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James Wesley Howell, held in guns case, planned to attend LA Pride festival (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 12, 2015
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The heavily armed suspected gunman arrested in Santa Monica, California yesterday, was identified as James Wesley Howell, a 20-year-old Indiana man.

Authorities were trying to figure out why an Indiana man had three assault rifles and chemicals used to make explosives some 2,000 miles from home in Southern California, where he told the officers who arrested him that he was headed to a gay pride parade.

James Wesley Howell, 20, told police he was going to LA Pride in West Hollywood, an event that draws hundreds of thousands of people each year. But Santa Monica police and the FBI don't yet know his intentions.

His arrest came just a few hours after 49 people were shot and killed in a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, though police said they had found no evidence the incidents were connected.

Still, the incident in L.A. has added to a heightened sense of fear and paranoia in the LGBT community, many of whom described the Orlando massacre as their "biggest fear" made real.

Howell, of Jeffersonville, Indiana, was arrested around 5 a.m. after residents called police to report suspicious behavior by a man who parked his white Acura sedan facing the wrong way. When officers arrived, they saw an assault rifle sitting in Howell's passenger seat, Santa Monica police Lt. Saul Rodriguez said.

They searched the car and found two more assault rifles, high-capacity magazines and ammunition, and a five-gallon bucket with chemicals that could be used to make an explosive device, police said.

Heavily armed man James Wesley Howell said he was going to L.A. gay pride parade - CBS News
If he walked in my ER my first thought would be, "Oh, this guy is out of his meds."
A Bernie Sanders supporter to boot!

I would say that he strayed off the farm just a tad.
Why do the real crazies always go by three names?
Mark David Chapman

John Wesley Hardin


Don't do that.
You're probably too young to know this, but we never say that name. If his name is remembered, he'll have accomplished what he set out to do.
Don't do that.
You're probably too young to know this, but we never say that name. If his name is remembered, he'll have accomplished what he set out to do.

What are you supposed to call him? Some dude?

I dunno:(
Don't do that.
You're probably too young to know this, but we never say that name. If his name is remembered, he'll have accomplished what he set out to do.

Agreed. He is the Lord Voldemort of music.
So why was the white guy caught and the Muslim not?
Yet another crazy man with a gun.
He must be a Muslim, right?

He may or may not be Muslim, but he sure looks like the second gay guy that wanted to shoot a bunch of gay people this week.

The heavily armed suspected gunman arrested in Santa Monica, California yesterday, was identified as James Wesley Howell, a 20-year-old Indiana man.

Heavily armed man James Wesley Howell said he was going to L.A. gay pride parade - CBS News

Before we jump to conclusions people, recognize that in INDIANA where this gentleman is from citizens are allowed to openly carry rifles with no permit required. PLUS, there is no assault weapon ban.

If I recall correctly, his weapons were not "hidden," one was clearly visible in the front seat of his parked car...hence the "suspicious" report to the police by "alert" citizens of California who know you aren't allowed such weapons in THEIR state.

So, for the sake of this discussion, it is completely possible that he simply was not smart enough to check up on out-of-state gun law. That he brought the guns for some hunting or whatever...and simply wanted to see/attend the Pride parade because HE is gay/bi or just curious?

Now that does not prevent him from being held accountable under California law, since ignorance of the law is no excuse.

But it is an alternate possibility.

Just saying... :coffeepap:
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