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Judge dismisses Trump campaign challenge to Nevada mail-in voting law (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 15, 2019
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Slightly Liberal
Poor Trump, just can't catch a break....

In his order, granted on September 18 and made public Monday, Mahan said called the campaign's arguments "too speculative" and did not show there was a "substantial risk" of putting the election in jeopardy. Trump has repeatedly promoted the false claim that universal mail-in voting systems like the one Nevada adopted lead to widespread fraud.

Yeah, he's been pushing the false narrative for quite some time. It's quite obvious that all they want to do is to restrict voting and reduce turnout. The more people voting, the worse it will be for Trump.
There are no "restrictions" on voting in person, or by "absentee" balloting.

All one has to do is register (which is a requirement regardless of method). Then in the case of in-person, one simply goes to the place closest, checks off their name, and votes.

As for Absentee ballots? One must request one, listing the reason(s) and validating one's identity, and a specifically request ballot will be mailed to you.

Mass mail voting ballots are subject to all sorts of fraud and misadventure.

1. There is already evidence provided in other threads of mail being "tossed" by postal workers(?) instead of getting delivered to or from.

2. There are issues with validating the ballots.

3. There are issues caused by "vote harvesting" in States that allow this.

4. There are issued with 2nd parties "filling out" ballots for the ill, elderly, indigent.

5. There are issues of ballots mailed to recipients no longer alive, or resident...filled out by third parties instead.

Those are just a few of the issues that can cause problems with a "new" mass-mail system.
Poor Trump, just can't catch a break....

In his order, granted on September 18 and made public Monday, Mahan said called the campaign's arguments "too speculative" and did not show there was a "substantial risk" of putting the election in jeopardy. Trump has repeatedly promoted the false claim that universal mail-in voting systems like the one Nevada adopted lead to widespread fraud.

Trump should be use to losing in court. He's done it since the 1980s.
Poor Trump, just can't catch a break....

In his order, granted on September 18 and made public Monday, Mahan said called the campaign's arguments "too speculative" and did not show there was a "substantial risk" of putting the election in jeopardy. Trump has repeatedly promoted the false claim that universal mail-in voting systems like the one Nevada adopted lead to widespread fraud.

Yeah, those "Republican Judges" sure do despise him...

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