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Jordanian GOVT: Al-Qaeda from Iraq responsible for attacks (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
We can't stop here this is bat country!
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
It sounds like Jordanian troops may be joining the coalition of the willing King Abdullah has vowed to take the fight to them.

"When Jordanians get mad they get even." - King Abdullah :bravo:
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
It sounds like Jordanian troops may be joining the coalition of the willing King Abdullah has vowed to take the fight to them.

"When Jordanians get mad they get even." - King Abdullah :bravo:

Notice what the targets where. Hotel's frequented by varying peoples of nations visiting Amman. Al Quaida is stepping up the fight, and it seems now that having troops aligned with the war in Iraq is no longer a pre-requisite to get attacked. Pretty soon, all nations dealing with the west (US, in particular) will be their targets, and frankly, it's time... time for ALL nations to rid this cancer plaguing our world.
An ironic twist...

Jordan Attacks Claim 17 From One Family
By Mohammed Ballas - Associated Press
Nov 10, 2005

SILET AL-THAHER, West Bank - In this Palestinian village, the Akhras clan mourned 17 relatives killed by a suicide bomber in Jordan — the first time Palestinians have been a target in a suicide attack.

Now for the underlying irony...

Female suicide bomber kills 2 at capital supermarket
By Etgar Lefkovits - Jerusalem Post
Mar 31, 2002 (page 3 - JP Archives)

An 18 year-old female Palestinian suicide bomber wearing a belt of explosives around her waist, walked into a supermarket in Jerusalem's Kiryat Hayovel neighborhood Friday afternoon and blew herself up, killing two Israelis and wounding 28 others. The Palestinian female was identified as Ayat Akhras of the West Bank town of Silet al-Thaher.


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