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John Lennon RIP (1 Viewer)



As a 40 something, John Lennon's death 25 years ago was my "Dallas" for those that lived through the Kennedy assassination.

I know that John was at times naive and a contradiction, but for me and millions of other Americans - he instilled an activism and an awareness of politics that still burns in us to this day.

Now more than ever - I listen to his voice of altruism, hope and courage to cope with the utter contemptability for human life, lies and corruption that I fight against EVERY DAY.

I miss you John and it still hurts 25 years later.....

War is over - if you want it.
I am still bothered by John Lennon's assassination.
hipsterdufus said:
As a 40 something, John Lennon's death 25 years ago was my "Dallas" for those that lived through the Kennedy assassination.

I know that John was at times naive and a contradiction, but for me and millions of other Americans - he instilled an activism and an awareness of politics that still burns in us to this day.

Now more than ever - I listen to his voice of altruism, hope and courage to cope with the utter contemptability for human life, lies and corruption that I fight against EVERY DAY.

I miss you John and it still hurts 25 years later.....

War is over - if you want it.

As a child of 9 years old when John was murdered, it bothers me just as much today, at 34. I normally could care less about anniversaries and things of this nature for people I don't know, however, I sat in my car 2 days ago, in the parking lot at work, and bawled listening to Imagine, ironcially the same CD that came out in September of 1971, the year and month I was born.

My father instilled in me a love for the Beatles I think I never would have had, otherwise. However, out of that came a heap of respect for John Lennon, and his believing that he could make a difference. In a world where all too often one person will say to themselves, "I can't make a difference" He believed he could, and lived most of his adult life trying too.

I find it funny though, how the US government was so afraid of his speaking out against Vietnam, they tried to have him deported on bogus drug charges.
debate_junkie said:
As a child of 9 years old when John was murdered, it bothers me just as much today, at 34. I normally could care less about anniversaries and things of this nature for people I don't know, however, I sat in my car 2 days ago, in the parking lot at work, and bawled listening to Imagine, ironcially the same CD that came out in September of 1971, the year and month I was born.

My father instilled in me a love for the Beatles I think I never would have had, otherwise. However, out of that came a heap of respect for John Lennon, and his believing that he could make a difference. In a world where all too often one person will say to themselves, "I can't make a difference" He believed he could, and lived most of his adult life trying too.

I find it funny though, how the US government was so afraid of his speaking out against Vietnam, they tried to have him deported on bogus drug charges.

His greatest work was done away from the Beatles, Imagine is pure poetry, my favorite song, still to this day.

Rest in Peace John
Although I was a huge fan of the Beattles I was never a Lennon fan..

May he rest in peace though.....
Originally Posted by debate_junkie
I find it funny though, how the US government was so afraid of his speaking out against Vietnam, they tried to have him deported on bogus drug charges.
He is a perfect microcosm of just how screwed up we have let our government get B.B. He was someone that was the defination of PEACE. Yet he has a very large FBI file. Why? That's what they spend my tax dollars on?
Originally posted by Deegan:
His greatest work was done away from the Beatles, Imagine is pure poetry, my favorite song, still to this day.

Rest in Peace John
I'm kind of partial to "Working Class Hero".
hipsterdufus said:
As a 40 something, John Lennon's death 25 years ago was my "Dallas" for those that lived through the Kennedy assassination.

I know that John was at times naive and a contradiction, but for me and millions of other Americans - he instilled an activism and an awareness of politics that still burns in us to this day.

Now more than ever - I listen to his voice of altruism, hope and courage to cope with the utter contemptability for human life, lies and corruption that I fight against EVERY DAY.

I miss you John and it still hurts 25 years later.....

War is over - if you want it.

Well said. Ditto.
Billo_Really said:
I'm kind of partial to "Working Class Hero".

Thom Hartman uses that as his bumper music a lot. You'd like Hartman, Bill, if you've never heard him.

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