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Jesusland (1 Viewer)


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Dec 11, 2004
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by Max Gordon
November 23, 2004

There is a thirteen-year-old boy in America who walks to school this morning. He believes he is a pervert because he is sexually attracted to a boy in his class. Undressing in the locker room for gym, he is terrified he will get an erection or his friends will notice him staring at the other boys and call him a homo.

At night, he lies in bed. He promised God he wouldn't look at pictures of naked men having sex anymore, but he did it again after school. As a punishment, he pinches his penis between his fingernails until he breaks the skin. He believes the pain is good for him. It is only a fraction of the pain that sinners feel when they go to hell, or what Jesus must have felt on the cross.

He sits in church on Sunday and knows the priest is referring to him: deviants whose unnatural desire will keep them from entering the Kingdom of God. When he takes communion, he prays that God will heal the sickness inside him and make him clean and perfect like his Son. He promises to try even harder not to sin than he's ever tried before.

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After failing again, he decides he has no more tries left in him. He cannot stop the thoughts or change them. He believes God is disgusted with him and that He refuses to help.He stands looking in the bathroom mirror and wonders if he is what a homo looks like. He thinks of his youngest sister coming home from kindergarten with school papers tucked under her arm, and wonders if the boy from his class is in bed sleeping. He lifts his father's gun and shoots himself in the head.
That is where his parents failed to teach him about who and what God really is.

I for one, totally disagree with the alternative lifestyle. Religeous obsession? Possibly. Mostly logic. Physically, a square peg does not fit in a round hole. It is not natural.

As a kid, I was ridiculed and laughed at because I wasn't the most masculine. I even got beat up once or twice because my friends thought I was a "homo". There is something about being raped at a very early age that f*cks the mind.

But, the old man upstairs helped me out.

Excellently written btw.
I believe true homosexuality is not a choice. It is a result of genetics and the prenatal environment. When a fetus' chromosomes do their work, the hormones that the fetus' body creates are supposed to either bathe it in testosterone (and other hormones) to some degree. The hormones affect the developing brain and sexual identity is hardwired. I learned in my behavioral neuroscience class that nature loves a woman. If left "untouched" by testosterone, you get a female. These are simplified factoids and in reality there is much gray area when discussing the exact environment of prenatal life. That is why babies are so miraculous.

Also in reality, people turn to the homosexual lifestyle for more reasons than just that they are hardwired for it. People who've been abused and/or neglected search for their identity because no one helped them define themselves when they were children. And when these searchers find a community that welcomes them, they find the connection they've been looking for and feel made whole. This can be said with many types of communities and not just the gay.

To me, what is truly important is a person's actions and motives. And there are without a doubt wonderful, bright gay people just as sure as there are horrible deluded straight people. But when your community is perceived as perverted or unreasonable and the community itself succumbs to stereotypes, garnering respect is hard. The community needs to hold up its representatives that can make their case the best.

And here's where I note Vague's post that it is a failure of the parents to give their children the tools needed to make sense of themselves. Children are so precious. Parents who don't make every effort to ensure their children's mental health are abominations.
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Thsi kid was pushed to the limit because of his guilt of being gay. Instead of accepting people some Christians would rather force them to change their lifetyle. They brainwashed this kid for only pleasing "god". Isn't the guilt that Chritianity puts on people's shoulders great?
Well written Max, an awful lot of passion when into that.

Religion is only good when it is not oppressing people. It's funny how most Americans think their country is "God's chosen country". How arrogant, how self indulging, how blashempus (spelling)! I suppose most the social problems of America are simply ignored by the majority or either blame people who are different to what they are. To be honest I'd rather live in Canada.

Who are we as mere mortals to decide the words of God. Jesus taught us love and tolerance, not hate. Ah the hyprocrisy of it all.
GarzaUK said:
Well written Max, an awful lot of passion when into that.

Religion is only good when it is not oppressing people. It's funny how most Americans think their country is "God's chosen country". How arrogant, how self indulging, how blashempus (spelling)! I suppose most the social problems of America are simply ignored by the majority or either blame people who are different to what they are. To be honest I'd rather live in Canada.

Who are we as mere mortals to decide the words of God. Jesus taught us love and tolerance, not hate. Ah the hyprocrisy of it all.

Many Americans do feel that this is a certain god's chosen country. What these folks don't understand is that America's success is despite its bouts with intolerance. America's success is due to many factors, including rich resources. Another factor is it's early adoption and fairly consistent tradition of secular government, and the fact that churches have for the most part prospered and been less corrupt under such a system. Separation of church and state has made the churches stronger, not weaker. This was not anticipated by most of the founders.

In other words, the success of the United States is a result of the wisdom of its founders... leaders who did not understand fully, but did understand in part, the power of their ideas. The ideas were rooted in the Enlightenment (secular) period of thought, and have served this country well. Given the other considerations, the United States has risen to become the most powerful nation on the planet.

And yet, here at its zenith, it chooses to forget all that has made it great. Its president often says the word freedom, and yet all of his actions chip away at the structure of laws that keep us free. Americans barely notice. Europeans seem to understand our own greatness better than we do, and because of that fact, may inherit the mantle of "defender of freedom".

Americans, famed for their productivity and industriousness, have become lazy citizens. Chasing after phantoms of iniquity, citizens all over expend their energies and time with non-issues like gay marriage, while the trappings of democracy erode apace.

As you can see, I am completely unhappy with my fellow citizens. I am not sure anymore that this country is my country. I hope I am wrong.

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