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John Kerry Slams American Troops again (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Well just like in Viet Nam John Kerry is slamming american troops in Iraq....................Will this guy ever learn that we are the ggod guys there as we were in Nam?


He has these comments on Face the Nation on Sunday

And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the–of–the historical customs, religious customs. Whether you like it or not…
Moved to the grousing forum.
Simon W. Moon said:
Moved to the grousing forum.

Where is that forum located at?
Navy Pride said:
Where is that forum located at?
The Basement of course.

No need for debate, no need for anything further than indignation. Plenty of room to swing you arms and let fly with the best epithets you can muster.
Simon W. Moon said:
The Basement of course.

No need for debate, no need for anything further than indignation. Plenty of room to swing you arms and let fly with the best epithets you can muster.

Wow, there are a lot more inflmmatory threads in this forum that don't make the basement........

What Kerry said about our troops is outrageous and I think he should be called on it...........:roll: .I guess you and I just don't see it the same way..........
Navy Pride said:
Wow, there are a lot more inflmmatory threads in this forum that don't make the basement........

What Kerry said about our troops is outrageous and I think he should be called on it...........:roll: .I guess you and I just don't see it the same way..........

He said it. He said it recently. Just because certain mods disagree, they keep it out of the news forums. Sad.
KCConservative said:
He said it. He said it recently. Just because certain mods disagree, they keep it out of the news forums. Sad.

They use their position to move threads they disagree with............That is the sad part..........
galenrox said:
I'd like you to take notice of those little elephants on the side of the mod who moved this thread, that means he's a republican, alright?

Yeah, right. He's a Republican. :roll:

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