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James Woods says Twitter is already so much better... (1 Viewer)

I wonder how much of his own company's stocks he bought back when they tanked on the news of the purchase?
That's just an opinion with nothing behind it. Yes, he could back out for a billion in penalties, but the reasons to think he might are weak.
What movie was he in?
What movie was he in?
You know, now that you mention it, going through his imdb page, it's kind of amazing that he's a completely well known Hollywood name to me, and yet there's maybe three things I've seen him in.
You know, now that you mention it, going through his imdb page, it's kind of amazing that he's a completely well known Hollywood name to me, and yet there's maybe three things I've seen him in.

I recognize the face but I dunno. Maybe TV? A Tarantino film?
I recognize the face but I dunno. Maybe TV?

True Romance? I think that's what I remember him from. Or another Tarantino.
He played himself in The Family Guy a bunch of times, he was some guy in Casino, and he was in that one movie where Robert De Niro butt rapes a woman (sorry, that scene kinda sticks with you). That's all I got.
he was great as the government jerk in "Contact".
My general rule is if someone is gonna be held up as an expert because of success in Hollywood then I gotta remember at least one thing they're in. Otherwise, no random expert creds for being an actor.
he also played Rudy in "Rudy: The Rudy Giuliani Story".
he also played the perfect Southern racist in Ghosts of Mississippi. he played the asshole Byron De La Beckwith who gunned down Medger Evers in real life.

Ghosts of Mississippi (1996) - IMDb

Byron De La Beckwith - Wikipedia
Woods was in “Cat’s Eye.” A film with three different “novellas.” All very good.

Edit: Damn, I feel old…….

What will Musk’s first scandal be called?

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You do not want to know what Hollywood thinks of James Woods.

Hollywood? The people who protected the sexual predators Kevin Spacey and Harvey Weinstein for decades?
I was on it today. Didn't seem any different.
I wonder how much of his own company's stocks he bought back when they tanked on the news of the purchase?
Musk will bail in the purchase
Woods was in “Cat’s Eye.” A film with three different “novellas.” All very good.

Edit: Damn, I feel old…….

What will Musk’s first scandal be called?


We're living in an age when the American experiment may very well come to an end and climate change is wrecking the earth, and yet watching that coming attraction I still can't bring myself to miss the 80's.
Nope. He's gotta be in a movie I like and I must like his performance and character in the movie. And he must be agreeing with me about whatever. Otherwise, he's not an expert. Disseminating arbitrary creds arbitrarily is fair.
We're living in an age when the American experiment may very well come to an end and climate change is wrecking the earth, and yet watching that coming attraction I still can't bring myself to miss the 80's.
There is no accounting for taste……..

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