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Jamie Lee Curtis to officiate her daughter's wedding dressed as a World of Warcraft character (1 Viewer)


Why so serious?
DP Veteran
Jan 2, 2009
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Washington State
Political Leaning
Jamie Lee Curtis will be wearing a World of Warcraft costume when her daughter gets married — though an actual war could complicate things.

The Everything Everywhere All at Once star chatted on Jimmy Kimmel Live! about her plans to officiate her daughter's wedding, revealing it will be a "cosplay wedding." Everyone at the wedding will "dress up as something," she explained, "and I will be in a costume to officiate."

Specifically, Curtis will be dressing as Jaina Proudmoore from World of Warcraft, a costume selected by her daughter. "It's a game, I don't know," she said. The Halloween star also said she ordered a Jaina Proudmoore costume off Etsy, though she recently learned it may be delayed.

"The costume is coming from Russia," Curtis said. "She is a seamstress in Russia who is making my cosplay wedding outfit. I'm hoping she'll get it to me, I just don't know if — you know, there's a little bit of a supply chain issue going on."


This is awesome. Good for her for going along with her daughter’s wishes.
Specifically, Curtis will be dressing as Jaina Proudmoore from World of Warcraft, a costume selected by her daughter. "It's a game, I don't know," she said.


This is awesome. Good for her for going along with her daughter’s wishes.

Seems like it's more than just her daughter

To each their own, and that is kinda cool to see.
My mate looks a lot like Jamie, that's a good thing!

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