's not taken properly.

In the context too, of not fully understanding, or the refusal to accept...................................................... the prerogative of The CREATOR.
We are at His mercy. While He is merciful, He can also be wrathful to those who keep rejecting Him.


How much do we know?
We're simply trying to make presumptions from what we can, with our very limited capacity to understand the mind of God.
.........and many on this forum haven't even tried to study or understand the Bible, let alone read it! :)
A lot of arguments given here have been quote-mined from atheist sites, and the funny part is that they couldn't even tell the ignorance in what they'd quote-mined.

What kind of evil did Caaninites practice? How long did God suffer them to reform?
What was being done to children in the Canaanite culture?
What happens to children raised in certain way?
What happens to orphaned children during those biblical times? Do they survive?
Would orphaned children not grow up hating and resenting the Israelites. Would there be a plot for a pay-back?

Everyone was tainted.....not only because of Adam and Eve. But because of their ways (culture).

He can do what He wants with His creation, that's the bottom line.

Be careful what you say, he may test it on you.
I just have a hard time taking anyone serious who complains about how people interpret The Bible and then they interpret The Bible for us.

But they think they aren't interpreting it at all. That's the real laugher!
So it’s okay I murder children if they can’t be properly cared for because they are orphans (because you murdered their parents)? It’s okay to murder children because they might be resentful in the future? It’s okay to murder children because they are “tainted”?

Everyone, I present you the supposed “morality” of Christians.

It's not for me to say, it's okay or not..........after all, who am I to give the "okay" to the decision of the CREATOR. He doesn't require anyone's stamp of approval.......................even should He decide to stamp us all out.
Lol - its okay for Him to do as He pleases with His own creation, just as much as an artist can do whatever he wants with his work.

That's the fact that's lost to a lot of critics of God.
He is THE CREATOR! And, we are all only His mere creations.
So it’s okay I murder children if they can’t be properly cared for because they are orphans (because you murdered their parents)? It’s okay to murder children because they might be resentful in the future? It’s okay to murder children because they are “tainted”?

Everyone, I present you the supposed “morality” of Christians.

Those are assumptive reasons from the capacity of our human mind.
We cannot fully understand the way and thoughts of God. Our brain is too limited for it!
It's not for me to say, it's okay or not..........after all, who am I to give the "okay" to the decision of the CREATOR. He doesn't require anyone's stamp of approval.......................even should He decide to stamp us all out.
Lol - its okay for Him to do as He pleases with His own creation, just as much as an artist can do whatever he wants with his work.

That's the fact that's lost to a lot of critics of God.
He is THE CREATOR! And, we are all only His mere creations.

So what you are saying is sometimes it is moral to murder children?
So what you are saying is sometimes it is moral to murder children?

No, that's not what I'm saying at all.

For God to be "immoral," would be contrary to His nature.
Therefore, His decisions couldn't be immoral.

The problem is with you - you're trying to fit Him in your limited understanding of morality.

We're missing a huge part of the puzzle why He did this and that - because our human mind cannot fathom the mind and ways of God.
No, that's not what I'm saying at all.

For God to be "immoral," would be contrary to His nature.
Therefore, His decisions couldn't be immoral.

The problem is with you - you're trying to fit Him in your limited understanding of morality.

We're missing a huge part of the puzzle why He did this and that - because our human mind cannot fathom the mind and ways of God.

So yes, you must be saying that sometimes it’s morally good to murder children.
So yes, you must be saying that sometimes it’s morally good to murder children.

If that's how you comprehend what was written, what more can I do. 🤷
If that's how you comprehend what was written, what more can I do. 🤷

You stated God cannot be immoral. Everything god does must be moral therefore.

In the Bible, god commandeered the murder of children.

Therefore you must be saying that sometimes the murder of children is moral.

If that makes you uncomfortable to say that, maybe you should examine that feeling.
You stated God cannot be immoral. Everything god does must be moral therefore.


In the Bible, god commandeered the murder of children.

Therefore you must be saying that sometimes the murder of children is moral.
If that makes you uncomfortable to say that, maybe you should examine that feeling.


Like I said, you're simply basing that assumption with your limited understanding of GOD.
Our mind cannot, and will not fully grasp the mind and ways of God. We are limited in our capacity to do so.

If God knows what is best for us, surely He must know what is best for the innocents.
How does God regard the worldly life? Perhaps that can be a clue to some of His decisions.

You might find worldly life to your liking, and you think everything revolves around having life and living that life on earth. (of course, that must be how atheists feel about it, after all, to them - there is nothing after death).
But God keeps emphasizing life after death (and, an eternity of bliss with Him). All those innocents might've gone straight to heaven!
Perhaps, they were spared from having to live the arduous life on earth!

If that makes you uncomfortable to say that, maybe you should examine that feeling.

It makes me feel frustrated having to explain something so simple to you - over and over again.
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Like I said, you're simply basing that assumption with your limited understanding of GOD.
Our mind cannot, and will not fully grasp the mind and ways of God. We are limited in our capacity to do so.

If God knows what is best for us, surely He must know what is best for the innocents.
How does God regard the worldly life? Perhaps that can be a clue to some of His decisions.

You might find worldly life to your liking, and you think everything revolves around having life and living that life on earth. (of course, that must be how atheists feel about it, after all, to them - there is nothing after death).
But God keeps emphasizing life after death (and, an eternity of bliss with Him). All those innocents might've gone straight to heaven!
Perhaps, they were spared from having to live the arduous life on earth!

It makes me feel frustrated having to explain something so simple to you - over and over again.

So it’s okay to kill children because they go directly to heaven? We should never see Christians opposing abortion, correct?
I dare him to!

When God tests His children, He does a valuable thing. David sought God’s testing, asking Him to examine his heart and mind and see that they were true to Him (Psalm 26:2; 139:23). When Abram was tested by God in the matter of sacrificing Isaac, Abram obeyed (Hebrews 11:17–19) and showed to all the world that he is the father of faith (Romans 4:16).

The testing or trials we undergo come in various ways. Becoming a Christian will often require us to move out of our comfort zones and into the unknown. Perseverance in testing results in spiritual maturity and completeness. This is why James wrote, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds” (James 1:2). The testing of faith can come in small ways and daily irritations; they may also be severe afflictions (Isaiah 48:10) and attacks from Satan (Job 2:7). Whatever the source of the testing, it is to our benefit to undergo the trials that God allows.

When we experience the storms of life, we should be like the tree that digs its roots ever more deeply for a greater grip in the earth. We must “dig our roots” more deeply into God’s Word and cling to His promises so we can weather whatever storms come against us.

Most comforting of all, we know that God will never allow us to be tested beyond what we are able to handle by His power. His grace is sufficient for us, and His power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).
“That is why,” Paul said, “for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

I dare him to!

Proverbs 1: 24-29
Because I have called and you refused to listen, have stretched out my hand and no one has heeded,
because you have ignored all my counsel and would have none of my reproof, I also will laugh at your calamity;
I will mock when terror strikes you, when terror strikes you like a storm and your calamity comes like a whirlwind, when distress and anguish come upon you.

Then they will call upon me, but I will not answer; they will seek me diligently but will not find me. ...

Acts 8:21-23
You have neither part nor lot in this matter, for your heart is not right before God.
Repent, therefore, of this wickedness of yours, and pray to the Lord that, if possible, the intent of your heart may be forgiven you.
For I see that you are in the gall of bitterness and in the bond of iniquity.”

I'll pray for you David.
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People misuse Matthew 7:1 by taking it out of context...

"Judge not," found in Matthew 7:1, may be the most misused phrase in Scripture. An increasing number of people, including Christians, use it to rebuke people who advocate God's moral principles, especially those principles that oppose popular culture.

But Matthew 7:1-4 doesn't teach against judgment; it teaches against hypocritical judgment. Pulling the words "judge not" out of context distorts the meaning and contradicts the rest of Scripture.

God tells us to judge:
1. Bad companions - 1 Corinthians 15:33
2. False teachers - Matthew 7:15-20
3. Sin and unrepentant sinners - Ephesians 5:1-13; Matthew 18:15

God also tells church leaders to judge sinning members (1 Corinthians 5; Matthew 18:15-17).

We must judge ourselves and our motives first (Matthew 7:1-4), but when we have done that, it is God's will that we judge sin and sinners. Not only does it benefit the church, it rescues and restores the sinner (James 5:19-20 ; Matthew 18:15).
All are sinners and have fallen short
When God tests His children, He does a valuable thing. David sought God’s testing, asking Him to examine his heart and mind and see that they were true to Him (Psalm 26:2; 139:23). When Abram was tested by God in the matter of sacrificing Isaac, Abram obeyed (Hebrews 11:17–19) and showed to all the world that he is the father of faith (Romans 4:16).

The testing or trials we undergo come in various ways. Becoming a Christian will often require us to move out of our comfort zones and into the unknown. Perseverance in testing results in spiritual maturity and completeness. This is why James wrote, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds” (James 1:2). The testing of faith can come in small ways and daily irritations; they may also be severe afflictions (Isaiah 48:10) and attacks from Satan (Job 2:7). Whatever the source of the testing, it is to our benefit to undergo the trials that God allows.

When we experience the storms of life, we should be like the tree that digs its roots ever more deeply for a greater grip in the earth. We must “dig our roots” more deeply into God’s Word and cling to His promises so we can weather whatever storms come against us.

Most comforting of all, we know that God will never allow us to be tested beyond what we are able to handle by His power. His grace is sufficient for us, and His power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).
“That is why,” Paul said, “for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

Hey god, come on you big bully! Take me down! Oh right, you don't exist.

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