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Jarhead (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Looks like a good movie.

I think it should be interesting.

jarheadthemovie.com ?
I only saw the preview but I'm not really into it. I doubt anyone will show anything too controversial this early. I'm sure all we're gonna get is an action/comedy featuring a bunch of guys playing soldiers and defending "freedom".
I only saw the preview but I'm not really into it. I doubt anyone will show anything too controversial this early. I'm sure all we're gonna get is an action/comedy featuring a bunch of guys playing soldiers and defending "freedom".

Not anything to controversial to show really, its about a dude in Marine scout unit in Desert Storm, not the current Iraq war.

If the acting is on the level the stars are capable of the movie should be really good.
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I like Jamie Foxx. The movie does look pretty good. I'll probably try to see it.
George_Washington said:
I might go see it but this movie isn't high on my list. I want to see other movies a lot more like Saw 2.
Yeah, no doubt. Saw II looks really crazy.
I heard saw II wasn't as good as the original.
My son is in Jarhead...no lie!

When my son was in San Diego, in the Navy, they used him as an extra, so I'll probably have to go see the movie, just for the 3-5 seconds he's on the screen! LOL I think there's a bomb exploding, and he jumps off to the side? That's about it, but still...and Budweiser is using the voice of my son's girlfriend for a future ad...she works for an advertising agency and they had her try speaking the lines, liked it, and are using her voice.

Guess what she's getting paid? Supposedly $50,000!?

Nice work if you can get it! I'll try to verify that amount...seems like a lot of money for a 30-60 second commercial?
I've changed my mind about this movie. I saw a more indepth behind the scenes look of it and it looked a bit more interesting. I'm gonna have to try and keep an open mind about it though because I have a hard time enjoying movies if they share a view I don't have and this one seems to be a bit more pro war leaning.

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