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Jimmy Massey marine from Iraq lied about war crimes. (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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This former marine who came back from Iraq and was celebrated by the anti-war left and the libreral media for reporting his alleged rolls in U.S. attrocities against the people of Iraq, much in the same way as John Kerry did after Vietnam, has now confessed to lying to gain celebrity. The press, much in the same way as in the Rathergate story, wanted to believe this guy so much that they failed to factcheck his obvious lies! Why would he have lied about attrocities? Well Kerry did it won him a Democratic presidential primary victory and a seat in the Senate. Massey confessed, now it's your turn senator Kerry. Here's the full story:

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That traitor SOB. What is sad is that there is an entire Marine Force that has been calling him a liar and a fallen Marine looking for sympathy and attention, and no one cared to listen (Support the troop:roll: ). He tried to explain away his own personal inadequicies and inabilities to be a Marine after 12 years...by lieing.

What this proves is that so many anti-war folks will grab at anything that serves their purpose. This link describes the investigation thus far into his "misrepresentation" of the reality.

GySgt said:
That traitor SOB. What is sad is that there is an entire Marine Force that has been calling him a liar and a fallen Marine looking for sympathy and attention, and no one cared to listen (Support the troop:roll: ). He tried to explain away his own personal inadequicies and inabilities to be a Marine after 12 years...by lieing.

What this proves is that so many anti-war folks will grab at anything that serves their purpose. This link describes the investigation thus far into his "misrepresentation" of the reality.


He is a freaking traitor isn't he, he gave aid and comfort to the enemy. Is the penalty for treason still death? If not this guy better get some serious jail time.
Traitor is right, what a lying sack of dog ****. The DoJ should file a lawsuit against him for slander or something!
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
He is a freaking traitor isn't he, he gave aid and comfort to the enemy. Is the penalty for treason still death? If not this guy better get some serious jail time.

YES...but I doubt we'll see criminal charges. He's only done what so many reporters that have exxagerated and embellished their stories have done.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Why would he have lied about attrocities? Well Kerry did it won him a Democratic presidential primary victory and a seat in the Senate.
What facts did Kerry lie about?

....and what's this can of worms doing open?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
What facts did Kerry ever state? Would be the more apropriate question.

Bwahahaha. That's a good reply. It's funny because it's true.
GySgt said:
YES...but I doubt we'll see criminal charges. He's only done what so many reporters that have exxagerated and embellished their stories have done.

Well there should definately be some sort of charges filed let's all write our congressmen or something, this type of defamation is the worst insult I can think of to our soldiers over there. I want to run into this guy somewhere and put my foot up his ass.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
What facts did Kerry ever state? Would be the more apropriate question.
Well, if he didn't have facts, then there was nothing to lie about then, making your claim a lie. It's like a Mobius strip, that.
You notice the Leftwingers are 'unimpressed' by this? No big deal? These are the same people who made front page news for months out of Abu Graib or any other story that could make the military or the administration look bad. Will you see a flurry of news stories in all publications and sources showing how much the negative publicity a la Sheehan et al is mostly bogus? Nope. Only a few courageous ones will report it. The rest will ignore it or minimize it.

And there are still some numbnuts who believe there is no leftwing tilt to the U.S. media.
AlbqOwl said:
You notice the Leftwingers are 'unimpressed' by this? No big deal? These are the same people who made front page news for months out of Abu Graib or any other story that could make the military or the administration look bad. Will you see a flurry of news stories in all publications and sources showing how much the negative publicity a la Sheehan et al is mostly bogus? Nope. Only a few courageous ones will report it. The rest will ignore it or minimize it.

And there are still some numbnuts who believe there is no leftwing tilt to the U.S. media.

I never heard of the guy, nor have I heard anything about his claims. I don't think his claims got much traction in the media.

I agree with you that his lying is pathetic and bad. But it cuts both ways ... as you point out, it tends to discredit other claims (like Abu Grave) of misconduct that have been made.

I am sure Abu Grave would have been just brushed off as lies too ... but there were photos.
GySgt said:
YES...but I doubt we'll see criminal charges. He's only done what so many reporters that have exxagerated and embellished their stories have done.

I don't know if he committed a crime -- perjury is lying under oath. Pretty despicable though.
Never heard of him either. I did a quick Goggle search and got to page 15 before a national article came up (USA Today) and in that article the Marines dismissed his claims. A search here showed only one other thread, besides this one, containing his name. Again, his claims didn't generate much interest.

With that aside, I agree with most others here...... his actions are despicable!!!
BWG said:
Never heard of him either. I did a quick Goggle search and got to page 15 before a national article came up (USA Today) and in that article the Marines dismissed his claims. A search here showed only one other thread, besides this one, containing his name. Again, his claims didn't generate much interest.

With that aside, I agree with most others here...... his actions are despicable!!!

Because all this surfaced last spring and summer, most of the news accounts are no longer available or have been archived. I did a quick search too using a different search engine and the following are just the first ones that came up.










Salon.com ran article after article after article on this, all prominently featured, but I refuse to sign on as a member to get to them.

What do you think the odds are that any of these will now give equal time, space, and prominence to print the error and apologize for not checking this guy out before printing his lies?
Gawd you guys who are still trashing Kerry are pathetic.

I notice that none of you answered the question as to what facts Kerry lied about. When he testified before Congress, he was reporting the atrocities that others had told him, which were true.
AlbqOwl said:
Because all this surfaced last spring and summer, most of the news accounts are no longer available or have been archived. I did a quick search too using a different search engine and the following are just the first ones that came up.










Salon.com ran article after article after article on this, all prominently featured, but I refuse to sign on as a member to get to them.

What do you think the odds are that any of these will now give equal time, space, and prominence to print the error and apologize for not checking this guy out before printing his lies?

Well, there's a list of the main stream media (with its leftward tilt) if I ever saw one.
Iriemon said:
Well, there's a list of the main stream media (with its leftward tilt) if I ever saw one.

Some on the list are MSM. Most aren't. But most are quoting or commenting on accounts reported by the MSM. If it wasn't so many months after the Jimmy Massey lies were being reported, we could access more accounts from the MSM.
aps said:
Gawd you guys who are still trashing Kerry are pathetic.

I notice that none of you answered the question as to what facts Kerry lied about. When he testified before Congress, he was reporting the atrocities that others had told him, which were true.

I'll just mention one of the many. Remember he testified before Congress the Christmas that was seared....seared...SEARED into his mind as he sat on his boat in Cambodia. And then his campaign finally had to admit he had never been in Cambodia? It's just little things like that some of us call lies.
AlbqOwl said:
You notice the Leftwingers are 'unimpressed' by this? No big deal? These are the same people who made front page news for months out of Abu Graib or any other story that could make the military or the administration look bad. Will you see a flurry of news stories in all publications and sources showing how much the negative publicity a la Sheehan et al is mostly bogus? Nope. Only a few courageous ones will report it. The rest will ignore it or minimize it.

And there are still some numbnuts who believe there is no leftwing tilt to the U.S. media.

What do you consider treason sir? This man has not only commited treason but he has done this to his own brothers for his own benefit he deserves nothing less but to be held to the full acount of the law. They ought to hang him!!!
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
What do you consider treason sir? This man has not only commited treason but he has done this to his own brothers for his own benefit he deserves nothing less but to be held to the full acount of the law. They ought to hang him!!!

I don't know what to call the crime, but the punishment should be 1/2 hour on a marine base in a soundproof room...
cnredd said:
I don't know what to call the crime, but the punishment should be 1/2 hour on a marine base in a soundproof room...

He may have served but he equals Benedict Arnold in my book, he deserves nothing less than to be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law! No citizen is above the law and most certaintly not a traitor!
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aps said:
Gawd you guys who are still trashing Kerry are pathetic.

I notice that none of you answered the question as to what facts Kerry lied about. When he testified before Congress, he was reporting the atrocities that others had told him, which were true.

If Kerry witnessed these things first hand, what did he do to stop them at the time? How come he has never given specific names and times so a verification can be done? He's the one who told the stories, the burden of proof is on him.


The only crime that this new guy can possibly be charged with is fraud against the government since he wrote a book and profitted from known lies that embarrassed the government.

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