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Jordan joins War on Terror! (1 Viewer)


British, Irish and everything in-between.
DP Veteran
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland
Political Leaning
King Abdullah of Jordan has called for a relentless war on Muslim extremists in the wake of the suicide bombings in Amman earlier this month.
He said the attacks increased Jordan's determination to stick to its reform and democratisation process.

The king made the statement in a letter to newly-appointed Prime Minister Maaruf al-Bakhit.

Outgoing PM Adnan Badran was criticised for failing to implement an agenda of political and economic reforms.

GarzaUK said:
King Abdullah of Jordan has called for a relentless war on Muslim extremists in the wake of the suicide bombings in Amman earlier this month.
He said the attacks increased Jordan's determination to stick to its reform and democratisation process.

The king made the statement in a letter to newly-appointed Prime Minister Maaruf al-Bakhit.

Outgoing PM Adnan Badran was criticised for failing to implement an agenda of political and economic reforms.


This is what's needed. We (the U.S.) can't win any war on terror unless the countries which spawn it fight it from within. I hope Abdullah is serious. And I wish Queen Rani would consent to interviews on television more often. Stephanopolous had her on recently, and she is a radiant beauty (and very intelligent, too, if you like that sort of thing).
Cheers for Jordan. I mourn for the victims, but good news is the terrorists have shot themselves in the foot and only gained more enemies with this attack.

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