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jesus healed useing cannabis (1 Viewer)

Red_Dave said:

That's right. There is also probably no doubt that John the Baptist used cannabis and other items like that. Indeed, Jesus would be shocked to see that there is a ban on cannabis in modern times because one, it is designed to cover up true cures so drug companies can make money, two, he wanted our bodies to be a temple and in moderation, cannabis is good for us, three, cannabis was natural, and I doubt Jesus would be opposed to anything his heavenly father created, four, he would be sickened by how drug users are judged and how they are thrown in jail for long sentences, and five, a world without cannabis would be alien to him or anyone else from a time previous to the 20th century. Even in the "strong moral" days of old, cannabis was legal!
Not only Jesus, what do you think inscense was, all that smoke floating around putting you in touch with "God."

The land of Canna should be a clue to this as well.

I love to quote my friend when he says, "Before God, there was drugs."

The Real McCoy said:
Why not? His father created the plant.

Legalize it!

now that you mention it i read a good theory recently as to why cannabis is illegal from Noam Chomsky

how come marijuna is illegal but tobacoo legal? It cant be because of the health impact, because thats exactly the other way round-there has never been a fatality from marijuna use among 60 million reported users in the United States, where'as tobaco kills hundreds of thousands of people each year. My strong suspicion, though I dont know how to prove it, is that the reason is that marijunas a weed, you can grow it in your backyard, so there,s nobody who would make any money out of it if it were legal. Tobacco requires extensive capitial imputs and technology, and it can be momopolized, so there are people who can make a ton of money off it. I dont really see any other difference between the two of them, frankly-except that tobacco's far more lethal and far more addictive

seams to make alot of sence to me
Red_Dave said:
now that you mention it i read a good theory recently as to why cannabis is illegal from Noam Chomsky

how come marijuna is illegal but tobacoo legal? It cant be because of the health impact, because thats exactly the other way round-there has never been a fatality from marijuna use among 60 million reported users in the United States, where'as tobaco kills hundreds of thousands of people each year. My strong suspicion, though I dont know how to prove it, is that the reason is that marijunas a weed, you can grow it in your backyard, so there,s nobody who would make any money out of it if it were legal. Tobacco requires extensive capitial imputs and technology, and it can be momopolized, so there are people who can make a ton of money off it. I dont really see any other difference between the two of them, frankly-except that tobacco's far more lethal and far more addictive

seams to make alot of sence to me

I think Noam's a little off in his theory. While it would be much easier to grow cannabis plants rather than tobacco plants on your own property, it wouldn't be cost effective if it were to be legalized. Corporate farms producing mass crops would be able to sell the product at a much lower price. I think people would still grow their own plants but not everyone would want to put the time and effort into proper growing and cultivation. There would most certainly be $$$ to make in the legalization. It's why most people don't ferment their own alcohol despite how relatively easy the process is.

And that's just recreational marijuana. That doesn't even skim the tip of the iceberg of the thousands of industrail applications of the hemp plant.
Red_Dave said:
seams to make alot of sence to me

That's true. Because it is no easy task rolling your own cigs, weed is another story.
Axismaster said:
That's true. Because it is no easy task rolling your own cigs, weed is another story.

Rolling cigs is easy if you have one of those litte $5 cig-rollers. You can crank about 1 per minute out
The Real McCoy said:
Rolling cigs is easy if you have one of those litte $5 cig-rollers. You can crank about 1 per minute out

Growing weed is still easier than growing tobaccy.
Ok Tobacco.

This crop was originally rotated with Hemp, and a mix of leaves was exported from here even to france as a part of the contract between the young US and France to help us win the war.

Tobacco is dangerous to work in, nicotine poisings are known to occur if the leaves blister in the summer. Fertilizer intensive, and depletes the soil of hugs amounts of nitrogen. Hemp roots supplied the exta nitrogen as they decomposed slowly in the soil making these two plants interreliant.

Sweet leaf tobacco contained a precise mix of the two leaves, Tobacco and Cannabis. This was Sweet Leaf Tobacco and was sold rolled in US drug stores till the 1930's.


Here under cigarettes you will find examples of which I speak, plus hundreds of other legal Cannabis medications of the 20th century.

The indian figurine of tobacco shops came from the Indian tobacco or indica sativas as it came from India, which the Native Indians here were familiar with for it's medical properties.

It is not truly all the tobacco that is bad for you when you smoke, although inhaling any kind of smoke is harmful. It is the wood pulp paper that makes it so deadly, a majority the chemicals found in cigarette smaoke are used to process the papers and the filters. Hemp papers like used in France could decrease the deaths of smoking in this nation today. Smoke is harmful, paper chemicals make if deadly.

Ok Tobacco.

This crop was originally rotated with Hemp, and a mix of leaves was exported from here even to france as a part of the contract between the young US and France to help us win the war.

Tobacco is dangerous to work in, nicotine poisings are known to occur if the leaves blister in the summer. Fertilizer intensive, and depletes the soil of hugs amounts of nitrogen. Hemp roots supplied the exta nitrogen as they decomposed slowly in the soil making these two plants interreliant.

Sweet leaf tobacco contained a precise mix of the two leaves, Tobacco and Cannabis. This was Sweet Leaf Tobacco and was sold rolled in US drug stores till the 1930's.


Here under cigarettes you will find examples of which I speak, plus hundreds of other legal Cannabis medications of the 20th century.

The indian figurine of tobacco shops came from the Indian tobacco or indica sativas as it came from India, which the Native Indians here were familiar with for it's medical properties.

It is not truly the tobacco alone that is bad for smokers, although inhaling any kind of smoke is harmful. It is the wood pulp paper that makes it so deadly, a majority the chemicals found in cigarette smaoke are used to process the papers and the filters. Hemp papers and filter like those used in France could decrease the deaths of smoking in this nation today. Smoke is harmful, paper chemicals make if deadly.

=The Real McCoy
Why not? His father created the plant.
Seems it could well be biblically sound... Check it out;
Ezekiel 47:12 said:
And by the river, upon its bank, on the one side and on the other, shall grow all trees for food, whose leaf shall not fade, nor their fruit fail: it shall bring forth new fruit every month, for its waters issue out of the sanctuary; and the fruit thereof shall be for food, and the leaf thereof for healing.
Revelation 22:2 said:
On either side of the river, midway between it and the main street of the city, was the Tree of Life. It produced twelve kinds of fruit, yielding a fresh crop month by month, and the leaves of the tree served as medicine for the nations
The Lost Tribe Of Israel

I believe jesus not only cured using marijuana, but through the twisting of his teachings we (society) have de-legalized marijuana because of the damage that could be done to the christian faith because of the revelation that yes, he may have cured using marijuana.
Re: The Lost Tribe Of Israel

Rentonboyo said:
I believe jesus not only cured using marijuana, but through the twisting of his teachings we (society) have de-legalized marijuana because of the damage that could be done to the christian faith because of the revelation that yes, he may have cured using marijuana.
marijuana could not cure leprosy, they have tried it in countries where it is legalized and leprosy is still there, and it doesn't work. how do you explain the healing of the ten lepers, and the longrange healing of the nobleman's child? these could not have been done by herbs.

(oh, and yes I am back, with even more arguments against my opponents courtesy of SCIENCE and Scientific American)
Re: The Lost Tribe Of Israel

dthmstr254 said:
marijuana could not cure leprosy, they have tried it in countries where it is legalized and leprosy is still there, and it doesn't work. how do you explain the healing of the ten lepers, and the longrange healing of the nobleman's child? these could not have been done by herbs.

Just because someone cannot cure cancer with antiobiotics doesn't mean they never used penecillin to cure an illness.

And I feel no need to explain miraculous healings that I have never seen take place.

dthmstr254 said:
(oh, and yes I am back, with even more arguments against my opponents courtesy of SCIENCE and Scientific American)

What are your arguments and who are your opponents?
Re: The Lost Tribe Of Israel

The Real McCoy said:
Just because someone cannot cure cancer with antiobiotics doesn't mean they never used penecillin to cure an illness.

And I feel no need to explain miraculous healings that I have never seen take place.
the fact is, if you wish to argue that Jesus healed using cannabis, you must accept that he healed at all. so, now we are back to my original question

What are your arguments and who are your opponents?
you will know, when the moment is right. lets just put it this way, evolutionists won't like me after I reveal them step, by step, weaving an impenetrable case that has supports for its supports. you not only have to dig through one layer of evidence, but at least two before you get to the meat. I titled it, "the self=sustaining argument" because it can sustain itself. just refer to it for the rebuttal of the rebuttal for the last one, and get this, there are at least three other sources that I will have. thats all for now, cya when the time is right. :turns and skips merrily out the door:
Re: The Lost Tribe Of Israel

dthmstr254 said:
the fact is, if you wish to argue that Jesus healed using cannabis, you must accept that he healed at all. so, now we are back to my original question

I don't doubt that he healed NATURALLY (quite possibly with cannabis) but there's a difference between that and miraculous, unexplainable healings.

dthmstr254 said:
you will know, when the moment is right.

When the moment is right? Why not now?

dthmstr254 said:
lets just put it this way, evolutionists won't like me

Ah. I see. A creationist.

Question: I believe God created the universe through evolution so what does that make me?

dthmstr254 said:
after I reveal them step, by step, weaving an impenetrable case that has supports for its supports. you not only have to dig through one layer of evidence, but at least two before you get to the meat. I titled it, "the self=sustaining argument" because it can sustain itself. just refer to it for the rebuttal of the rebuttal for the last one, and get this, there are at least three other sources that I will have. thats all for now, cya when the time is right. :turns and skips merrily out the door:

Then go for it, champ. Usher any/all arguments into the slaughterhouse of logic.
Re: The Lost Tribe Of Israel

The Real McCoy said:
I don't doubt that he healed NATURALLY (quite possibly with cannabis) but there's a difference between that and miraculous, unexplainable healings.
but what about the fact that Cannabis can't survive in the desert regions of Israel. and the fact that it is not native to that country.

When the moment is right? Why not now?

not the time, nor the place. wrong debate. when I get back into the loop of DP I will find a place to put it up at.

Ah. I see. A creationist.

Question: I believe God created the universe through evolution so what does that make me?

a person who doesn't believe in natural selection, which works through random processes, finally getting the right one after thousands of different combinations. if God is in the picture, He could make sure that only the right combinations happened, thus destroying gradual evolution, because He could speed it up as he liked, he might even be able to do so in :deep breath: six days!

Then go for it, champ. Usher any/all arguments into the slaughterhouse of logic.
wrong debate, too far off topic, this part of my response is already WAY off-topic.
but what about the fact that Cannabis can't survive in the desert regions of Israel. and the fact that it is not native to that country.


Lebabnon was one of the MAJOR producers of Cannabis up until the the war of the 1960's.

The oldest evidence of Cannabis use was discovered in Isreal in the a tomb of a young mother and her child, both died in childbirth.

APn 05/19/93

NEW YORK (AP) -- Ashes from a fourth-century tomb near Jerusalem suggest that marijuana plants may have been used in the ancient Middle East to help childbirth, researchers say.
The tomb contained the remains of a teen-ager who apparently died while giving birth, or during the last stages of pregnancy.
Analysis indicated that ashes found with the skeleton came from cannabis, the marijuana plant. Apparently, cannabis was burned for use as an inhalant to aid childbirth, researchers said, noting that a 19th-century medical publication said it strengthened contractions while reducing labor pain.
Medicinal use of cannabis was recorded in Egypt in the 16th century B.C., the Israeli scientists said in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature.

Seeds of Cannabis Sativa have been found in tombs all over Europe, China, Indo-Asia, and the Middle East dating from the first discoveries of any human remains found. Where we find humans, we find Cannabis, be it in art, clothes, or remains they left behind.

"The Bog" people of the Celtic region were found with Cannabis seeds in their pockets as well. It will grow anywhere.

Human camps from ancient history show is Cannabis Sativa was around humans since the Paleolithic Era. Or we were around it for all the benifits it provided us.

Last edited:
CaliNORML said:
but what about the fact that Cannabis can't survive in the desert regions of Israel. and the fact that it is not native to that country.


Lebabnon was one of the MAJOR producers of Cannabis up until the the war of the 1960's.

The oldest evidence of Cannabis use was discovered in Isreal in the a tomb of a young mother and her child, both died in childbirth.

APn 05/19/93

NEW YORK (AP) -- Ashes from a fourth-century tomb near Jerusalem suggest that marijuana plants may have been used in the ancient Middle East to help childbirth, researchers say.
The tomb contained the remains of a teen-ager who apparently died while giving birth, or during the last stages of pregnancy.
Analysis indicated that ashes found with the skeleton came from cannabis, the marijuana plant. Apparently, cannabis was burned for use as an inhalant to aid childbirth, researchers said, noting that a 19th-century medical publication said it strengthened contractions while reducing labor pain.
Medicinal use of cannabis was recorded in Egypt in the 16th century B.C., the Israeli scientists said in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature.

Seeds of Cannabis Sativa have been found in tombs all over Europe, China, Indo-Asia, and the Middle East dating from the first discoveries of any human remains found. Where we find humans, we find Cannabis, be it in art, clothes, or remains they left behind.

"The Bog" people of the Celtic region were found with Cannabis seeds in their pockets as well. It will grow anywhere.

Human camps from ancient history show is Cannabis Sativa was around humans since the Paleolithic Era. Or we were around it for all the benifits it provided us.

seeds and residue in Israel and producing areas in Lebanon don't prove anything. Jesus only went to Lebanon once in his travels, after most of his healings took place. since everywhere he went, he was followed, he couldn't have gotten it without someone noticing it. when did he get it? where is he in a place where they would give him this drug? there hasn't been any significant growth of cannabis in Israel proper. Lebanon and Israel are still two seperate countries, andthey have different climates, while some of the areas of Lebanon are fertile enough for cannabis growth, this is not true for Israel. the salt in the Jordan River would have made the makeup of the soil near it unfavorable for cannabis growth, ruling out the only possible area where it could even be favorable climatewise.

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