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Jesus was black... (1 Viewer)


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Oct 28, 2005
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Do you think Jesus was black? If so what are your reasons for thinking so? If not what are your reasons for thinking so?
I saw this image when it was rebroadcast on the History Channel...

They took a skull from that era and did the recreation...

Jean Claude Gragard, used the left image in his documentary "Son of God," which was broadcast by the British Broadcasting Commission in 2001. He said: "Using archaeological and anatomical science rather than artistic interpretation makes this the most accurate likeness ever created. It isn't the face of Jesus, because we're not working with the skull of Jesus, but it is the departure point for considering what Jesus would have looked like." They guessed at the length of Jesus' hair on the basis of the reference by Paul that "If a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him." They speculate that Paul would not have written this if Jesus Christ had had long hair?



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That's interesting, but since they did not have the skull of Jesus, I doubt if that is anything at all of how he looked. When a dead body is found that has been dead for a long period of time they are unable to tell what race the person is although the skull is there.
Skin tone and complextion does not mutate that much in 2000 years...it takes hundreds of thousands.

What was done is not how JESUS himself looked...It was how people OF THAT DAY looked, based on the structure of a skull from that time...

If you were to say Irish, you would think of red or blond hair, maybe some freckles and a light complextion...

Just the same, if you were to say "Jewish 2000 years ago", the dipiction I've posted would be accurate to someone at that time...

As far as race is concerned, I doubt highly the skin tone would be the same if I had two skulls...One from 2000 years ago in South Africa and one from 2000 years ago in Norway...

You would have to know the population of the area at the time of the skull used...Was it 5% black?...Was it 20%?...Then those would be the same percentages that the skull would be(Unless there was other information about the skull that we don't know about)...

Also, Jesus' lineage comes into play...Both of his parents were Jews with a direct line to King David...thus making the observation that "Jesus was black" a lot less likely...
cnredd, are you a moderator?

Do you have an open mind?
Jesus was a jewish fictional character and didn't exist.
WinterSun said:
Jesus was a jewish fictional character and didn't exist.

This is not the topic....Your views are irrelevant to this discussion...
I would have to conclude that Jesus was probably black because of all he went through throughout his life on earth. It is all equivalent to many of the things black males have gone through and had to deal with.
cherith said:
I would have to conclude that Jesus was probably black because of all he went through throughout his life on earth. It is all equivalent to many of the things black males have gone through and had to deal with.
As per your earlier question...Yes, I am a Moderator...

This post is confusing...I don't understand what you mean by "many of the things black males have gone through and had to deal with"...

What "things" do you mean?...And have other races had to deal with these same issues?

Example...Blacks were slaves...But so were the Jews in Egypt...So were indentured servantry with Europeans...I don't think you could find one race that didn't have some form of slavery...even to their own races...

What "blacks have gone through" is not condusive to just blacks...
When I take scripture and put two and two together, I would have to conclude that Jesus was black. Since the Old Testament is full of shadows and types, and Joseph is a type of Jesus Christ; they were both black. Likewise, Noah was black and his boys Shem, Ham, and Japheth were all black. That's why everybody derived from black ancestry.

Joseph was black because:

1. He talked too much and told everything he knew. (Gen. 37:5)

2. He was ignorant enough to believe a group of people around him loved him. (Gen. 37:5)

3. Men tried to take his life. (Gen. 37:20)

4. A woman lied and said he rapped her. (Gen. 39:11-14)

Likewise, Jesus was black because:

1. His first miracle was alchol related-turning water into wine. (John 4:46)

2. He let a woman rub his feet w/oil and wipe them with her hair. (John 11:2)

3. He ended up having to run for his life, and he had no where to lay his head. Matt. 8:20)

4. He was a man who was continously rejected. (Matt. 21:42, Mark 8:31, Luke 7:30, etc...)

5. He was hung from a tree; and crucified. (Acts 5:30)

Enduring such things, one would have had to be black...wouldn't you say?
WinterSun said:
Jesus was a jewish fictional character and didn't exist.

a number of roman historians would disagree with you there
Jesus is not Black nor was he Aryan German (the way he is portrayed by the Christians and Mormons).

Just as Buddha is not Chinese, Japanese, or Tibetan.

Buddha was Indian from the Sakya (Warrior) Class.

Jesus is a descendant of David according to the Gospels which makes him a Jew,

However Jesus is not a real person, he is a character in a myth, like Krishna (who is blue)....so technically he can be any color you want him to be....it is irrelevent.
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cherith said:
When I take scripture and put two and two together, I would have to conclude that Jesus was black. Since the Old Testament is full of shadows and types, and Joseph is a type of Jesus Christ; they were both black. Likewise, Noah was black and his boys Shem, Ham, and Japheth were all black. That's why everybody derived from black ancestry.

Joseph was black because:

1. He talked too much and told everything he knew. (Gen. 37:5)

2. He was ignorant enough to believe a group of people around him loved him. (Gen. 37:5)

3. Men tried to take his life. (Gen. 37:20)

4. A woman lied and said he rapped her. (Gen. 39:11-14)

Likewise, Jesus was black because:

1. His first miracle was alchol related-turning water into wine. (John 4:46)

2. He let a woman rub his feet w/oil and wipe them with her hair. (John 11:2)

3. He ended up having to run for his life, and he had no where to lay his head. Matt. 8:20)

4. He was a man who was continously rejected. (Matt. 21:42, Mark 8:31, Luke 7:30, etc...)

5. He was hung from a tree; and crucified. (Acts 5:30)

Enduring such things, one would have had to be black...wouldn't you say?

What started off as an interesting historical and anthropological question has, with your above post, been turned into the stupidest historical analogy I've seen in quite some time.

To say Jesus was black soley based on the examples black stereotypes of relatively historical contempoary America, suggests a deep lack of anything important to say on your part.

I'm no expert in scripture or theology, but the collective sum of your ten points above would be something more properly heard eminating from the mouth of Louis Farrahkan. If you wish your argument to employ the slightest trace of intellectual merit, go find some primary sources from the time and not leave others to only argue your flawed logic.
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cherith said:
Joseph was black because:

1. He talked too much and told everything he knew. (Gen. 37:5)

2. He was ignorant enough to believe a group of people around him loved him. (Gen. 37:5)

3. Men tried to take his life. (Gen. 37:20)

4. A woman lied and said he raped her. (Gen. 39:11-14)

I thought this much was funny.
cherith said:
Do you think Jesus was black? If so what are your reasons for thinking so? If not what are your reasons for thinking so?

Jesus clearly was an arab, with tan or olive skin and black hair/brown eyes. Look at the region he's from; Galilee! And he's Jewish. Blacks are from Africa.
cherith said:
When I take scripture and put two and two together, I would have to conclude that Jesus was black. Since the Old Testament is full of shadows and types, and Joseph is a type of Jesus Christ; they were both black. Likewise, Noah was black and his boys Shem, Ham, and Japheth were all black. That's why everybody derived from black ancestry.

Joseph was black because:

1. He talked too much and told everything he knew. (Gen. 37:5)

2. He was ignorant enough to believe a group of people around him loved him. (Gen. 37:5)

3. Men tried to take his life. (Gen. 37:20)

4. A woman lied and said he rapped her. (Gen. 39:11-14)

Likewise, Jesus was black because:

1. His first miracle was alchol related-turning water into wine. (John 4:46)

2. He let a woman rub his feet w/oil and wipe them with her hair. (John 11:2)

3. He ended up having to run for his life, and he had no where to lay his head. Matt. 8:20)

4. He was a man who was continously rejected. (Matt. 21:42, Mark 8:31, Luke 7:30, etc...)

5. He was hung from a tree; and crucified. (Acts 5:30)

Enduring such things, one would have had to be black...wouldn't you say?

I hope your post wasn't serious.
Jesus clearly was an arab, with tan or olive skin and black hair/brown eyes. Look at the region he's from; Galilee! And he's Jewish. Blacks are from Africa.

I hope your post wasn't serious.
Donkey...I'm not sure how serious it was, but it wasn't a joke. As for you other statement, first you say that Jesus was an Arab, then you end by saying, "he's Jewish."

Noah had only one son that migrated to Africa-Egypt and Nigeria, and that son was Ham. He and his children, grandchildren, great grandchildren all resided and multiplied throughout various parts of Africa. Well...except for Noah's grandson name Cush whom he cursed. He stayed in Israel. Likewise, Noahs other two sons, Japheth and Shem both resided and multiplied throughout Israel.

Therefore, when you say that Jesus is Jewish, of course he is. There are many blacks who are Jewish. The blood line runs deep.
cherith said:
Therefore, when you say that Jesus is Jewish, of course he is. There are many blacks who are Jewish. The blood line runs deep.

Actually there really aren't that many black Jews... He was a Jew, probably of olive complexion.
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, brown, black or white matters not one whit when you look at the teachings of the man. Be he Indigo his words would still have the relevance and power speaking to human relationships they still hold today. The effort of catagorizing him would only lead to some dismissing what he stood for based on a physical view, or racism. I prefer to only think of him as a man, and a human of great insight and truth. His influence is too big to put it into a stereotype or allow it become single ethnicity, it is human period.
cherith said:
That's interesting, but since they did not have the skull of Jesus, I doubt if that is anything at all of how he looked. When a dead body is found that has been dead for a long period of time they are unable to tell what race the person is although the skull is there.
Actually some racial traits can be found in skektal remains, although they are not conclusive 100% of the time. The area in which Jesus lived and ministered would suggest that he probably could resemble the photo posted, ie: of Mediterranean/Middle Eastern features.
To say merely he was Jewish would not be enough of a description, although lineage and racial characterisitics were certainly more pureto their regions over 2,000 years ago.
cherith said:
When I take scripture and put two and two together, I would have to conclude that Jesus was black. Since the Old Testament is full of shadows and types, and Joseph is a type of Jesus Christ; they were both black. Likewise, Noah was black and his boys Shem, Ham, and Japheth were all black. That's why everybody derived from black ancestry.

Joseph was black because:

1. He talked too much and told everything he knew. (Gen. 37:5)

2. He was ignorant enough to believe a group of people around him loved him. (Gen. 37:5)

3. Men tried to take his life. (Gen. 37:20)

4. A woman lied and said he rapped her. (Gen. 39:11-14)

Likewise, Jesus was black because:

1. His first miracle was alchol related-turning water into wine. (John 4:46)

2. He let a woman rub his feet w/oil and wipe them with her hair. (John 11:2)

3. He ended up having to run for his life, and he had no where to lay his head. Matt. 8:20)

4. He was a man who was continously rejected. (Matt. 21:42, Mark 8:31, Luke 7:30, etc...)

5. He was hung from a tree; and crucified. (Acts 5:30)

Enduring such things, one would have had to be black...wouldn't you say?

6 he didnt get a fair trial

Gandhi>Bush said:
Actually there really aren't that many black Jews... He was a Jew, probably of olive complexion.

Well acording to scripture soloman was black and jesus was decended from solomon so maybe jesus was one of the few?
cherith said:
Donkey...I'm not sure how serious it was, but it wasn't a joke. As for you other statement, first you say that Jesus was an Arab, then you end by saying, "he's Jewish."

Noah had only one son that migrated to Africa-Egypt and Nigeria, and that son was Ham. He and his children, grandchildren, great grandchildren all resided and multiplied throughout various parts of Africa. Well...except for Noah's grandson name Cush whom he cursed. He stayed in Israel. Likewise, Noahs other two sons, Japheth and Shem both resided and multiplied throughout Israel.

Therefore, when you say that Jesus is Jewish, of course he is. There are many blacks who are Jewish. The blood line runs deep.

Jews come from the Arab region (Tigris & Euphrates Area), so thus, Jews are arabs. Muslims are Arabs as well, cuz they come from Arab regions. Arab is the Ethnic part. Jew and Muslim are the religious part.
Most of the posts as to his race are of the world as we see it now, ie: there aren't many black jews.
Truth be told, no one knows for sure and probably never will. All we have to go on is whatever archeologists uncover and so far, they haven't even found concrete evidence the man existed. The gospels were written up to over 100 years after his death and not one by an eyewitness. It has even been suggested that Jesus' story was a compilation of more than one man's life.
Since Christianity, although it's earliest beginnings may have been of that region, is an anglo-originated religion, so of course, earliest depictions would be of someone resembling those practitioners.

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