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Jane Fonda (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
State of Confusion
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
I'm not a big fan of Jane Fonda, but the Vietnam Vet who spit on her at a book signing was a coward.

It's to Janes credit that she didn't press charges and kept her composure, and stayed to finish signing her book for those fans that waited patiently.

I don't approve of what Jane Fonda did when she sat on that anti-aircraft gun for photos, and I don't approve of her accepting a ring made from the metal of a downed US plane when she visited North Vietnam.

I find that repugnant...maybe there was a dead pilot as a result of that ring? I think she was young and foolish.

Afterall, the U.S. has certainly been good to her...she's not hurting for money or anything else in her life.

I also would never burn a US flag, but I do recognize that our Constitution guarantees rights that some Americans find distasteful.

We have the right to protest the actions of our government...we have the right to question the actions of our leaders...even during time of war, hopefully, without being labeled unpatriotic.

Jane stepped over the line when she visited the enemy, and she has apologized for this...perhaps 30 years too late, but she refuses to apologize for protesting the Vietnam war...that's her right as an American.

Of course I have no interest in reading her book.

But being spit on can be very dangerous these days with all the STD's.

I prefer the people that throw pies at public figures.
Hoot said:
Jane stepped over the line when she visited the enemy, and she has apologized for this...perhaps 30 years too late, but she refuses to apologize for protesting the Vietnam war...that's her right as an American.

Hrm... I don't remember her apologizing for anything. She did however say it was a choice she would never make again.

Beyond that - I agree 100%!
I really don't care about Jane Fonda. She probably got what she deserved. She was rooting for the enemy. If someone wanted me to die, I would probably want to spit in there face too. What she did back then was sickening. There are many people that protest the Iraq war, but you didn't see those people hanging out with Saddam.
vauge said:
Hrm... I don't remember her apologizing for anything.

Actually vague according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Fonda#.22Hanoi_Jane.22
" Fonda apologized for her actions to the American POWs and their families" so she apologized somewhat.

I defiantly agree with the fact that the Vietnam War WASN'T needed, I think it was America thinking it was unbeatable, we deserved to lose that one.

But as far as Hanoi Jane is considered, I'd have done alot more then to spit on her. Her picture of her in the AA guns by far shows her as a betrayer, I'd like to see her ideals after she was strapped in Camouflage and sent into that terrible war.
" Fonda apologized for her actions to the American POWs and their families" so she apologized somewhat.
Saying I'm sorry, isn't good enough. The damage was done. Spitting on her was symbolic and well deserved IMO. The man didn't spit directly at her -- she only got a few spots on her. She is lucky someone hasn't done worse than that to her. The left are singing her praises for keeping her composure and not pressing charges. Very funny stuff. :roll:
that is a praise.. next thing we need is a Viet. Vet in court with a celeb.
Im not going to praise her for keeping your composure, but it is low class to spit at someone, period. That wasn't right, no matter what she did.
I meant praise the lack of actions she took, she could have easily made a big fool of America and sued this vet.
The only thing that bothers me about the spitting incident is that it usually falls in line with a liberal thing to do. Liberals are notorious for throwing pies, salad dressing, and other assorted items at people they disagree with. It must be a inherent trait for people with no ability to argue their points in a civilized fashion.
Though it was good for a few chuckles at Fonda's expense!
But I keep hearing from people that only the left engages in activity such as this. Then when it’s becomes known that someone on the right’s done the exact same thing- the response seems to be “well in this case it was deserved.” Yeah, that makes sense.
I don't know where you got that quote? ("well in this case its deserved")
I surely didn't condone the action, just thought it was humorous!
The left is well known for its strange and uncivil choice of desent, and I have heard of no charges filed against any of the recent pie throwers in epesodes involving lefties. Conservatives just laugh it off and consider it a right of passage. We realize that the left is dissolving in American culture so there is no need to respond to desperate actions of a wilting ideology.
I'm no huge fan of jane fonda, but you've got to see that there are two sides to every war. Myself, I wouldn't condemn anyone simply because they were on the other side of the fence. She was essentially on their side. She, like many americans, was against the war. She, like many opponents of the war, was young. She, however, was rich. This meant her stupidity could be shown more by buying things that most other young people couldn't.

She thought she was protesting. Many hold the opinion that she stepped over the line, I am one of them. She endorsed the "bad guys."

It was her right.

Today she has apologized. 30 years after the fact she gets spit on?

How silly.

I hope that guy feels better. That's all I can say.
benganter said:
I don't know where you got that quote? ("well in this case its deserved")
I surely didn't condone the action, just thought it was humorous!
The left is well known for its strange and uncivil choice of desent, and I have heard of no charges filed against any of the recent pie throwers in epesodes involving lefties. Conservatives just laugh it off and consider it a right of passage. We realize that the left is dissolving in American culture so there is no need to respond to desperate actions of a wilting ideology.

Maybe you didn’t read my entire post. What I said was “the response seems to be “well in this case it was deserved.” Key words being “seems to be.” I’m merely pointing out that the left doesn’t hold sole ownership to uncivil actions and behavior.
They surely own 90% of it!

I don't think anyone can argue otherwise without forfeiting truth in the process!
benganter said:
They surely own 90% of it!

I don't think anyone can argue otherwise without forfeiting truth in the process!

By and large I think it depends on whose party’s in power. When Clinton was in power I think you saw more people on the right resort to uncivil behavior then you do now. And like the protest in Florida during the recounts in 2000 showed there certainly were many on the conservative side of the fence willing to show their immature side. I know from attending many Kerry and Democratic rally’s during this last election, there seemed to be no shortage of conservatives willing to throw things at the stage and in general make as*es out of themselves. And there's certainly no shortage of that behavior on the left these days either. So you could be right in that more on the left are willing to go there then those on the right, I don’t know? Perhaps the government could spend a few million on a study?
I can appreciate your arguments, but I am not for any "million dollar study" to prove my point!

I am sure you were only kidding. We conservatives do have a sense of humor too! :lol:
benganter said:
I can appreciate your arguments, but I am not for any "million dollar study" to prove my point!

I am sure you were only kidding. We conservatives do have a sense of humor too! :lol:

Nor am I for any massive studies to disprove them.

Though I seriously suspect you’re way off on your 90% percent figure- I have no desire to fund proving you wrong.

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