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Joe Biden for President (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 19, 2018
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Breaking c/o NBC News :

- I'm the Most Qualified Person in the Country to run for President " - J.Biden
Is this on account of the Death of Bush 41 and how the Media played his
Presidency and the man as if a gift to Presidencies.Constant compliments on his
demeanor as gentleman and man of near gigantic Integrity and Honor.
Basic same playbook as awarded John McCain.
When is Fact,George Herbert Walker Bush was treated almost as negatively
{ 92% negative when running for Re-election } as current President Trump.
They even tried to make the case he had an affair.Causing Old Man Bush to
have his hackles rise.
All Biden can muster is raising his Plugs { Hair inserts }.
Arguably Joe Biden is The Last best Hope for Democrats.
We were told over the summer how well Biden polls.But then we were also
treated to just how Important New Young Pols are.Like The youngest female member
of Congress in American History { Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez } who managed to have the
shoes she wore while Campaigning { very worn } make it all the way into the Cornell Costume
Collection under the Theme - Women Empowered : Fashions from the Frontline -
A groper want to be the president but the democrats are going to dismiss the actions that uncle creepy Joe did ! there’s actual evidence for a example coons daughter. The democrats won’t even call that out! Why

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