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Jennifer Aniston attacks President Bush! (1 Viewer)


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Oct 4, 2005
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The following is a quote from actress Jennifer Aniston:

"The state of the world. How about that indictment?! And why did it take so long to respond to the crisis in New Orleans? Everything is imploding. It all seems to lead back to our dear president."

Thank you, Jennifer, for taking a side in the cultural war for America. I love you, and dare I say most of the world loves you. With your support, the Democrats can gain seats in 2006, and the presidency in 2008. Brad Pitt is an idiot! VOTE BLUE!:lol:
FinnMacCool said:
Damn. We were doing so good.

Ah well at least she finally decided to read the news.

Jennifer Aniston can say whatever she wants! The rules that govern society do not apply to attractive, Hollywood actresses. She doesn't have to read the news. One of her assistants read the news articles for her.
Madacapa said:
The following is a quote from actress Jennifer Aniston:

"The state of the world. How about that indictment?! And why did it take so long to respond to the crisis in New Orleans? Everything is imploding. It all seems to lead back to our dear president."

Thank you, Jennifer, for taking a side in the cultural war for America. I love you, and dare I say most of the world loves you. With your support, the Democrats can gain seats in 2006, and the presidency in 2008. Brad Pitt is an idiot! VOTE BLUE!:lol:

This coming from a woman that can't act, but still made millions upon millions. How about she shut up look pretty and get naked for her next movie. Maybe somebody might actually go to see it
FinnMacCool said:
Damn. We were doing so good.

Ah well at least she finally decided to read the news.

They finally did a page with pictures.. Thankfully
Calm2Chaos said:
This coming from a woman that can't act, but still made millions upon millions. How about she shut up look pretty and get naked for her next movie. Maybe somebody might actually go to see it

How dare you attack her?! She would gladly do a nude scene if the script called for it. However, she will not get naked just for your pleasure. You make me sick! You must be friends with Brad Pitt.
Madacapa said:
How dare you attack her?! She would gladly do a nude scene if the script called for it. However, she will not get naked just for your pleasure. You make me sick! You must be friends with Brad Pitt.

Then please get her a script with pictures so it can be called for. She has to have some redeeming quality.YA ... me and Brad go way back... he's a real pus sy hound .....lol
To assume that she is stupid because she is an actress are just ignorant. Madonna has an IQ of 153, better than most people on this website.

And last time I looked in a democracy everyone's opinion is valid.
Calm2Chaos said:
Then please get her a script with pictures so it can be called for. She has to have some redeeming quality.YA ... me and Brad go way back... he's a real pus sy hound .....lol

Small world, Brad and I knew eachother also. One year, in Christian Summer Camp...
GarzaUK said:
To assume that she is stupid because she is an actress are just ignorant. Madonna has an IQ of 153, better than most people on this website.

And last time I looked in a democracy everyone's opinion is valid.
valid, yes. It is her opinion, I have no doubt. But as to whether it was well thought-out and expressed succinctly, well...:doh

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