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James O'Keefe Supports Hilary.. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 16, 2012
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Tucson, AZ
Political Leaning
..well, not exactly.

Just because I know some of you will enjoy seeing this guy get his tail kicked.

..well, not exactly.

Just because I know some of you will enjoy seeing this guy get his tail kicked.


He couldn't even be a convincing Hillary supporter. His biggest problem is that he buys into every strawman about liberals he's ever heard.
He couldn't even be a convincing Hillary supporter. His biggest problem is that he buys into every strawman about liberals he's ever heard.

Um...were those Trump supporters he was walking through? Are Sanders supporters not liberals?
O'Keefe was actually kind of funny. Can't say that about the burning Bernioids, though.
He couldn't even be a convincing Hillary supporter. His biggest problem is that he buys into every strawman about liberals he's ever heard.

No true Scotsman.
Um...were those Trump supporters he was walking through? Are Sanders supporters not liberals?

A lot of Sanders supporters are Independents.....and a lot of Independents are conservative.
A lot of Sanders supporters are Independents.....and a lot of Independents are conservative.

Are you trying to imply Sanders supporters are conservatives? Wow, that is a yuuuuuuuge stretch.
He couldn't even be a convincing Hillary supporter. His biggest problem is that he buys into every strawman about liberals he's ever heard.

I dunno man, he looked plenty believable to me; superfluous nonsense about 'breaking the glass ceiling' and 'it's time for our first female president' are exactly the sort of things Hillary partisans are actually screaming at the top of their lungs at political events, including when they throw down with Bernie supporters like me.
I'm gonna vote with my testicles. Sorry. It beats the alternative.
People are sick of the status quo, establishment control. Others are are just sick with Communism

So what do these people want to replace the status quo and establishment control with?
I just want to note for the record that I have met a whole lot of Sanders supporters and so far none have given me the impression that they would EVER act like those in the video. That being said, if people like this were the same ones showing up at Trump events during the primaries it's a wonder there weren't more incidents.
Are you trying to imply Sanders supporters are conservatives? Wow, that is a yuuuuuuuge stretch.

I'm saying that a lot Sander supporters are Independents.
I just want to note for the record that I have met a whole lot of Sanders supporters and so far none have given me the impression that they would EVER act like those in the video. That being said, if people like this were the same ones showing up at Trump events during the primaries it's a wonder there weren't more incidents.

The ones at the Trump rallies were actually DNC sponsored actors to make Sanders supporters look bad. It came out in the leaks.
A lot of Sanders supporters are Independents.....and a lot of Independents are conservative.

Well now, I'll buy into the Independent part but you're not going to find a Conservative voting for Sanders. Those two political ideologies are on opposite ends of the spectrum.
So what do these people want to replace the status quo and establishment control with?

I don't think they have quite thought that part through yet.
The ones at the Trump rallies were actually DNC sponsored actors to make Sanders supporters look bad. It came out in the leaks.

Izzat a fact? Somehow or other that just doesn't surprise me.
I'm gonna vote with my testicles. Sorry. It beats the alternative.

That post is like quadruple entendre.
The only thing missing is a related claim about where the post was sent from.
O'Keefe was actually kind of funny. Can't say that about the burning Bernioids, though.

When hillary wins it will be specifically because of the Bernie supporters you so frequently trash
I don't think they have quite thought that part through yet.

It's pretty well encompassed by Bernie's platform; this isn't Occupy Wallstreet.

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