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Jesse Jackson to Stand Trial for Civil Rights Violations (1 Viewer)


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Sep 8, 2005
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How do you like this, a civil rights leader violates civil rights... What a moron


Judicial Watch’s lawsuit stems from a public meeting held in Los Angeles, California on December 10, 2001 to discuss participation in Toyota’s “21st Century Diversity Strategy,” which had been announced after Jackson and Rainbow/PUSH threatened to boycott Toyota. After remarks from Jackson and Toyota representative Irving Miller, the meeting was opened up to questions from the audience. Rev. Peterson asked Miller if black Republicans and conservative groups like his organization, Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND), would have to go through Rev. Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH in order to participate in the Toyota program.

Jackson told the crowd, “And the issue, for the record…is not conservative or liberal. The issue is certain parasites trying to pick up fruit from trees they didn’t shake.” Rev. Peterson testified that after the “parasite” comment, the crowd became “more hostile….Some of the words I can’t even mention here.”

Within minutes following adjournment of the meeting, Jonathan Jackson struck Rev. Peterson and Rev. Peterson was physically threatened and verbally assaulted by both Jesse Jackson and Jonathan Jackson. Incited by Jackson’s earlier remarks, an angry crowd gathered, cursing, shoving and encircling Rev. Peterson and one of his associates. “I feared for my life,” said Peterson.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, “Jesse Jackson will finally be forced to answer for his behavior in a court of law.”
How pathetic. I have attempted to find out more about this on the web and the only websites that seem to address this case are conservative ones and they all cite to the Judicial Watch story. Has anyone checked out who Judicial Watch is? Well, you should check out a picture of them--they are all white conservatives. Yeah, I give their website a lot of credibility.


Oh, look, all the head honchos are white men. :roll:


When you can provide this story to me from a mainstream website, I will give it more credibility. For now, I say :yawn:
aps said:
How pathetic. I have attempted to find out more about this on the web and the only websites that seem to address this case are conservative ones and they all cite to the Judicial Watch story. Has anyone checked out who Judicial Watch is? Well, you should check out a picture of them--they are all white conservatives. Yeah, I give their website a lot of credibility.


Oh, look, all the head honchos are white men. :roll:


When you can provide this story to me from a mainstream website, I will give it more credibility. For now, I say :yawn:

You're missing something...

Judicial Watch isn't reporting it...

Judicial Watch IS the organization that is doing the suing...

As per the article...

Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit against Jackson, his son Jonathan, and others on behalf of Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, who was the victim of a physical and verbal assault at an event hosted by Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH Coalition and Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. in December 2001.

How can you they are not credible on the story when they are the ones MAKING the story?...:roll:

This isn't an op-ed piece...This is an announcement...
cnredd said:
You're missing something...

Judicial Watch isn't reporting it...

Judicial Watch IS the organization that is doing the suing...

As per the article...

Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit against Jackson, his son Jonathan, and others on behalf of Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, who was the victim of a physical and verbal assault at an event hosted by Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH Coalition and Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. in December 2001.

How can you they are not credible on the story when they are the ones MAKING the story?...:roll:

This isn't an op-ed piece...This is an announcement...

You're right--I missed the part where they were the ones who filed the lawsuite. I guess the mainstream media doesn't care about this case, which may be indicative of the lack of merit it has. I am not a fan of Jesse Jackson, so this isn't about my wanting to defend the guy.

Oh, wow, Peterson is a really upstanding guy:

Peterson is the creator of the annual “National Day of Repudiation of Jesse Jackson” event.

Peterson is a member of the advisory board of Project 21, an African American Conservative organization, and a board member of the California Christian Coalition. Peterson has been accused of having an obsession towards continously criticizing and publicly demeaning the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton in either public or private affairs. His views are strong towards anti-affirmative action and stands for strong family values. Though not as much recognized, his affiliation with Sean Hannity helps BOND's popularity and endorsements. [oh brother :roll:]


Yup, this is why no one cares about this case except the conservatives. Any way he can attack Jesse Jackson--he will.
aps said:
You're right--I missed the part where they were the ones who filed the lawsuite. I guess the mainstream media doesn't care about this case, which may be indicative of the lack of merit it has. I am not a fan of Jesse Jackson, so this isn't about my wanting to defend the guy.

Oh, wow, Peterson is a really upstanding guy:

Peterson is the creator of the annual “National Day of Repudiation of Jesse Jackson” event.

Peterson is a member of the advisory board of Project 21, an African American Conservative organization, and a board member of the California Christian Coalition. Peterson has been accused of having an obsession towards continously criticizing and publicly demeaning the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton in either public or private affairs. His views are strong towards anti-affirmative action and stands for strong family values. Though not as much recognized, his affiliation with Sean Hannity helps BOND's popularity and endorsements. [oh brother :roll:]


Yup, this is why no one cares about this case except the conservatives. Any way he can attack Jesse Jackson--he will.

You do realize he is a black man, no?:confused:

He has a big problem with the likes of all that were listed, because he feels that they give the race a bad name, I agree with him. As a black man, I can't think of anyone more qualified to make such a judgment, but by all means, feel free to pick the man apart, especially since he IS a conservative.:roll:
aps said:
You're right--I missed the part where they were the ones who filed the lawsuite. I guess the mainstream media doesn't care about this case, which may be indicative of the lack of merit it has. I am not a fan of Jesse Jackson, so this isn't about my wanting to defend the guy.

Oh, wow, Peterson is a really upstanding guy:

Peterson is the creator of the annual “National Day of Repudiation of Jesse Jackson” event.

Peterson is a member of the advisory board of Project 21, an African American Conservative organization, and a board member of the California Christian Coalition. Peterson has been accused of having an obsession towards continously criticizing and publicly demeaning the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton in either public or private affairs. His views are strong towards anti-affirmative action and stands for strong family values. Though not as much recognized, his affiliation with Sean Hannity helps BOND's popularity and endorsements. [oh brother :roll:]


Yup, this is why no one cares about this case except the conservatives. Any way he can attack Jesse Jackson--he will.

Yeah..and that gives him every right to be assaulted and have his civil rights violated...


Somebody punches Howard Dean...(aps)civil rights violation
Somebody punches Jesse Jackson...(aps)civil rights violation
Somebody punches the average Joe...(aps)civil rights violation
Somebody punches Jesse Lee Peterson...(aps)That's OK...He's a Conservative who hangs with Sean hannity...

Sound logic to attack the positions of the person who's been attacked physically...

Shows real character...:roll:
aps said:
Has anyone checked out who Judicial Watch is? Well, you should check out a picture of them--they are all white conservatives. Yeah, I give their website a lot of credibility.

What a racist thing to say. White people can't be credible?
Deegan said:
You do realize he is a black man, no?:confused:

He has a big problem with the likes of all that were listed, because he feels that they give the race a bad name, I agree with him. As a black man, I can't think of anyone more qualified to make such a judgment, but by all means, feel free to pick the man apart, especially since he IS a conservative.:roll:

Deegan, you're black? Why did I think I saw a picture of you and not think you were black? I must be thinking of someone else.

Yes, I am are aware that Peterson is a black man, and I agree that there are people who give their own race a bad name. Peterson has made it his mission to go after Jesse Jackson, so why wouldn't he take an opportunity to go after Jackson?
cnredd said:
Yeah..and that gives him every right to be assaulted and have his civil rights violated...


Somebody punches Howard Dean...(aps)civil rights violation
Somebody punches Jesse Jackson...(aps)civil rights violation
Somebody punches the average Joe...(aps)civil rights violation
Somebody punches Jesse Lee Peterson...(aps)That's OK...He's a Conservative who hangs with Sean hannity...

Sound logic to attack the positions of the person who's been attacked physically...

Shows real character...:roll:

I agree with you. Jesse Jackson is opportunistic ass. That said, so is Judicial Watch as the only way they would take a case like this is if a liberal punches a conservative who hangs with Sean Hannity…

That’s the problem. These right wing groups don’t actually support the cause of Civil Rights or Civil Liberties. They are just opportunistic in that they only take cases that make those who do support Civil Rights or Liberties look bad.
aps said:
You're right--I missed the part where they were the ones who filed the lawsuite. I guess the mainstream media doesn't care about this case, which may be indicative of the lack of merit it has. I am not a fan of Jesse Jackson, so this isn't about my wanting to defend the guy.

Oh, wow, Peterson is a really upstanding guy:

Peterson is the creator of the annual “National Day of Repudiation of Jesse Jackson” event.

Peterson is a member of the advisory board of Project 21, an African American Conservative organization, and a board member of the California Christian Coalition. Peterson has been accused of having an obsession towards continously criticizing and publicly demeaning the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton in either public or private affairs. His views are strong towards anti-affirmative action and stands for strong family values. Though not as much recognized, his affiliation with Sean Hannity helps BOND's popularity and endorsements. [oh brother :roll:]


Yup, this is why no one cares about this case except the conservatives. Any way he can attack Jesse Jackson--he will.

Peterson is a really upstanding guy:

continously criticizing and publicly demeaning the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton

His views are strong towards anti-affirmative action and stands for strong family values.
cnredd said:
Yeah..and that gives him every right to be assaulted and have his civil rights violated...


Somebody punches Howard Dean...(aps)civil rights violation
Somebody punches Jesse Jackson...(aps)civil rights violation
Somebody punches the average Joe...(aps)civil rights violation
Somebody punches Jesse Lee Peterson...(aps)That's OK...He's a Conservative who hangs with Sean hannity...

Sound logic to attack the positions of the person who's been attacked physically...

Shows real character...:roll:

Okay--you have no idea how I feel about civil rights violations. First, I don't see where Peterson was punched. I'm not sure if he was personally "shoved" or not based upon the content of the article. The definition of assault is not the same as the definition of battery (which requires an actual touching). Peterson said he was "physically threatened." Big deal. I'm not buying that he feared for his life, and that is my prerogative.
aps said:
Okay--you have no idea how I feel about civil rights violations. First, I don't see where Peterson was punched. I'm not sure if he was personally "shoved" or not based upon the content of the article. The definition of assault is not the same as the definition of battery (which requires an actual touching). Peterson said he was "physically threatened." Big deal. I'm not buying that he feared for his life, and that is my prerogative.
But we do know how you feel about white conservatives. They couldn't possibly be "credible."
KCConservative said:
What a racist thing to say. White people can't be credible?

Anyone can be credible. I just don't find this particular group credible, particularly in relation to civil rights.
KCConservative said:
But we do know how you feel about white conservatives. They couldn't possibly be "credible."

Nope, just the group associated with Judicial Watch.
aps said:
Anyone can be credible. I just don't find this particular group credible, particularly in relation to civil rights.
and, as you have stated, merely seeing the picture of the 'white conservatives' led you to conclude they were not credible.
KCConservative said:
and, as you have stated, merely seeing the picture of the 'white conservatives' led you to conclude they were not credible.

LOL--reading what they stand for on their website is what made me come to the conclusion that I don't give them much credibility when it comes to issues that involve minorities.
aps said:
LOL--reading what they stand for on their website is what made me come to the conclusion that I don't give them much credibility when it comes to issues that involve minorities.

"Has anyone checked out who Judicial Watch is? Well, you should check out a picture of them--they are all white conservatives. Yeah, I give their website a lot of credibility."
KCConservative said:
"Has anyone checked out who Judicial Watch is? Well, you should check out a picture of them--they are all white conservatives. Yeah, I give their website a lot of credibility."

Okay, so can that statement be my only bases for not giving them credibility? My statement above relates to the pictures on their website--none of which show a minority.
aps said:
Deegan, you're black? Why did I think I saw a picture of you and not think you were black? I must be thinking of someone else.

Yes, I am are aware that Peterson is a black man, and I agree that there are people who give their own race a bad name. Peterson has made it his mission to go after Jesse Jackson, so why wouldn't he take an opportunity to go after Jackson?

No, I'm not a black man, but I am endowed like one though.:lol:

LOL, seriously though, did I somehow give you that impression, I don't know how?:confused:
aps said:
You're right--I missed the part where they were the ones who filed the lawsuite. I guess the mainstream media doesn't care about this case, which may be indicative of the lack of merit it has. I am not a fan of Jesse Jackson, so this isn't about my wanting to defend the guy.

Oh, wow, Peterson is a really upstanding guy:

Well yes he is.

Peterson is the creator of the annual “National Day of Repudiation of Jesse Jackson” event.

Yes it was about time someone created it, and I note he does not physically assualt Jackson on that day. He excersizes his right to free speech to denounce the harm Jackson has done to the black community and rip he is.

Peterson is a member of the advisory board of Project 21, an African American Conservative organization, and a board member of the California Christian Coalition. Peterson has been accused of having an obsession towards continously criticizing and publicly demeaning the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton in either public or private affairs. His views are strong towards anti-affirmative action and stands for strong family values. Though not as much recognized, his affiliation with Sean Hannity helps BOND's popularity and endorsements. [oh brother :roll:]

I would think you'd have learned about these Wikipedia stories which are not from proven authoritative sources and are prone to have self-serving subjective statements as above. Has "been accused" by whom? And obession, spare me. Oh and let's try to imply something by the Sean Hannity tie it.

Yup, this is why no one cares about this case except the conservatives. Any way he can attack Jesse Jackson--he will.

So you don't care that the Jackson's physically assualt those who have differing opinions?
Deegan said:
No, I'm not a black man, but I am endowed like one though.:lol:

LOL, seriously though, did I somehow give you that impression, I don't know how?:confused:
Endowed like one?

You got a ride to college on lower test scores?...:2wave:
aps said:
Deegan, you're black? Why did I think I saw a picture of you and not think you were black? I must be thinking of someone else.

Yes, I am are aware that Peterson is a black man, and I agree that there are people who give their own race a bad name. Peterson has made it his mission to go after Jesse Jackson, so why wouldn't he take an opportunity to go after Jackson?

You don't see a difference between have a differing opinion and discussing that and a physical assualt. Do you have any evidence Peterson has ever physically assualted Jackson? Jackson has had a lot of bad things to say about Gingrich and Bush and other conservatives, does this mean they can all go knock the you know what out of Jackson?
SouthernDemocrat said:
I agree with you. Jesse Jackson is opportunistic ass. That said, so is Judicial Watch as the only way they would take a case like this is if a liberal punches a conservative who hangs with Sean Hannity…

That’s the problem. These right wing groups don’t actually support the cause of Civil Rights or Civil Liberties. They are just opportunistic in that they only take cases that make those who do support Civil Rights or Liberties look bad.

Judicial Watch is not selective in who they go after, they have gone after conservatives too when they thought they were engaged in misbehavior. So you can't use that as an excuse.
Deegan said:
No, I'm not a black man, but I am endowed like one though.:lol:

LOL good one!

LOL, seriously though, did I somehow give you that impression, I don't know how?:confused:

He has a big problem with the likes of all that were listed, because he feels that they give the race a bad name, I agree with him. As a black man, I can't think of anyone more qualified to make such a judgment, but by all means, feel free to pick the man apart, especially since he IS a conservative.

By saying, "As a black man," that's how I got that impression. It sounded like you were speaking "as a black man." Ahh, I should have known. I have a photographic memory, and my eyes did not fool me. (How could I ever doubt myself? ;))

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