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John Mearsheimer on Putin's Invasion of Ukraine (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Please dispense with the "Russian bot", "Kremlin troll" crap. John Mearsheimer is a distinguished scholar who's been speaking for years on how the Ukraine crisis would blow up. He's really worth listening to:

Please dispense with the "Russian bot", "Kremlin troll" crap. John Mearsheimer is a distinguished scholar who's been speaking for years on how the Ukraine crisis would blow up. He's really worth listening to:

I don't think he's either troll or bot, but I think he believes in a lot of conspiracy whacko nonsense, like the notion that the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians are Nazis.
I think he cares more about Putin than he does the rest of the world.
I think he's a cheerleader for a multipolar world.
I think he's just wrong...R-O-N-G "WRONG".

Is the United States to blame for Euromaidan?
Is the Russia-Ukraine conflict today just about balance of power?
Is this a proxy fight between a democratic West (including Ukraine) and a dictatorial fascist Russian despot with dreams of global conquest?

Do you think that the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians are neo-Nazis and antisemites?
Do you think that the Ukrainian people cast a fair vote in the Zelensky election?
Do you think that the Ukrainian desire for sovereign self determination is valid?
It's over 1.5 hours. Why don't you tell us the points you think are valid.
Lazy debate tactics.

"HERE!!! Watch this one and a half hour talking head video!!"

No @sanman ! I WILL NOT sit through a 1.5 hour snoozefest attempting to glean what YOU might think is valid!
You watched it? Wonderful, do a URL at current time listing of what you think are salient points or write a short summary.
Then, I might skip to say perhaps 0:35 or 2:16 or 1:18:09 and listen to the specifics.
Please dispense with the "Russian bot", "Kremlin troll" crap. John Mearsheimer is a distinguished scholar who's been speaking for years on how the Ukraine crisis would blow up. He's really worth listening to:

What is his core contention?
What is his core contention?

Watch the video and see. His talk is not 1.5 hours.
There's a Q&A session afterwards which takes up time, but you should see that too.

Hey, we're all spending time talking about Ukraine. We might as well hear the words of some people who've been examining this problem well before this invasion started.
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No. I dont come here for redirection.
If you are to lazy to say, why start a thread? . Message etiquette 101.

Watch the talk by Mearsheimer. You'll be glad you did.

He's been speaking about this Ukraine issue long before this invasion happened. He's a distinguished scholar and considered an expert on the topic.
Watch the talk by Mearsheimer. You'll be glad you did.

He's been speaking about this Ukraine issue long before this invasion happened. He's a distinguished scholar and considered an expert on the topic.


I come here to debate not to be redirected. You present his opinion and say if you agree or not. You then submit the link for those who want to learn the source of what formulated your thoughts.
That is how a message board works. It is not to have other talk for you.

I come here to debate not to be redirected. You present his opinion and say if you agree or not. You then submit the link for those who want to learn the source of what formulated your thoughts.
That is how a message board works. It is not to have other talk for you.

Don't be Mister No -- open your mind and see what others have to say.
Watch the video and see. His talk is not 1.5 hours.
There's a Q&A session afterwards which takes up time, but you should see that too.

Hey, we're all spending time talking about Ukraine. We might as well hear the words of some people who've been examining this problem well before this invasion started.
@Airyaman is correct. It is lazy and unreasonable to post a lengthy video to make your point.
@Airyaman is correct. It is lazy and unreasonable to post a lengthy video to make your point.

You don't have to watch the full thing - just start watching, and you'll want to continue seeing it.
Please dispense with the "Russian bot", "Kremlin troll" crap. John Mearsheimer is a distinguished scholar who's been speaking for years on how the Ukraine crisis would blow up. He's really worth listening to:

Here is my rebuttal to your video. Be sure to watch all of it, and no “everything’s racist!” kneejerk reactions, please. Thank you.

Watch the talk by Mearsheimer. You'll be glad you did.

He's been speaking about this Ukraine issue long before this invasion happened. He's a distinguished scholar and considered an expert on the topic.
YOu haven't watched it. otherwise you could tell us what is in it.
YOu haven't watched it. otherwise you could tell us what is in it.

I've watched it. I've seen various talks from Mearsheimer over the years. Also pay attention to what Ray McGovern has to say.
YOu haven't watched it. otherwise you could tell us what is in it.

It's expert analysis from a giant in political science.

You wouldn't be interested in it.
@Airyaman is correct. It is lazy and unreasonable to post a lengthy video to make your point.

No, it's lazy on your part to dismiss a subject matter expert.

He literally predicted this war in 2014. Go back to your CNN threads.

There's nothing for you to see here.
It's over 1.5 hours. Why don't you tell us the points you think are valid.

It's all valid, from the moment he begins speaking.

You won't interested because he's an expert.
Posting videos that cheerlead your political side is like posting an ad for your product on the forum as far as I'm concerned. No one is going to debate an hours long video.

Of course posted from sanman, that's to be expected? Posts lots of anti-Ukraine/Pro-Russian swill.
It's all valid, from the moment he begins speaking.

You won't interested because he's an expert.
Care to share some salient points?

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