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Japanese female pro gamer fired after saying men under 5 feet 7 inches tall 'don't have human rights' (1 Viewer)


Jan 5, 2022
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Political Leaning

Just wow on so many levels.
I want to see the guy's height that fired her.

Just wow on so many levels.
It appears to be wow on 2 levels.

Below 5'7" and above 5'7"

Just wow on so many levels.
I'm curious as to why you consider this breaking news? Do you think it balances out the more prominent news about the crimes against Asian women?
I'm curious as to why you consider this breaking news? Do you think it balances out the more prominent news about the crimes against Asian women?
I think it's bizarre how a hobby which predominantly involves men results in a bunch of men watching a woman as a content creator, and then that content creator not only insults her audience, but degrades her audience to the point of disparaging civil rights...

...and on top of that, many of those men masochistically put up with it because they're either super desperate or they want to compare themselves against other men. Rugged individualism and political correctness go hand in hand.
She seems nice...

Tanukana is not new to controversy. In 2020, she reportedly told someone watching her stream to “kill themselves” and that they were “the trashiest trash of society,”

According to the article the average for men in Japan is 5'7" so she's used a broad brush.
She seems nice...

According to the article the average for men in Japan is 5'7" so she's used a broad brush.
To put this in context, kids in games say all sorts of really bad things to each other in online games. I guess in this case it's a question of someone famous in that world being held accountable, but what she said is pretty common. The question is whether this means something will be done to discourage this behavior across the board or just the ones who are famous.
To put this in context, kids in games say all sorts of really bad things to each other in online games. I guess in this case it's a question of someone famous in that world being held accountable, but what she said is pretty common. The question is whether this means something will be done to discourage this behavior across the board or just the ones who are famous.
I think just the players with sponsors. No one really cares what's said but sponsors can't be seen in a bad light. If Debate Politics ever gets sponsors we'd all have to reform 😇
I think just the players with sponsors. No one really cares what's said but sponsors can't be seen in a bad light. If Debate Politics ever gets sponsors we'd all have to reform 😇
I suspect you're right. Content moderation in online gaming would be quite the challenge.
This woman just signaled that she has a terrible personality and is not worth dating.

Just wow on so many levels.
There are many Japanese men under 5'7". Possibly as many as half.

Anybody know the average height in Japan?
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There are many Japanese men under 5'7". Possibly as many as half.

Anybody know the average height in Japan?
According to the article the average is in fact 5' 7", so she insulted a lot of people.
According to the article the average is in fact 5' 7", so she insulted a lot of people.
Nah, just a little. It was just a small insult.
I can’t imagine a less consequential person than “pro-gamer.” Imagine being a pro-gamer, your career finally bottoms out in your thirties and forties and you need to pay the bills, and you’re like, “Shit. I have no education and career experience.” And then you’re like, “I had one life to live and I chose to…play computer games.”
I can’t imagine a less consequential person than “pro-gamer.” Imagine being a pro-gamer, your career finally bottoms out in your thirties and forties and you need to pay the bills, and you’re like, “Shit. I have no education and career experience.”
But you had lots of fun playing games! 🤪

Just wow on so many levels.
What a screwed up world we live in today where people are not free to voice opinions that may offend someone.

Have they banned the "Short people" song that says short people have no reason to live?
Professional “eSports” is one of the more meaningless and inconsequential careers. Based on Kana Tani’s published tournament winnings, I earned more mowing lawns one summer when I was 16, than her lifetime tourney winnings. Today I offer more income to MS and PhD engineering candidates fresh out of school than the top e-sports gamers pull in. Like most other sports, the competition winnings range from inconsequential to lower middle class, so monetizing a following and getting sponsorships is the only way to earn a living.

So, it was rather stupid of her to bite the only hand that might feed her. Now she’ll have to find a job in retail or entry level office work to pay her bills. Oh well.
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Just wow on so many levels.
That's a pretty stupid thing to think. No one who is under a certain height should be allowed human rights?
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