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Joe Biden (1 Viewer)


  • He's a great man and will/would be a great president.

    Votes: 5 9.3%
  • He's alright and would make a fair to decent president.

    Votes: 12 22.2%
  • He's meh but he's all we have to get rid of Trump right now.

    Votes: 12 22.2%
  • He's a poor choice and I can't vote for him even to stop Trump.

    Votes: 7 13.0%
  • He's a pervert and is going senile.

    Votes: 15 27.8%
  • Something else

    Votes: 3 5.6%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Oct 29, 2016
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What kind of man is he? What kind of president might he be?
What kind of man is he? What kind of president might he be?

A decent, imperfect man who would be an infinitely better President than 45.

Here's republican senator Lindsay Graham on Joe Biden.

"He is as good a man as God ever created."
He's status quo Republocrat. There's nothing to be excited about, he's perchance a slightly better pile of **** than Trump, but still a pile of ****.
What kind of man is he? What kind of president might he be?

Totally not Trump, which by definition automatically makes him superior in every way.
Joe's not going senile, he already is.
What kind of man is he? What kind of president might he be?

Biden will have the fortunate place in history as the man who removed Trump and since he is going to be following the worsts president in US history, and inheriting the worst economy imaginable he is going to look like a much better president than he will be IMO.
Joe's not going senile, he already is.

Even if true, all he has to do is get through swearing the oath of office. At that point he can continue to be President or hand it off to the VP. His call.
Even if true, all he has to do is get through swearing the oath of office. At that point he can continue to be President or hand it off to the VP. His call.

Im not voting for someone just so he could hand it off to somebody else-that's moronic.
Im not voting for someone just so he could hand it off to somebody else-that's moronic.

Dude, you're a trump supporter. I wouldn't dream of trying to convince you to vote for Biden. I would have as much luck convincing Trump himself to vote for Biden.
Dude, you're a trump supporter. I wouldn't dream of trying to convince you to vote for Biden.

Wrong again, Im voting Jo Jorgensen, so stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
Dude, you're a trump supporter. I wouldn't dream of trying to convince you to vote for Biden.

Didn't you say though awhile back that you wouldn't mind if Biden were elected so that his veep could step in for him? I think you mentioned Stacy Abrams if I am recalling correctly.
What kind of man is he? What kind of president might he be?

It would be great to have a better choice, but he is okay. I think with the correct cabinet he will do fine. He will be much better than the "Oh Fake Pumpkin", who is desperately trying to fake it till he makes it. We call see how that's working out.

Go Joe!!
He is a Trojan horse for a VP that plans a socialist / progressive overhaul of America.

How can he be a Trojan Horse? You guys call ALL Dems socialists that plan on a socialist/progressive overhaul of America. Another DUMB comment from you.
Didn't you say though awhile back that you wouldn't mind if Biden were elected so that his veep could step in for him? I think you mentioned Stacy Abrams if I am recalling correctly.

I am also okay with this. It's legal.
Didn't you say though awhile back that you wouldn't mind if Biden were elected so that his veep could step in for him? I think you mentioned Stacy Abrams if I am recalling correctly.

You mean basically what I said in post 9 of this thread?
My thoughts?

1. He will go down in history as the last American presidential candidate to be an elderly Caucasian male.

2. From now on, most presidential candidates will be younger and female and a person of color.

3. Probably for maybe two more decades (or fewer) a young attractive Caucasian male might be acceptable as Vice President, a magnanimous gesture of diversity from the new majority ethnicity.
He's a cipher. He'll sign the bills, but the people behind him will be making the decisions.
He's a cipher. He'll sign the bills, but the people behind him will be making the decisions.

You describe Trump so perfectly. That's all he does. Give him a sharpie and a golf club, and he'll act like a president. A terrible act at that.
What kind of man is he? What kind of president might he be?

He is a good man. Literally everyone that has known him personally, regardless of their party, says he is a very good person. What kind of president he will be remains to be seen, but to be a better president than Trump is a very, very low hill to climb.
He's status quo Republocrat. There's nothing to be excited about, he's perchance a slightly better pile of **** than Trump, but still a pile of ****.

It is the ultimate in white privilege to claim Republicans and Democrats are the same.
Even if true, all he has to do is get through swearing the oath of office. At that point he can continue to be President or hand it off to the VP. His call.

It is not true and people should not indulge the deplorables in their attempts to slander him as senile.
It is the ultimate in white privilege to claim Republicans and Democrats are the same.

Just a reality, is all. It's the ultimate in hyperpartisan blindness to claim the Republocrats are different.

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