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Jessica Simpson snubs Bush: "It just feels wrong," (1 Viewer)


You r-wingers asked for it and you got it!

Finally, an actor who wanted to keep politics out of the limelight!

Atta girl Jessica for not wanting to take sides!
She's dumb as a box of rocks... I would be surprised if she could actually find the limelight
There you go ladies, gentlemen, and Billo. KidRocks using Jessica Simpson to say nah nah nah nah nah. Life is getting pretty dismal if you resort to using her as an example, don't you think kid? This girl may just be the stupidest person on earth. I saw a clip where she is asking Nick if Tuna is a fish or a meat. You see, she was confused because they call it "chicken of the sea". You know kid, I almost wish that Congress changes hands so I can post every poll drop and supposed bad piece of news associated with the Democrates. You and Danarhea should team up and start threads together. You could call it, "Tweedledum and Tweedledumber post the irrelevant in a weak attempt to attack Bush while actually all they do is expose how petulant and simpering they are, hour."

I mean come on bro, Jessica Simpson? What's next? Rain Man comes out against Cheney? "58 eight pellets. He took 58 pellets to the head from the blast. 58. Cheney shot him with 58 pellets."
teacher said:
I mean come on bro, Jessica Simpson? What's next? Rain Man comes out against Cheney? "58 eight pellets. He took 58 pellets to the head from the blast. 58. Cheney shot him with 58 pellets."

LOL LOL too funny. :applaud
teacher said:
There you go ladies, gentlemen, and Billo. KidRocks using Jessica Simpson to say nah nah nah nah nah. Life is getting pretty dismal if you resort to using her as an example, don't you think kid? This girl may just be the stupidest person on earth. I saw a clip where she is asking Nick if Tuna is a fish or a meat. You see, she was confused because they call it "chicken of the sea". You know kid, I almost wish that Congress changes hands so I can post every poll drop and supposed bad piece of news associated with the Democrates. You and Danarhea should team up and start threads together. You could call it, "Tweedledum and Tweedledumber post the irrelevant in a weak attempt to attack Bush while actually all they do is expose how petulant and simpering they are, hour."

I mean come on bro, Jessica Simpson? What's next? Rain Man comes out against Cheney? "58 eight pellets. He took 58 pellets to the head from the blast. 58. Cheney shot him with 58 pellets."

It seems that Jessica is not that stupid and it seems that that brilliant move by Jessica left Republicans dismayed.

Good Lord, it must suck to be a Republican at this time!

Imagine, being snubbed by Jessica Simpson!

Is this country great, or what! :cool:
KidRocks said:
It seems that Jessica is not that stupid and it seems that that brilliant move by Jessica left Republicans dismayed.

Good Lord, it must suck to be a Republican at this time!

Imagine, being snubbed by Jessica Simpson!

Is this country great, or what! :cool:

Is this the same Jessica Simpson who asked "Is Tuna fish or chicken?" Or thought that Buffalo wings were made from buffalo, even though buffalos are not known to have wings lol lol.
GarzaUK said:
Is this the same Jessica Simpson who asked "Is Tuna fish or chicken?" Or thought that Buffalo wings were made from buffalo, even though buffalos are not known to have wings lol lol.

Yes Jessica, just 'shut up and sing'.
I never understood this fascination of putting singers/actors/authors on these pedestals as if they are higher beings then anyone else.

Jessica Simpson is a mind twenties non-college educated singer. What does it matter what she thinks about politics?
Gibberish said:
I never understood this fascination of putting singers/actors/authors on these pedestals as if they are higher beings then anyone else.

Jessica Simpson is a mind twenties non-college educated singer. What does it matter what she thinks about politics?

I can't wait to hear what Paris Hilton & Tara Reid thinks about all of this....
I don't think most people care what this intellectually vapid harlot's political views are.

About the only thing I can say is that she at least knows how to keep her mouth shut unlike Bruce Springsteen, Pearl Jam, Cheryl Crow, Dave Matthews Band and R.E.M. who were pretentious enough to embark on the Douchebags for Kerry Tour -- aka as Vote for Change Tour.
Jessica Simpson is one of those women who portrays the idea that if you're a cute sexy woman it's okay to be a moron. I don't know if she pretends to be dumber than she is and laughs all the way to the bank or what. For her sake I hope it's an act but it's still a disgrace for women! Hopefully if she really is that dim she doesn't vote at all.

If it were me and I were supporting a charity that promotes free plastic surgery for disadvantaged children over seas I'd take any and all opportunities to further the 'cause.
talloulou said:
Jessica Simpson is one of those women who portrays the idea that if you're a cute sexy woman it's okay to be a moron. I don't know if she pretends to be dumber than she is and laughs all the way to the bank or what. For her sake I hope it's an act but it's still a disgrace for women! Hopefully if she really is that dim she doesn't vote at all.

If it were me and I were supporting a charity that promotes free plastic surgery for disadvantaged children over seas I'd take any and all opportunities to further the 'cause.

Actually from what I hear, Jessica is not just a dumb blond, she choreographs and directs many of her shows. It's probably Britney Spears most of you are confusing her with.
Imagine, being snubbed by Jessica Simpson!

Yeah. Imagine that. :shock:

I don't see how she could possibly keep her hands off of me.......:roll:
Wouldn't surprise me one bit if Jessica's handlers came out with an apology stating that it was all a mix-up and that Jessica indeed will accept President Bush's invitation to the glitzy Republican affair.

This thought just occurred to me... I sure as hell wouldn't mind being one of Jessica's "handlers"! :cool:
KidRocks said:
Yes Jessica, just 'shut up and sing'.

When has she proven she could sing?
KidRocks said:
Actually from what I hear, Jessica is not just a dumb blond, she choreographs and directs many of her shows. It's probably Britney Spears most of you are confusing her with.

No, it's definitely Jessica Simpson. She's either a moron or a really good actor. Have you seen Newly Weds? The entire show highlights just how stupid she really is.
SixStringHero said:
I'm more partial to Brunettes myself.
I've narrowed it down to women that say, "Yes"...:cool:
KidRocks said:
"It just feels wrong," one Simpson insider told Reuters Wednesday, adding that the actress keeps her political views private. "She would love to meet the president and talk about Operation Smile ... but she can't do it at a fund-raiser for the Republican Party."...


Who cares about her or any of those Hollywierd types?
It's nice to see there is a topic we all agree on. :2wave:
I don't know......I think this story is being twisted around to make it into something......when it really is a non-story. It doesn't sound like she is snubbing anyone. Just that she doesn't want her charity to be involved in a political fundraiser. To not seem partisan. Is there something wrong with that?
mixedmedia said:
I don't know......I think this story is being twisted around to make it into something......when it really is a non-story. It doesn't sound like she is snubbing anyone. Just that she doesn't want her charity to be involved in a political fundraiser. To not seem partisan. Is there something wrong with that?

Only if it's related to the GOP. She can snub the dems and that would be ok.:roll:

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